// // kremalicious3 // -------------- // Mixins // // Micro Clearfix ///////////////////////////////////// clearfix() &:before, &:after content: " " display: table &:after clear: both .clearfix clearfix() // Floats ///////////////////////////////////// alignright() float: right alignleft() float: left .alignright alignright() .alignleft alignleft() // Centering Blocks ///////////////////////////////////// aligncenter() display: block margin-left: auto margin-right: auto .aligncenter aligncenter() // Centering Text ///////////////////////////////////// textcenter() text-align: center .textcenter textcenter() // Toggling content ///////////////////////////////////// // Hide from both screenreaders and browsers: h5bp.com/u hide() display: none !important visibility: hidden show() display: block visibility: visible .hide hide() .show show() // Hide only visually, but have it available for screenreaders: h5bp.com/v visuallyhidden() border: 0 clip: rect(0 0 0 0) height: 1px margin: -1px overflow: hidden padding: 0 position: absolute width: 1px // Extends the .visuallyhidden class to allow the // element to be focusable when navigated to via the keyboard: h5bp.com/p &.focusable:active, &.focusable:focus clip: auto height: auto margin: 0 overflow: visible position: static width: auto .visuallyhidden visuallyhidden() // Hide visually and from screenreaders, but maintain layout .invisible visibility: hidden // CSS image replacement ///////////////////////////////////// .ir, .hide-text font: 0/0 a color: transparent text-shadow: none background-color: transparent border: 0 // Dimmed Text ///////////////////////////////////// dimmed() color: $text-color-dimmed p color: $text-color-dimmed li color: $text-color-dimmed .dimmed dimmed() // Text overflow ///////////////////////////////////// ellipsis() text-overflow: ellipsis overflow: hidden white-space: nowrap .ellipsis ellipsis() // Default transition ///////////////////////////////////// transition() transition: all ease-in-out .15s .transition transition() // Dashed Dividers ///////////////////////////////////// .divider-top, .divider-bottom position: relative &:before content: "" position: absolute left: 0 height: 1px .divider-top border-top: 1px dashed #afc3cb padding-top: 1em &:after content: "" position: absolute left: 0 height: 1px top: 0 width: 100% border-top: 1px dashed #fff .divider-bottom border-bottom: 1px dashed #afc3cb padding-bottom: 1em &:before bottom: -2px width: 100% border-bottom: 1px dashed #fff // Heading band ///////////////////////////////////// .heading-band display: inline-block clear: both background: rgba(255,255,255,.55) padding: ($line-height-computed/2) $line-height-computed ($line-height-computed/2) 100% margin-left: -100% // Lead paragraph ///////////////////////////////////// .lead font-size: $font-size-large line-height: ($line-height-computed*1.15) // Button sizing ///////////////////////////////////// button-size(padding-vertical, padding-horizontal, font-size, line-height, border-radius) padding: padding-vertical padding-horizontal font-size: font-size line-height: line-height border-radius: border-radius // Form control sizing ///////////////////////////////////// input-size(input-height, padding-vertical, padding-horizontal, font-size, line-height, border-radius) height: input-height padding: padding-vertical padding-horizontal font-size: font-size line-height: line-height border-radius: border-radius input[type="search"]& background-size: font-size background-position: padding-vertical center padding-left: (padding-vertical*4) select& height: input-height line-height: input-height textarea&, select[multiple]& height: auto // Placeholder text ///////////////////////////////////// placeholder($color = $input-color-placeholder) &::-moz-placeholder // Firefox color $color opacity 1 // Override Firefox's unusual default opacity; See https//github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/11526 &:-ms-input-placeholder // Internet Explorer 10+ color $color &::-webkit-input-placeholder // Safari and Chrome color $color