title: Icy Box Icons
image: ../media/Teaser-Icy-Box.jpg
download: ../media/icybox_by_kremalicious.zip

date: 2008-08-26 19:16:38+00:00

  - goodies
  - icon

  - /new-goodie-icy-box-icons/

A friend of mine asked me to craft an icon for his external hard drive case and I would like to share those with you too. These desktop icons show the the silver and black Icy Box external aluminium case with USB interface and are intended as a replacement for the generic external hard disk icon in Mac OS X Leopard.

As always these desktop icons are free for you personal and non-commercial use. All other usage of this copyrighted material require my written permission.

The whole package includes 7 icons either packed in a nice tagged iContainer for use with Candybar or in Mac + Win + Linux compatible formats. If you have such an Icy Box case grab the icons. Have fun!

<p class="content-download">
    <a class="icon-download" href="../media/icybox_by_kremalicious.zip">Download Icy Box Icons <span>zip</span></a>

- Replacement icons for the silver and black Icy Box external aluminium case with USB interface
- Mac + Win + Linux + iContainer
- Leopard ready (512x512)
- including 7 icons with 2 Time Machine versions

[![Icy Box Icons](../media/icybox_teaser2_small.png)](../media/icybox_teaser2.jpg)