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'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _extends2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/extends');
var _extends3 = _interopRequireDefault(_extends2);
exports.Ed25519Keypair = Ed25519Keypair;
exports.makeEd25519Condition = makeEd25519Condition;
exports.makeOutput = makeOutput;
exports.makeCreateTransaction = makeCreateTransaction;
exports.makeTransferTransaction = makeTransferTransaction;
exports.signTransaction = signTransaction;
var _buffer = require('buffer');
var _bs = require('bs58');
var _bs2 = _interopRequireDefault(_bs);
var _clone = require('clone');
var _clone2 = _interopRequireDefault(_clone);
var _fiveBellsCondition = require('five-bells-condition');
var _fiveBellsCondition2 = _interopRequireDefault(_fiveBellsCondition);
var _tweetnacl = require('tweetnacl');
var _tweetnacl2 = _interopRequireDefault(_tweetnacl);
var _jsSha = require('js-sha3');
var _jsSha2 = _interopRequireDefault(_jsSha);
var _jsonStableStringify = require('json-stable-stringify');
var _jsonStableStringify2 = _interopRequireDefault(_jsonStableStringify);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
* @class Keypair Ed25519 keypair in base58 (as BigchainDB expects base58 keys)
* @type {Object}
* @property {string} publicKey
* @property {string} privateKey
function Ed25519Keypair() {
var keyPair = _tweetnacl2.default.sign.keyPair();
this.publicKey = _bs2.default.encode(keyPair.publicKey);
// tweetnacl's generated secret key is the secret key + public key (resulting in a 64-byte buffer)
this.privateKey = _bs2.default.encode(keyPair.secretKey.slice(0, 32));
* Create an Ed25519 Cryptocondition from an Ed25519 public key to put into an Output of a Transaction
* @param {string} publicKey base58 encoded Ed25519 public key for the recipient of the Transaction
* @returns {object} Ed25519 Condition (that will need to wrapped in an Output)
function makeEd25519Condition(publicKey) {
var publicKeyBuffer = new _buffer.Buffer(_bs2.default.decode(publicKey));
var ed25519Fulfillment = new _fiveBellsCondition2.default.Ed25519();
var conditionUri = ed25519Fulfillment.getConditionUri();
return {
'details': {
'signature': null,
'type_id': 4,
'type': 'fulfillment',
'bitmask': 32,
'public_key': publicKey
'uri': conditionUri
* Create an Output from a Condition.
* Note: Assumes the given Condition was generated from a single public key (e.g. a Ed25519 Condition)
* @param {object} condition Condition (e.g. a Ed25519 Condition from `makeEd25519Condition()`)
* @param {number} amount Amount of the output
* @returns {object} An Output usable in a Transaction
function makeOutput(condition) {
var amount = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
return {
amount: amount,
condition: condition,
'public_keys': [condition.details.public_key]
* Generate a `CREATE` transaction holding the `asset`, `metadata`, and `outputs`, to be signed by
* the `issuers`.
* @param {object} asset Created asset's data
* @param {object} metadata Metadata for the Transaction
* @param {object[]} outputs Array of Output objects to add to the Transaction.
* Think of these as the recipients of the asset after the transaction.
* For `CREATE` Transactions, this should usually just be a list of
* Outputs wrapping Ed25519 Conditions generated from the issuers' public
* keys (so that the issuers are the recipients of the created asset).
* @param {...string[]} issuers Public key of one or more issuers to the asset being created by this
* Transaction.
* Note: Each of the private keys corresponding to the given public
* keys MUST be used later (and in the same order) when signing the
* Transaction (`signTransaction()`).
* @returns {object} Unsigned transaction -- make sure to call signTransaction() on it before
* sending it off!
function makeCreateTransaction(asset, metadata, outputs) {
var assetDefinition = {
'data': asset || null
for (var _len = arguments.length, issuers = Array(_len > 3 ? _len - 3 : 0), _key = 3; _key < _len; _key++) {
issuers[_key - 3] = arguments[_key];
var inputs = issuers.map(function (issuer) {
return makeInputTemplate([issuer]);
return makeTransaction('CREATE', assetDefinition, metadata, outputs, inputs);
* Generate a `TRANSFER` transaction holding the `asset`, `metadata`, and `outputs`, that fulfills
* the `fulfilledOutputs` of `unspentTransaction`.
* @param {object} unspentTransaction Previous Transaction you have control over (i.e. can fulfill
* its Output Condition)
* @param {object} metadata Metadata for the Transaction
* @param {object[]} outputs Array of Output objects to add to the Transaction.
