Badged transforms the standard WordPress update & comment notification badges into iOS-styled ones. Upon activation it automatically replaces the badge styles in the admin menu and the admin bar. An optional settings page allows to control whether the badges show up as the new default iOS style or styled as pre-iOS 7 badges.
The badges are CSS only (box shadows, gradients, pseudo elements, you name it) and were tested in current versions of Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. If you care for how it’s done exactly, you can peek around in the [repository on github](
The plugin is hosted on github and will always be mirrored in the WordPress plugins directory. But in case you want to install the plugin manually:
1. Upload the badged plugin folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the _Plugins_ menu in WordPress
3. Enjoy
4. (optional) Adjust options under _Settings > Badged_. Upon activation the plugin sets both options by default:
If you find any problems you can [open an issue on Github]( or just drop me a line in the comments or on [Twitter](