const fetch = require('node-fetch') const chalk = require('chalk') const orgname = 'bigchaindb' const reponame = 'bigchaindb' // Used for fetching specific release const log = text => console.log(text) const logError = text => console.log( // Response handling for all fetch calls const handleResponse = async response => { if (response.status !== 200) { return logError('Non-200 response code from GitHub: ' + response.status) } const json = await response.json() return json } // Request options for all fetch calls const options = { headers: { // For getting topics, see note on Accept: 'application/vnd.github.mercy-preview+json' // Accept: 'application/vnd.github.preview' } } // // Fetch all public GitHub repos // const fetchRepos = async () => { const start = const url = '' + orgname + '/repos' const response = await fetch(url, options) const json = await handleResponse(response) const repos ={ name, description, html_url, stargazers_count, forks_count, fork, topics }) => ({ name, description, url: html_url, stars: stargazers_count, forks: forks_count, is_fork: fork, topics })).sort((p1, p2) => p2.stars - p1.stars) log(`Total: ${repos.length} public BigchainDB projects. ` + `Elapsed: ${(new Date() - start)}ms`) return repos } // // Fetch GitHub releases // // @TODO: make this fetch all releases of all repos // const fetchReleases = async () => { const start = const url = '' + reponame + '/releases/latest' const response = await fetch(url, options) const json = await handleResponse(response) const releases = ({ name: reponame, release: json.tag_name, release_url: json.html_url }) log(`Latest release: ${json.tag_name}. ` + `Elapsed: ${(new Date() - start)}ms`) return releases } // // Create the response // module.exports = async (request, response) => { response.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') response.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET') // // Let's roll // try { const repos = await fetchRepos() const releases = await fetchReleases() // Merge the responses together // kinda hacky, needs rewrite for adding release info to all objects in dataRepos let data data = await Object.assign(releases, repos[0]) data = Object.assign(repos, {0: data}) const dataPretty = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) response.end(dataPretty) } catch (error) { logError('Error parsing response from GitHub: ' + error.message) } }