import test from 'ava' import sinon from 'sinon' import * as request from '../../src/request' // eslint-disable-line import { Connection } from '../../src' const API_PATH = 'http://localhost:9984/api/v1/' const conn = new Connection(API_PATH) test('generate API URLS', t => { const endpoints = { 'blocks': 'blocks', 'blocksDetail': 'blocks/%(blockId)s', 'outputs': 'outputs', 'statuses': 'statuses', 'transactions': 'transactions', 'transactionsDetail': 'transactions/%(transactionId)s', 'searchAssets': 'assets', } Object.keys(endpoints).forEach((endpointName) => { const url = conn.getApiUrls(endpointName) const expected = API_PATH + endpoints[endpointName], expected) }) }) test('Request with custom headers', t => { const testConn = new Connection(API_PATH, { hello: 'world' }) const expectedOptions = { headers: { hello: 'world', custom: 'headers' } } // request is read only, cannot be mocked? sinon.spy(request, 'default') testConn._req(API_PATH, { headers: { custom: 'headers' } }) t.truthy(request.default.calledWith(API_PATH, expectedOptions)) request.default.restore() }) test('Get block for a block id', t => { const expectedPath = 'path' const blockId = 'abc' conn._req = sinon.spy() conn.getApiUrls = sinon.stub().returns(expectedPath) conn.getBlock(blockId) t.truthy(conn._req.calledWith( expectedPath, { urlTemplateSpec: { blockId } } )) }) test('Get status for a transaction', t => { const expectedPath = 'path' const transactionId = 'abc' conn._req = sinon.spy() conn.getApiUrls = sinon.stub().returns(expectedPath) conn.getStatus(transactionId) t.truthy(conn._req.calledWith( expectedPath, { query: { transaction_id: transactionId } } )) }) test('Get transaction for a transaction id', t => { const expectedPath = 'path' const transactionId = 'abc' conn._req = sinon.spy() conn.getApiUrls = sinon.stub().returns(expectedPath) conn.getTransaction(transactionId) t.truthy(conn._req.calledWith( expectedPath, { urlTemplateSpec: { transactionId } } )) }) test('Get list of blocks for a transaction id', t => { const expectedPath = 'path' const transactionId = 'abc' const status = 'status' conn._req = sinon.spy() conn.getApiUrls = sinon.stub().returns(expectedPath) conn.listBlocks({ transactionId, status }) t.truthy(conn._req.calledWith( expectedPath, { query: { transaction_id: transactionId, status } } )) }) test('Get votes for a block id', t => { const expectedPath = 'path' const blockId = 'abc' conn._req = sinon.spy() conn.getApiUrls = sinon.stub().returns(expectedPath) conn.listVotes(blockId) t.truthy(conn._req.calledWith( expectedPath, { query: { block_id: blockId } } )) }) test('Get asset for a text', t => { const expectedPath = 'path' const query = 'abc' conn._req = sinon.spy() conn.getApiUrls = sinon.stub().returns(expectedPath) conn.searchAssets(query) t.truthy(conn._req.calledWith( expectedPath, { query: { text_search: query } } )) })