// Copyright BigchainDB GmbH and BigchainDB contributors // SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-4.0) // Code is Apache-2.0 and docs are CC-BY-4.0 import test from 'ava' import cc from 'crypto-conditions' import { Ed25519Keypair, Transaction, ccJsonLoad } from '../../src' import sha256Hash from '../../src/sha256Hash' test('Ed25519 condition encoding', t => { const publicKey = '4zvwRjXUKGfvwnParsHAS3HuSVzV5cA4McphgmoCtajS' const target = { details: { type: 'ed25519-sha-256', public_key: publicKey, }, uri: 'ni:///sha-256;uLdVX7FEjLWVDkAkfMAkEqPPwFqZj7qfiGE152t_x5c?fpt=ed25519-sha-256&cost=131072' } t.deepEqual(target, Transaction.makeEd25519Condition(publicKey)) }) test('Sha256Condition fulfillment', t => { const preimage = 'secret' const target = { details: { type_id: 0, bitmask: 3, preimage, type: 'fulfillment' }, uri: 'ni:///sha-256;K7gNU3sdo-OL0wNhqoVWhr3g6s1xYv72ol_pe_Unols?fpt=preimage-sha-256&cost=6' } t.deepEqual(target, Transaction.makeSha256Condition(preimage)) }) test('Threshold condition encoding', t => { const publicKey = '4zvwRjXUKGfvwnParsHAS3HuSVzV5cA4McphgmoCtajS' const ed25519 = Transaction.makeEd25519Condition(publicKey, false) const condition = Transaction.makeThresholdCondition(1, [ed25519, ed25519]) const output = Transaction.makeOutput(condition) const target = { condition: { details: { type: 'threshold-sha-256', threshold: 1, subconditions: [ { type: 'ed25519-sha-256', public_key: publicKey, }, { type: 'ed25519-sha-256', public_key: publicKey, } ] }, uri: 'ni:///sha-256;xTeBhQj7ae5Tym7cp83fwtkesQnhdwNwDEMIYwnf2g0?fpt=threshold-sha-256&cost=133120&subtypes=ed25519-sha-256', }, amount: '1', public_keys: [publicKey] } t.deepEqual(target, output) }) test('Fulfillment correctly formed', t => { const alice = new Ed25519Keypair() const txCreate = Transaction.makeCreateTransaction( {}, {}, [Transaction.makeOutput(Transaction.makeEd25519Condition(alice.publicKey))], alice.publicKey ) // Sign in order to get the tx id, needed for the unique fulfillment in the transfer transaction const signCreateTransaction = Transaction.signTransaction(txCreate, alice.privateKey) const txTransfer = Transaction.makeTransferTransaction( [{ tx: signCreateTransaction, output_index: 0 }], [Transaction.makeOutput(Transaction.makeEd25519Condition(alice.publicKey))], {} ) const txSigned = Transaction.signTransaction(txTransfer, alice.privateKey) // Here reconstruct the fulfillment of the transfer transaction // The tx is serialized, and extended with tx_id and output index, and then hashed into bytes const msg = Transaction.serializeTransactionIntoCanonicalString(txTransfer) const msgUniqueFulfillment = txTransfer.inputs[0].fulfills ? msg .concat(txTransfer.inputs[0].fulfills.transaction_id) .concat(txTransfer.inputs[0].fulfills.output_index) : msg const msgHash = sha256Hash(msgUniqueFulfillment) t.truthy(cc.validateFulfillment( txSigned.inputs[0].fulfillment, txCreate.outputs[0].condition.uri, Buffer.from(msgHash, 'hex') )) }) test('CryptoConditions JSON load', t => { const cond = ccJsonLoad({ type: 'threshold-sha-256', threshold: 1, subconditions: [{ type: 'ed25519-sha-256', public_key: 'a' }, { hash: 'a' }], }) t.truthy(cond.subconditions.length === 2) }) test('CryptoConditions JSON load', t => { const cond = ccJsonLoad({ type: 'threshold-sha-256', threshold: 1, subconditions: [{ type: 'ed25519-sha-256', public_key: 'a' }, { hash: 'a' }], }) t.truthy(cond.subconditions.length === 2) })