# The Basics # -------------------- name: BigchainDB description: 'The blockchain database.' url: https://www.bigchaindb.com bigchaindb_api_url: https://test.bigchaindb.com # set to `true` to make hiring link appear in main menu hiring: false email: contact: contact@bigchaindb.com cla: xwojnopx cla_cc: "upod-team@bigchaindb.com" gdpr: gdpr@bigchaindb.com social: gitter: title: Gitter url: https://gitter.im/bigchaindb/bigchaindb github: title: GitHub url: https://github.com/bigchaindb org: bigchaindb repo: bigchaindb twitter: title: Twitter handle: bigchaindb url: https://twitter.com/bigchaindb facebook: title: Facebook handle: bigchaindb url: https://www.facebook.com/BigchainDB/ medium: title: Blog url: https://blog.bigchaindb.com meetup: title: Meetup url: https://www.meetup.com/BigchainDB-IPDB-Meetup linkedin: title: LinkedIn url: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bigchaindb youtube: title: YouTube url: https://www.youtube.com/bigchaindb address: company: BigchainDB GmbH street: Chausseestraße 19 zip: "10115" city: Berlin country: Germany # Track all the things # -------------------- analyticsID: UA-60614729-8 typekitID: fih1ngo # Urls # -------------------- permalink: /:title/ # Generator # -------------------- source: ./_src destination: ./_dist # Jekyll native collections # -------------------- collections: usecases: output: true permalink: /:collection/:path/ partners: output: true permalink: /:collection/:path/ guide: output: true permalink: /developers/:collection/:path/ defaults: - scope: path: "" type: guide values: toc: true image: share-image-guide.png js: page-guide.min.js # Plugins # -------------------- plugins: - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-redirect-from - jekyll-toc jekyll_get: data: countries json: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mledoze/countries/master/dist/countries.json'