Hi there! Welcome to our next tutorial about Role-based access controls (RBACs) in BigchainDB. For this tutorial, we assume that you are familiar with the BigchainDB primitives (assets, inputs, outputs, transactions etc.). If you are not, familiarize yourself with the [Key concepts of BigchainDB](../key-concepts-of-bigchaindb/). We also assume that you have completed our [first tutorial](../tutorial-car-telemetry-app/).
Role based access control is a way to restrict the system access to certain users. In BigchainDB this function enables the creation of hierarchies of role and permissions. Furthermore, users can be assigned roles to “act on behalf of” or “represent” other users or groups.
In our case we propose different tribes where people have different roles, some can create proposals and some others can vote those proposals.
{% include_relative _setup.md %}
Let's create the app. You will create an asset for Admin type which will act as the admin group for the app. Async/await functions will be used in this tutorial
const nameSpace = 'rbac-bdb-tutorial'
async function createApp(){
// Generate keypair for admin instance
const admin1 = new driver.Ed25519Keypair()
// Create admin user type. This is the asset representing the group of
You have just generated the admin type and app asset, so now you are able to create all of the other assets for this RBAC example, which are the users (including the admin one) and the tribe.
You have created the users, some of them belonging to tribe 1 and others to tribe 2. Now is time to give different permissions to the different tribes. For that you will create asset types for proposals and for votes.
async function usersToTribes(){
// Non users
// Proposal: only tribe 1 users can create proposal
document.body.innerHTML ='<h3>Vote group asset created</h3>'
document.body.innerHTML +=voteGroupId
So now simply create proposals and votes from different users. You will see how just some users will be able to create proposals and some others will be able to vote.