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2017-05-29 16:42:29 +02:00

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Pipeline stepping is a way to advance the asynchronous data pipeline
deterministically by exposing each step separately and advancing the states
The multipipes.Pipeline class implements a pipeline that advanced
asynchronously and concurrently. This module provides an interface to the
BigchainDB pipelines that is static, ie, does not advance without prompting.
Rather than having a pipeline that is in an all or nothing running / not running
state, one can do the following:
steps = create_stepper()
with steps.start():
tx = my_create_and_write_tx()
assert steps.counts == {'block_write': 1}
Pending items are held in the `.queues` attribute, and every task has it's own
queue (as in multipipes.Pipeline). Queues are just lists though so they can
be easily inspected.
As a shortcut, the `.counts` attribute is provided which returns the number of
pending items for each task. This is useful to assert the expected status of
the queues after performing some sequence.
import functools
import time
import types
import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
from unittest.mock import patch
import bigchaindb.core
import bigchaindb.pipelines.block
import bigchaindb.pipelines.stale
import bigchaindb.pipelines.vote
class MultipipesStepper:
def __init__(self):
self.queues = {}
self.tasks = {}
self.input_tasks = set()
self.processes = []
def add_input(self, prefix, node, next):
""" Add an input task; Reads from the outqueue of the Node """
name = '%s_%s' % (prefix, node.name)
next_name = '%s_%s' % (prefix, next.name)
if node.name == 'changefeed':
def f(*args, **kwargs):
_kwargs = {'timeout': 0.1}
return node.outqueue.get(*args, **kwargs)
f = node.target
def inner(**kwargs):
r = f(**kwargs)
if r is not None:
self._enqueue(next_name, r)
return r
self.tasks[name] = functools.wraps(f)(inner)
def add_stage(self, prefix, node, next):
Add a stage task, popping from own queue and appending to the queue
of the next node
f = node.target
name = '%s_%s' % (prefix, node.name)
if next:
next_name = '%s_%s' % (prefix, next.name)
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
out = f(*args, **kwargs)
if out is not None and next:
self._enqueue(next_name, out)
return out
task = functools.wraps(f)(inner)
self.tasks[name] = task
def _enqueue(self, name, item):
""" internal function; add item(s) to queue) """
queue = self.queues.setdefault(name, [])
if isinstance(item, types.GeneratorType):
items = list(item)
items = [item]
for item in items:
if type(item) != tuple:
item = (item,)
def step(self, name, **kwargs):
""" Advance pipeline stage. Throws Empty if no data to consume. """
logging.debug('Stepping %s', name)
task = self.tasks[name]
if name in self.input_tasks:
return task(**kwargs)
queue = self.queues.get(name, [])
if not queue:
raise Empty(name)
return task(*queue.pop(0), **kwargs)
logging.debug('Stepped %s', name)
def counts(self):
""" Get sizes of non empty queues """
counts = {}
for name in self.queues:
n = len(self.queues[name])
if n:
counts[name] = n
return counts
def __getattr__(self, name):
""" Shortcut to get a queue """
return lambda **kwargs: self.step(name, **kwargs)
def start(self):
""" Start async inputs; changefeeds etc """
for p in self.processes:
# It would be nice to have a better way to wait for changefeeds here.
# We have to wait some amount of time because the feed setup is
# happening in a different process and won't include any writes we
# perform before it is ready.
for p in self.processes:
class Empty(Exception):
def _update_stepper(stepper, prefix, pipeline):
nodes = pipeline.nodes
for i in range(len(nodes)):
n0 = nodes[i]
n1 = (nodes + [None])[i+1]
f = stepper.add_input if i == 0 else stepper.add_stage
f(prefix, n0, n1)
# Expose pipeline state
setattr(stepper, prefix, nodes[-1].target.__self__)
def create_stepper():
stepper = MultipipesStepper()
with patch('bigchaindb.pipelines.block.Pipeline.start'):
pipeline = bigchaindb.pipelines.block.start()
_update_stepper(stepper, 'block', pipeline)
with patch('bigchaindb.pipelines.stale.Pipeline.start'):
pipeline = bigchaindb.pipelines.stale.start(
timeout=0, backlog_reassign_delay=0)
_update_stepper(stepper, 'stale', pipeline)
with patch('bigchaindb.pipelines.vote.Pipeline.start'):
pipeline = bigchaindb.pipelines.vote.start()
_update_stepper(stepper, 'vote', pipeline)
return stepper