The [testimonials component](../_src/_includes/testimonials.html)'s quotes are based on simple YAML data defined in [`_src/data/testimonials.yml`](../_src/data/testimonials.yml) with different arrays. Each array holds a total of 3 quotes.
Photos of quotees need to be square and should be at least or exact 144x144px. The lazy retina technique is in use where the photo is the @2x resolution but is scaled down by 50% with CSS. Photo paths are relative to `/assets/img/`.
### JavaScript
The small js component only handles activating the quotes intro animation once the whole section is in viewport. The component needs to be activated either globally or on each page it is used by calling:
A set of quotes can be set as value of the custom variable `quotes` in the YAML Front Matter of the page where the testimonials component has been included.
E.g. on the front page [`_src/index.html`](../_src/index.html) we want to include the whole testimonials section and use `set2` for the quotes. So in the YAML Front Matter of that file, write: