# Updating js-bigchaindb-driver from v0.1.x to v0.2.0 The latest version of js-bigchaindb-driver contains breaking changes to its external API. In this document, we enumerate all changes to allow you to make upgrades efficiently. Note that upgrading the js-bigchaindb-driver to v0.2.0 was done to enable functionality included in the latest (v1.0) BigchainDB release. A full list of BigchainDB v1.0's breaking changes can be found [here](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/blob/17913dca682ff105540c0ea73365f1763efc2083/docs/upgrade-guides/v0.10--%3Ev1.0.md). Note that v1.0 [contains breaking changes to its core data models](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/blob/17913dca682ff105540c0ea73365f1763efc2083/docs/upgrade-guides/v0.10--%3Ev1.0.md#breaking-changes-to-the-data-model). This document will just go into the very specific breaking changes affecting the JavaScript driver. ### Breaking changes to js-bigchaindb-driver's APIs #### Output amount is now a string ```js // old export default function makeOutput(condition, amount = 1) {} // new export default function makeOutput(condition, amount = '1') {} ``` #### Update to Crypto-Conditions version 2 All conditions or fulfillments passed manually to the driver now need to comply with ILP's Crypto-Condition version 2 specification. For more information, [see the updated specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-thomas-crypto-conditions-02) or checkout the [latest reference implementation of Crypto-Conditions in JavaScript](https://github.com/interledgerjs/five-bells-condition). #### Several `Connection` methods now require positional arguments ##### `Connection.listBlocks` ```js // old new Connection(PATH).listBlocks({ tx_id, status }) // new new Connection(PATH).listBlocks(transactionId, status) ``` ##### `Connection.listOutputs` ```js // old new Connection(PATH).listOutputs({ public_key, unspent }) // new new Connection(PATH).listOutputs(publicKey, spent) ``` **NOTE:** The `unspent` flag has been inversed. This is inline [with breaking changes to BigchainDB v1.0](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/blob/17913dca682ff105540c0ea73365f1763efc2083/docs/upgrade-guides/v0.10--%3Ev1.0.md#get-apiv1outputs). ##### `Connection.listTransactions` ```js // old new Connection(PATH).listTransactions({ asset_id, operation }) // new new Connection(PATH).listTransactions(assetId, operation) ``` ### Newly added endpoints ##### `Connection.searchAsset` ```js // new new Connection(PATH).searchAssets(search) ``` A querying interface to text-search all assets in BigchainDB. For more documentation, [see BigchainDB's HTTP API](https://docs.bigchaindb.com/projects/server/en/latest/http-client-server-api.html#assets). ### Newly available bundles and CDN hosting The driver is now bundled automatically each time we publish it to npm.com. We now ship packages for `commonjs`, `commonjs2`, `amd`, `umd`, `window` and node.js. Thanks to unpkg.com, we're also able to provide all these packages on a CDN. A link to all the bundles can be found [here](https://unpkg.com/bigchaindb-driver@0.2.0/dist/browser/). A few notes: - Adjust version number in link as appropriate - only include `bigchaindb-driver.*.min.js`, but now everything `bundle.*`. This is [a known issue](https://github.com/bigchaindb/js-bigchaindb-driver/issues/66).