--- layout: base front_page: true css: page-front --- {% assign content = site.data.content-front %} {% include oceanprotocol.html %}
{% include menu-main.html %}

{{ content.hero.title }}

{{ content.hero.description }}

{{ content.hero.action }}

{{ content.intro.title }}

{{ content.intro.description }}

{{ content.intro.text | markdownify }}
IPDB Distributed
{% for feature in content.intro.features %}
{{ feature.title }}

{{ feature.title }}

{{ feature.text | markdownify }}
{% if feature.list %}
    {% for item in feature.list %}
  • {{ item }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{{ content.foundation.title }}

{{ content.foundation.description }}

IPDB Governance
{% include caretakers.html %}

{{ content.roadmap.title }}

{{ content.roadmap.description }}

{% for step in content.roadmap.steps %} {% assign status = step.status %}

{{ step.net }}

{{ step.target }}

{% if step.time %}

{{ step.time }}

{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{{ content.getstarted.title }}

{{ content.getstarted.description }}

{% for step in content.getstarted.steps %} {% endfor %}

Want to send a transaction to IPDB right now?

Create your first transaction quickly and easily on the BigchainDB Get Started page, or the art of crafting a perfect transaction.

Send your first transaction

Community Tools

BigchainDB Explorer GitHub

Use BigchainDB's HTTP API to explore assets, accounts and transactions.

IPDB Explorer GitHub

Tool for exploring IPDB txs based on asset ids and public keys

{{ content.connect.title }}

{{ content.connect.description }}

{{ content.connect.blog_title }}

{% for article in site.articles limit: 4 %} {% endfor %}