import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test' test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('/gatsby-redirect-from/') }) test('matches screenshot', async ({ page }) => { await expect(page.locator('header[aria-label="Header"]')).toHaveScreenshot() }) test('all menu buttons are present', async ({ page }) => { const theme = page.getByTitle('Toggle Theme') const search = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Search' }) const menu = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Menu' }) await expect(theme).toBeVisible() await expect(search).toBeVisible() await expect(menu).toBeVisible() }) test('page menu is working', async ({ page }) => { const menuButton = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Menu' }) const menu = page.locator('nav[aria-label="Pages"]') const body = page.locator('body') expect(menu).toBeHidden() expect(body).not.toHaveClass(/has-menu-open/) // open menu await await expect(menu).toBeVisible() await expect(body).toHaveClass(/has-menu-open/) // close menu await await expect(menu).toBeHidden() await expect(body).not.toHaveClass('has-menu-open') }) test('search ui is working', async ({ page }) => { const search = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Search' }) const emptyMessage = 'Awaiting your input fellow web wanderer' // Mock the api call before search await page.route('*/**/api/posts', async (route) => { const json = [ { data: { title: 'MomCorp Wallpaper' }, slug: 'momcorp-wallpaper' } ] await route.fulfill({ json }) }) // open search await await expect(page.getByText(emptyMessage)).toBeVisible() // fill search field const searchField = page.getByPlaceholder('Search everything') searchField.focus() await searchField.fill('wallpaper') await expect(page.getByText(emptyMessage)).toBeHidden() await expect(page.getByText('No results found')).toBeHidden() await expect(page.getByText('MomCorp Wallpaper')).toBeVisible() // empty search field await searchField.fill('') await expect(page.getByText(emptyMessage)).toBeVisible() // close search await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Close search' }).click() await expect(searchField).toBeHidden() }) test('theme toggle is working', async ({ page }) => { const themeToggle = page.getByTitle('Toggle Theme') const htmlElement = page.locator('html') // Check initial theme (assuming it's 'light' by default) await expect(htmlElement).toHaveAttribute('data-theme', 'light') // Click to toggle theme await await expect(htmlElement).toHaveAttribute('data-theme', 'dark') // Click to toggle theme back await await expect(htmlElement).toHaveAttribute('data-theme', 'light') })