// // kremalicious3 // -------------- // Global variables & settings // // Settings ///////////////////////////////////// vendors = official // Stylus' @keyframes settings // Asset Paths ///////////////////////////////////// $img-path = '/assets/img/' $font-path = '/assets/fonts/' // Colors ///////////////////////////////////// $brand-dark = #015565 $brand-light = #e7eef4 $brand-cyan = #3a9085 $brand-grey = #56666e $brand-grey-light = lighten($brand-grey, 15%) // Text Colors ///////////////////////////////////// $text-color = $brand-grey-light $text-color-light = lighten($brand-grey-light, 30%) $text-color-dimmed = lighten($brand-grey-light, 50%) // Typography ///////////////////////////////////// $font-size-root = 18px $font-size-root-lg = 20px $font-size-base = 1rem $font-size-large = 1.35rem $font-size-small = 0.8rem $font-size-mini = 0.7rem $font-size-h1 = 3rem $font-size-h2 = 2rem $font-size-h3 = 1.75rem $font-size-h4 = $font-size-large $font-size-h5 = $font-size-base $font-size-h6 = $font-size-small $line-height = 1.5 $line-height-large = 1.5 $line-height-small = 1.1428571429 $font-family-base = 'ff-tisa-sans-web-pro', 'Trebuchet MS', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif $font-weight-base = 400 $font-color-base = $text-color $font-family-monospace = Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace $headings-font-family = 'brandon-grotesque', 'Avenir Next', 'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif $headings-font-weight = 500 // Medium $headings-line-height = 1.1 $headings-color = $brand-dark // Scaffolding ///////////////////////////////////// $body-bg = #dfe8ef $page-bg = $brand-light // Links ///////////////////////////////////// $link-color = lighten($brand-cyan, 10%) $link-color-hover = lighten($link-color, 15%) // Grid ///////////////////////////////////// $gutter-space = $spacer // Components spacing ///////////////////////////////////// $spacer = ($font-size-base * $line-height) $border-radius-base = 3px $border-radius-small = $border-radius-base $border-radius-large = $border-radius-base $padding-base-vertical = 8px $padding-base-horizontal = 18px $padding-small-vertical = ($padding-base-vertical / 2) $padding-small-horizontal = ($padding-base-horizontal / 2) $padding-large-vertical = ($padding-base-vertical * 2) $padding-large-horizontal = ($padding-base-horizontal * 2) // Forms ///////////////////////////////////// $input-bg = #fff $input-bg-focus = #fff $input-bg-disabled = $brand-grey-light $input-font-size = $font-size-base $input-font-weight = $font-weight-base $input-color = $font-color-base $input-color-placeholder = rgba(46, 79, 92, .3) $input-border = $brand-grey-light $input-border-radius = $border-radius-base $input-border-focus = $brand-cyan $input-height-base = ($spacer + ($padding-base-vertical * 2) + 2) $input-height-large = (ceil($font-size-large * $line-height-large) + ($padding-large-vertical * 2) + 1) $input-height-small = (floor($font-size-small * $line-height-small) + ($padding-small-vertical * 2) + 2) // Code ///////////////////////////////////// $code-bg = #343642 $code-color = #C1C2C3 $kbd-bg = $code-bg $kbd-color = $code-color // Responsive breakpoints ///////////////////////////////////// $screen-small-min = 30em $screen-medium-min = 40.625em $screen-large-min = 87.500em $breakpoint1 = 'only screen and (min-width: 30em)' $breakpoint2 = 'only screen and (min-width: 40.625em)' $breakpoint3 = 'only screen and (min-width: 87.500em)' // High dpi media query ///////////////////////////////////// $highDPI = 'print, (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 5/4), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25), (min-resolution: 120dpi) ' $highDPI_3x = 'print, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3), (min-resolution: 344dpi) ' // Tooltips ///////////////////////////////////// $tooltip-color = #fff $tooltip-bg = darken($brand-dark, 15%)