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@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
author: Matthias Kretschmann
comments: true
date: 2007-06-11 18:44:28+00:00
layout: post
slug: finally-a-universal-scanner-driver-for-the-canon-canoscan-lide-500f-for-intel-macs
title: Finally... a universal scanner driver for the Canon CanoScan LiDE 500F for
Intel Macs
author: Matthias Kretschmann
date: 2007-06-11 18:44:28+00:00
wordpress_id: 1563
- photography
@ -14,25 +14,21 @@ tags:
**UPDATE: I wrote a follow up article describing how to use this scanner with the newest Mac operating system Leopard. Feel free to head over to this article to get the freshest facts about using this scanner with Mac OS X:
[Using the CanoScan LiDE 500F scanner with Mac OS X Leopard](http://www.kremalicious.com/2008/05/using-the-canoscan-lide-500f-with-mac-os-x-leopard/)**
[Using the CanoScan LiDE 500F scanner with Mac OS X Leopard](/using-the-canoscan-lide-500f-with-mac-os-x-leopard/)**
At the end of last year I watched out for a new scanner and the CanoScan LiDE 500f from Canon was the choice. But finding a suitable driver wasn't that simple cause everywhere around was only the horribly old PowerPC-driver. As long as I had my old G4 in the house it wasn't that problem. But at this time all Macs were already Intel-powered and also my new MacBook which replaced the G4 was Intel-Powered and i had a problem.
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So there were two choices for using the scanner on an Intel-Mac: installing the PowerPC-driver and using [VueScan](http://www.hamrick.com/) for scanning. But, man, was that slow! And i couldn't get the 16bit per channel scanning to function, which is an essential function for me. Also they want to have 40$ for this app, which isn't that much but after spending money for the scanner and for Photoshop I didn't want to buy another component for using the scanner. On the other hand you could use the [Preview.app](http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/pdf/) built into MAC OS X with Image > Import Image. But this last solution only offers rudimentary functions for scanning. Good to scan a document but not for scanning photos in high quality and for archive purposes. And nevertheless none of these solutions worked for scanning directly in the new Adobe Photoshop CS3.
So I called the Canon Support two months ago but they could only say sorry and advertise for their new scanner LiDE 600f which has a new Universal-driver and so on. But it hasn't really any new functions. And spending 100$ or so just for a new driver? So what??! They really wanted me to replace my scanner, which isn't a year old. Fu***ng Canon-Support! So I had to keep on searching on all Canon-websites and finally...
So I called the Canon Support two months ago but they could only say sorry and advertise for their new scanner LiDE 600f which has a new Universal-driver and so on. But it hasn't really any new functions. And spending 100$ or so just for a new driver? So what??! They really wanted me to replace my scanner, which isn't a year old. Damn Canon-Support! So I had to keep on searching on all Canon-websites and finally...
## The solution...
[Canon Asia](http://www.canon-asia.com/) (Canon South & Southeast-Asia to be precise) was the solution! They really offer a universal-driver for the CanoScan LiDE 500f on their site which is from June 2007! You have to follow this link and choose your desired device:
@ -46,15 +42,11 @@ And after installing (and rebooting the system) you can use the scanner with Pho
![image](/media/canon3.png)And don't forget to take a look in the preferences-dialog in the scan-window to set your color-management under the tab "Color Settings"
![image](/media/canon4.png)Another important setting is enabling 16bit per channel scanning under the tab "Scan".
The only problem that remains is that Photoshop really uses 50% of my CPU-Power (2GHz Intel Core2Duo) just when the scan-window is open. But now after six months of waiting i can finally scan my analog photography in acceptable quality. Thanks to Canon for nothing!
**UPDATE: I wrote a follow up article describing how to use this scanner with the newest Mac operating system Leopard. Feel free to head over to this article to get the freshest facts about using this scanner with Mac OS X:
[Using the CanoScan LiDE 500F scanner with Mac OS X Leopard](http://www.kremalicious.com/2008/05/using-the-canoscan-lide-500f-with-mac-os-x-leopard/)**
[Using the CanoScan LiDE 500F scanner with Mac OS X Leopard](/using-the-canoscan-lide-500f-with-mac-os-x-leopard/)**

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@ -1,98 +1,74 @@
author: Matthias Kretschmann
comments: true
date: 2008-07-11 00:20:22+00:00
layout: post
slug: enjoy-kremaliciousiphone
title: Enjoy Kremalicious{iPhone}
author: Matthias Kretschmann
date: 2008-07-11 00:20:22+00:00
wordpress_id: 85
- personal
![](/media/kremaliciousiphone_thumb.png)I'm thrilled to announce that kremalicious.com now uses an iPhone optimized theme. When you browse this website with your iPhone everything will automagically switch to the new kremalicious iPhone theme which is simply called kremalicious{iPhone}. See those hip brackets?
![](/media/kremaliciousiphone_thumb.png)I'm thrilled to announce that kremalicious.com now uses an iPhone optimized theme. When you browse this website with your iPhone everything will automagically switch to the new kremalicious iPhone theme which is simply called kremalicious.iPhone. See those hip brackets?
