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# Copyright © 2020 Interplanetary Database Association e.V.,
# BigchainDB and IPDB software contributors.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-4.0)
# Code is Apache-2.0 and docs are CC-BY-4.0
# Separate all crypto code so that we can easily test several implementations
from collections import namedtuple
from hashlib import sha3_256
except ImportError:
from sha3 import sha3_256
from cryptoconditions import crypto
CryptoKeypair = namedtuple('CryptoKeypair', ('private_key', 'public_key'))
def hash_data(data):
"""Hash the provided data using SHA3-256"""
return sha3_256(data.encode()).hexdigest()
def generate_key_pair():
"""Generates a cryptographic key pair.
:class:`~bigchaindb.common.crypto.CryptoKeypair`: A
:obj:`collections.namedtuple` with named fields
:attr:`~bigchaindb.common.crypto.CryptoKeypair.private_key` and
# TODO FOR CC: Adjust interface so that this function becomes unnecessary
return CryptoKeypair(
*(k.decode() for k in crypto.ed25519_generate_key_pair()))
PrivateKey = crypto.Ed25519SigningKey
PublicKey = crypto.Ed25519VerifyingKey
def key_pair_from_ed25519_key(hex_private_key):
"""Generate base58 encode public-private key pair from a hex encoded private key"""
priv_key = crypto.Ed25519SigningKey(bytes.fromhex(hex_private_key)[:32], encoding='bytes')
public_key = priv_key.get_verifying_key()
return CryptoKeypair(private_key=priv_key.encode(encoding='base58').decode('utf-8'),
def public_key_from_ed25519_key(hex_public_key):
"""Generate base58 public key from hex encoded public key"""
public_key = crypto.Ed25519VerifyingKey(bytes.fromhex(hex_public_key), encoding='bytes')
return public_key.encode(encoding='base58').decode('utf-8')