--- layout: base front_page: true css: page-front --- {% assign content = site.data.content-front %}
{% include menu-main.html %}

{{ content.hero.title }}

{{ content.hero.description }}

{{ site.signup.button }}

{{ content.intro.title }}

{{ content.intro.description }}

{{ content.intro.text | markdownify }}
IPDB Distributed
{% for feature in content.intro.features %}
{{ feature.title }}

{{ feature.title }}

{{ feature.text | markdownify }}
{% if feature.list %}
    {% for item in feature.list %}
  • {{ item }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{{ content.foundation.title }}

{{ content.foundation.description }}

IPDB Governance
{% include caretakers.html %}

{{ content.roadmap.title }}

{{ content.roadmap.description }}

{% for step in content.roadmap.steps %} {% assign status = step.status %}

{{ step.net }}

{{ step.target }}

{% if step.time %}

{{ step.time }}

{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{{ content.getstarted.title }}

{{ content.getstarted.description }}


{% for step in content.getstarted.steps %} {% endfor %}

Just want to have a quick look into a transaction?

Over on the BigchainDB site you can quickly create your first transaction, and learn how to craft a proper one.

Send your first transaction

{{ content.connect.title }}

{{ content.connect.description }}

{{ content.connect.blog_title }}

{% for article in site.articles limit: 4 %} {% endfor %}