It [has been revealed]( the original iPhone was developed in a locked down building under the name "Project Purple". Because of the secrecy involved, the team decorated the building with [Fight Club]( references. If you don't think this demands a wallpaper, you're weird.
> Forstall said that "on the front door of the Purple Dorm we put a sign up that said 'Fight Club'... because the first rule of that project was to not talk about it outside those doors."
The full size I designed the wallpaper in is 3200x2048px. I don't know why Apple uses 3200px as width for the default wallpapers in Mountain Lion but it seems a good width for now. And a height of 2048px makes this big size perfectly usable for the iPad 3 too.

## Download
Download the whole package with all the sizes included or grab the individual ones from the list, all linked to the image files:
Project Purple by [Matthias Kretschmann]( is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Germany License](