{ "post": { "html": "

An awesome creative idea for a blog post about Web-Design from Joshua Clanton:


Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire artists, scientists and others. Here are six things we can learn from him about web design.

", "excerpt": "An awesome creative idea for a blog post about Web-Design from Joshua Clanton: Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the greatest artists of theā€¦", "frontmatter": { "title": "6 Web Design Tips from Leonardo da Vinci", "image": null, "toc": null, "author": "Matthias Kretschmann", "updated": null, "tags": ["design"], "linkurl": "http://designpepper.com/blog/6-web-design-tips-from-leonardo-da-vinci", "style": null, "changelog": null }, "fields": { "type": "link", "slug": "/6-web-design-tips-from-leonardo-da-vinci", "date": "2008-04-04T18:43:05.000Z", "githubLink": "https://github.com/kremalicious/blog/tree/main/content/posts/2008-04-04-6-web-design-tips-from-leonardo-da-vinci.md" }, "rawMarkdownBody": "\nAn awesome creative idea for a blog post about Web-Design from Joshua Clanton:\n\n> Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire artists, scientists and others. Here are six things we can learn from him about web design.\n", "tableOfContents": "" } }