import path from 'node:path' import ora from 'ora' import { createPhotoPost } from './createPhotoPost.js' import { createArticlePost } from './createArticlePost.js' const postsPath = path.join('.', 'content', 'articles') const photosPath = path.join('.', 'content', 'photos') const spinner = ora('Adding new post').start() if (!process.argv[2]) { 'Use the format `npm run new "Title of post"` or `npm run new photo path/to/photo.jpg`' ) } const isPhoto = process.argv[2] === 'photo' if (isPhoto) { const photo = process.argv[3] const photoTitle = process.argv[4] createPhotoPost(photosPath, spinner, photo, photoTitle) } else { const title = process.argv[2] const newDate = process.argv[3] createArticlePost(postsPath, spinner, title, newDate) }