title: Redirect plugin for Markdown Pages in Gatsby
image: gatsby-redirect-from-teaser.png
changelog: gatsby-redirect-from
- goodies
- gatsby
- development
toc: true
Plugin for [Gatsby](https://www.gatsbyjs.org) to create redirects based on a list in your Markdown frontmatter, mimicking the behavior of [jekyll-redirect-from](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-redirect-from).
By adding a `redirect_from` list of URLs to your Markdown file's YAML frontmatter, this plugin creates client-side redirects for all of them at build time, with Gatsby's [createRedirect](https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/actions/#createRedirect) used under the hood.
By combining this plugin with [gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect](https://github.com/getchalk/gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect) you get simple server-side redirects from your `redirect_from` lists out of the box. You can also combine it with any other plugin picking up Gatsby `createRedirect` calls to get proper SEO-friendly [server-side redirects](#server-side-redirects) for your hosting provider.
Plugin assumes the default setup from [gatsby-starter-blog](https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog), with Markdown files processed by [gatsby-transformer-remark](https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/tree/master/packages/gatsby-transformer-remark), and adding a field `slug` for each markdown node. Resulting in the availability of a `allMarkdownRemark` query.
Head over to `gatsby-starter-blog`'s [`gatsby-node.js`](https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog/blob/master/gatsby-node.js#L57) file to see how this is done, or follow the [Adding Markdown Pages](https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/adding-markdown-pages/) tutorial.
Gatsby's `createRedirect` only creates client-side redirects, so further integration is needed to get SEO-friendly server-side redirects or make your redirects work when users have JavaScript disabled. Which is highly dependent on your hosting provider: if you want to have the proper HTML status codes like `301`, Apache needs `.htaccess` rules for that, Nginx needs `rewrite` rules, S3 needs `RoutingRules`, Vercel needs entries in a `vercel.json`, Netlify needs a `_redirects` file, and so on.
One simple way, as suggested by default in installation, is to use [gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect](https://github.com/getchalk/gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect) to generate static HTML files with a `<meta http-equiv="refresh" />` tag for every `createRedirect` call in their `<head>`. So it works out of the box with this plugin without further adjustments.
This way is the most compatible way of handling redirects, working with pretty much every hosting provider. Only catch: it's only for usability, no SEO-friendly `301` redirect is set anywhere.
For some hosting providers additional plugins are available which will pick up the redirects created by this plugin and create server-side redirects for you. Be sure to add any of those plugins after `gatsby-redirect-from` in your `gatsby-config.js`: