import { useState, useEffect } from 'react' import { useStore } from '@nanostores/react' import { useNetwork } from 'wagmi' import type { SendTransactionArgs, WriteContractPreparedArgs } from 'wagmi/actions' import { $amount, $selectedToken } from '@features/Web3/stores' import { prepare } from './prepare' export function usePrepareSend({ to }: { to: `0x${string}` | null | undefined }) { const selectedToken = useStore($selectedToken) const amount = useStore($amount) const { chain } = useNetwork() const [txConfig, setTxConfig] = useState< SendTransactionArgs | WriteContractPreparedArgs >() const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false) const [isError, setIsError] = useState(false) const [error, setError] = useState() useEffect(() => { async function init() { if (!selectedToken || !amount || !to || !chain?.id) return setError(undefined) setIsError(false) setIsLoading(true) try { const config = await prepare(selectedToken, amount, to, setTxConfig(config) } catch (error: unknown) { console.error((error as Error).message) setIsError(true) // only expose useful errors in UI if ( (error as Error).message.includes( 'this transaction exceeds the balance of the account.' ) ) { setError(undefined) } } finally { setIsLoading(false) } } init() }, [selectedToken || amount || to || chain?.id]) return { data: txConfig, isLoading, isError, error } }