# The Basics # -------------------- name: BigchainDB description: 'The scalable blockchain database.' url: https://www.bigchaindb.com email: contact: contact@bigchaindb.com cla: troy@ascribe.io cla_cc: sylvain@bigchaindb.com twitter: BigchainDB facebook: BigchainDB github: org: bigchaindb repo: bigchaindb medium: the-bigchaindb-blog googlegroup: bigchaindb gitter: bigchaindb/bigchaindb disqus: bigchain linkedin: bigchaindb youtube: UCh0Y3p3kJ9oyz9CRgZaO05w address: company: BigchainDB GmbH street: Wichertstr. 14a zip: 10439 city: Berlin country: Germany # Track all the things # -------------------- analyticsID: UA-60614729-8 typekitID: fih1ngo # Urls # -------------------- permalink: /:title/ # Content Parsing # -------------------- markdown: redcarpet redcarpet: extensions: ['no_intra_emphasis', 'autolink', 'tables', 'smart', 'hard_wrap', 'fenced_code_blocks', 'strikethrough', 'highlight', 'quote', 'footnotes', 'with_toc_data', 'space_after_headers', 'superscript', 'lax_spacing'] # Generator # -------------------- source: ./_src destination: ./_dist # Jekyll native collections # -------------------- collections: usecases: output: true permalink: /:collection/:path/ partners: output: true permalink: /:collection/:path/ # Plugins # -------------------- gems: - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-redirect-from jekyll_get: data: countries json: 'https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/all?fields=name;alpha2Code'