* Think of these as the recipients of the asset after the transaction.
* For `TRANSFER` Transactions, this should usually just be a list of
* Outputs wrapping Ed25519 Conditions generated from the public keys of
* the recipients.
* @param {...number} fulfilledOutputs Indices of the Outputs in `unspentTransaction` that this
* Transaction fulfills.
* Note that the public keys listed in the fulfilled Outputs
* must be used (and in the same order) to sign the Transaction
* (`signTransaction()`).
* @returns {object} Unsigned transaction -- make sure to call signTransaction() on it before
* sending it off!
function makeTransferTransaction(unspentTransaction, metadata, outputs) {
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, fulfilledOutputs = Array(_len2 > 3 ? _len2 - 3 : 0), _key2 = 3; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
fulfilledOutputs[_key2 - 3] = arguments[_key2];
var inputs = fulfilledOutputs.map(function (outputIndex) {
var fulfilledOutput = unspentTransaction.outputs[outputIndex];
var transactionLink = {
'output': outputIndex,
'txid': unspentTransaction.id
return makeInputTemplate(fulfilledOutput.public_keys, transactionLink);
var assetLink = {
'id': unspentTransaction.operation === 'CREATE' ? unspentTransaction.id : unspentTransaction.asset.id
return makeTransaction('TRANSFER', assetLink, metadata, outputs, inputs);
* Sign the given `transaction` with the given `privateKey`s, returning a new copy of `transaction`
* that's been signed.
* Note: Only generates Ed25519 Fulfillments. Thresholds and other types of Fulfillments are left as
* an exercise for the user.
* @param {object} transaction Transaction to sign. `transaction` is not modified.
* @param {...string} privateKeys Private keys associated with the issuers of the `transaction`.
* Looped through to iteratively sign any Input Fulfillments found in
* the `transaction`.
* @returns {object} The signed version of `transaction`.
function signTransaction(transaction) {
for (var _len3 = arguments.length, privateKeys = Array(_len3 > 1 ? _len3 - 1 : 0), _key3 = 1; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {
privateKeys[_key3 - 1] = arguments[_key3];
var signedTx = (0, _clone2.default)(transaction);
signedTx.inputs.forEach(function (input, index) {
var privateKey = privateKeys[index];
var privateKeyBuffer = new _buffer.Buffer(_bs2.default.decode(privateKey));
var serializedTransaction = serializeTransactionIntoCanonicalString(transaction);
var ed25519Fulfillment = new _fiveBellsCondition2.default.Ed25519();
ed25519Fulfillment.sign(new _buffer.Buffer(serializedTransaction), privateKeyBuffer);
var fulfillmentUri = ed25519Fulfillment.serializeUri();
input.fulfillment = fulfillmentUri;
return signedTx;
* Transaction utils *
function makeTransactionTemplate() {
return {
'id': null,
'operation': null,
'outputs': [],
'inputs': [],
'metadata': null,
'asset': null,
'version': '0.9'
function makeInputTemplate() {
var publicKeys = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
var fulfills = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
var fulfillment = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null;
return {
fulfillment: fulfillment,
fulfills: fulfills,
'owners_before': publicKeys
function makeTransaction(operation, asset) {
var metadata = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null;
var outputs = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : [];
var inputs = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : [];
var tx = makeTransactionTemplate();
tx.operation = operation;
tx.asset = asset;
tx.metadata = metadata;
tx.inputs = inputs;
tx.outputs = outputs;
// Hashing must be done after, as the hash is of the Transaction (up to now)
tx.id = hashTransaction(tx);
return tx;
* Crypto utils *
function hashTransaction(transaction) {
// Safely remove any tx id from the given transaction for hashing
var tx = (0, _extends3.default)({}, transaction);
delete tx.id;
return sha256Hash(serializeTransactionIntoCanonicalString(tx));
function sha256Hash(data) {
return _jsSha2.default.sha3_256.create().update(data).hex();
function serializeTransactionIntoCanonicalString(transaction) {
// BigchainDB signs fulfillments by serializing transactions into a "canonical" format where
// each fulfillment URI is removed before sorting the remaining keys
var tx = (0, _clone2.default)(transaction);
tx.inputs.forEach(function (input) {
input.fulfillment = null;
// Sort the keys
return (0, _jsonStableStringify2.default)(tx, function (a, b) {
return a.key > b.key ? 1 : -1;