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When the website detects an iPhone or iPod Touch it will automatically switch to another freshly created theme which is absolutely seamless to the user. This detection is done by the wonderful slim iPhone Wordpress plug-in from ContentRobot which was slightly modified by me.
The theme itself makes heavy use of the -webkit-border-radius css option to display all the round corners. That's why there are just four images at work in the whole theme which makes it load in no time even on EDGE connections. And because just the theme is switching all the content remain the same so you don't have just a shortened mobile version of this website.
The theme itself makes heavy use of the `-webkit-border-radius` css option to display all the round corners. That's why there are just four images at work in the whole theme which makes it load in no time even on EDGE connections. And because just the theme is switching all the content remain the same so you don't have just a shortened mobile version of this website.
Beside that I've used some special html and css properties which are essential for the iPhone:
## The Viewport
While Safari on iPhone will display all websites just fine it can happen that the initial viewport is too big so the text is too small to read. By setting a viewport meta tag you can exactly define the viewable dimensions of your website. Apple has [some nice examples](http://developer.apple.com/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/UsingtheViewport/chapter_4_section_3.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006509-SW33) for understanding the importance of setting the Viewport in iPhone optimized websites.
The viewport can be larger or smaller than the visible area but I wanted my content to exactly fit the width of the iPhone and the goal was to make the text legible on first load. So here's what I use for kremalicious{iPhone}:
The viewport can be larger or smaller than the visible area but I wanted my content to exactly fit the width of the iPhone and the goal was to make the text legible on first load. So here's what I use for kremalicious.iPhone:
`<meta name="Viewport" content="maximum-scale=1.6,width=device-width" >`
{% highlight html %}
<meta name="Viewport" content="maximum-scale=1.6,width=device-width" >
{% endhighlight %}
This code will let the user scale the content up to 1.6 times to the default view and the default width of the content is set to the width of the (iPhone) device.
## Tap Color
There's neither an active nor a hover state for links on the iPhone which makes sense on a touch interface although it would be much easier to just use a:active for the tap highlighting. Safari on the iPhone uses a special webkit property for that:
`-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(234,234,234,0.5);`
{% highlight css %}
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(234,234,234,0.5);
{% endhighlight %}
## Home Screen Icon
![image](/media/kremalicious-iconiphone.png)I've used a 147x147px icon so the icon looks crisp and sharp on the iPhone screen (because it's a 160dpi screen). You really should use a bigger size than [Apple's recommendation in their iPhone HIG](https://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/IconsImages/chapter_14_section_2.html). You have to provide a png icon without rounded corners and without the highlight shine since the iPhone will render that automatically on the icon. The icon has to be named apple-touch-icon.png and gets automatically detected when put in the root of your website. Additionally you can tell the iPhone the place where the icon is with this link tag in your head section:
`<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/i/apple-touch-icon.png" />`
{% highlight html %}
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/i/apple-touch-icon.png" />
{% endhighlight %}
And finally many thanks to [cschock](http://www.cschock.de) for continuously testing my code voodoo soup even at late hours.
## Resources for you to do the same and even more
* [iWPhone by ContentRobot](http://iwphone.contentrobot.com/): The plug-in I use for kremalicious{iPhone}. It detects an iPhone or iPod Touch and switches to another simple theme. You can easily adjust the plugin to point it to your own theme.
* [iWPhone by ContentRobot](http://iwphone.contentrobot.com/): The plug-in I use for kremalicious.iPhone. It detects an iPhone or iPod Touch and switches to another simple theme. You can easily adjust the plugin to point it to your own theme.
* [WPTouch - Wordpress iPhonified](http://www.bravenewcode.com/wptouch/): If you don't want to digg into html, css and iPhone specific properties this plug-in will help you. Once activated it automatically switches to an iPhone like theme with lots of eyecandy. You can customize some colors and a lot of different icons all from the Wordpress admin panel
* [Tutorial: Building a website for the iPhone](http://www.engageinteractive.co.uk/blog/2008/06/19/tutorial-building-a-website-for-the-iphone/): Amazing tutorial for changing content based on the orientation of the iPhone or iPod Touch. Just browse their website with your iPhone or iPod Touch to see it in action.
* [iPhone Native Looking Skin](http://ajaxian.com/archives/iphone-native-looking-skin): Sort of a template based on css and javascript which simulates the iPhone UI. ([Final look](http://joehewitt.com/files/iphone/navigation.html))
* [Touching and Gesturing on the iPhone](http://ajaxian.com/archives/iphone-native-looking-skin): Build your websites with some touch gesture features! Here's the javascript code for it.
## THE Apple resources for iPhone & Web Content
* [Safari Web Content Guide for iPhone](http://developer.apple.com/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/Introduction/chapter_1_section_1.html)
* [iPhone Human Interface Guidelines for Web Applications](http://developer.apple.com/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneHIG/Introduction/chapter_1_section_1.html)
* [iPhone Human Interface Guidelines](https://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/Introduction/chapter_1_section_1.html) (free developer account required)
* [iPhone Human Interface Guidelines](https://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/Introduction/chapter_1_section_1.html) (free developer account required)