# ---------------------------- # Section: First Transaction # ---------------------------- firsttransaction: title: "Send your first transaction" message: label: "Type a message" button: "Off you go" request: "Your message will be wrapped in an asset and sent with the transaction." response: "Nicely done! You have just created an asset and sent it in a signed transaction." # ---------------------------- # Section: Server # ---------------------------- server: title: "Network" description: "Roll out your own BigchainDB network, or let us take care of this for you." network: pretitle: "Managed" title: "The BigchainDB Test Network" version_title: "The BigchainDB Test Network is currently running on BigchainDB " description: "No installation needed. We handle running a BigchainDB network for you." button: "Visit the Test Network" link: "https://test.bigchaindb.com" bdb: pretitle: "Self-Hosted" title: "BigchainDB Server" description: "If you want to deploy and run your own BigchainDB node or network, you can." button: "Deploy a BigchainDB node" link: "http://docs.bigchaindb.com/projects/server/en/latest/simple-deployment-template/index.html" # ---------------------------- # Section: Drivers # ---------------------------- drivers: title: "Drivers & Tools" description: "Clone or download one of the drivers below to connect to BigchainDB." title_official: "Official drivers" title_tools: "Official tools" title_community: "Community drivers" # ---------------------------- # Section: Docs # ---------------------------- docs: title: "Guides & Documentation " description: "Dive into our documentation with guides, examples, terminology, references and more." button_documentation: "See All Documentation" button_guides: "See the Guide" categories: - title: "Code Examples" items: - title: "Basic Usage Examples" link: "https://docs.bigchaindb.com/projects/py-driver/en/latest/usage.html" - title: "Handcrafting Transactions" link: "https://docs.bigchaindb.com/projects/py-driver/en/latest/handcraft.html" - title: "Quick References" items: - title: "HTTP API" link: "https://docs.bigchaindb.com/projects/server/en/latest/http-client-server-api.html" - title: "Data Models" link: "https://docs.bigchaindb.com/projects/server/en/latest/data-models/index.html" - title: "Server Command Line Interface (CLI)" link: "https://docs.bigchaindb.com/projects/server/en/latest/server-reference/bigchaindb-cli.html" - title: "Server Configuration Settings" link: "https://docs.bigchaindb.com/projects/server/en/latest/server-reference/configuration.html" - title: "WebSocket Event Stream API" link: "https://docs.bigchaindb.com/projects/server/en/latest/websocket-event-stream-api.html" # ---------------------------- # Section: Community # ---------------------------- community: title: "Community" description: "There are many ways you can contribute to the BigchainDB project, some very easy and others more involved. We welcome all potential contributors, so we ask that everyone participating abide by some simple guidelines." gitter: text: "Join the conversation or chat directly with us." button: "Chat on Gitter" github: text: "Looking to contribute? Found a bug? Open an issue." button: "Head to GitHub" guidelines: text: "Read up on our community guidelines." button: "Read Guidelines" follow: title: "Follow" description: "Follow us for the latest news, updates and announcements."