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# Copyright © 2020 Interplanetary Database Association e.V.,
# BigchainDB and IPDB software contributors.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-4.0)
# Code is Apache-2.0 and docs are CC-BY-4.0
import bigchaindb
class ModuleDispatchRegistrationError(Exception):
"""Raised when there is a problem registering dispatched functions for a
def module_dispatch_registrar(module):
def dispatch_wrapper(obj_type):
def wrapper(func):
func_name = func.__name__
dispatch_registrar = getattr(module, func_name)
return dispatch_registrar.register(obj_type)(func)
except AttributeError as ex:
raise ModuleDispatchRegistrationError(
('`{module}` does not contain a single-dispatchable '
'function named `{func}`. The module being registered '
'was not implemented correctly!').format(
func=func_name, module=module.__name__)) from ex
return wrapper
return dispatch_wrapper
def get_bigchaindb_config_value(key, default_value=None):
return bigchaindb.config['database'].get(key, default_value)
def get_bigchaindb_config_value_or_key_error(key):
return bigchaindb.config['database'][key]