mirror of https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb.git synced 2024-06-30 21:52:12 +02:00
David Dashyan 9e99c024d3
Replace headers (#2683)
Signed-off-by: David Dashyan <mail@davie.li>
2020-04-06 11:52:18 +02:00

135 lines
5.4 KiB

# Copyright © 2020 Interplanetary Database Association e.V.,
# BigchainDB and IPDB software contributors.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-4.0)
# Code is Apache-2.0 and docs are CC-BY-4.0
import pytest
from bigchaindb.common.crypto import generate_key_pair
from bigchaindb.models import Transaction
pytestmark = pytest.mark.tendermint
def generate_create_and_transfer(keypair=None):
if not keypair:
keypair = generate_key_pair()
priv_key, pub_key = keypair
create_tx = Transaction.create([pub_key], [([pub_key], 10)]).sign([priv_key])
transfer_tx = Transaction.transfer(
[([pub_key], 10)],
return create_tx, transfer_tx
def test_validation_worker_process_multiple_transactions(b):
import multiprocessing as mp
from bigchaindb.parallel_validation import ValidationWorker, RESET, EXIT
keypair = generate_key_pair()
create_tx, transfer_tx = generate_create_and_transfer(keypair)
double_spend = Transaction.transfer(
[([keypair.public_key], 10)],
in_queue, results_queue = mp.Queue(), mp.Queue()
vw = ValidationWorker(in_queue, results_queue)
# Note: in the following instructions, the worker will encounter two
# `RESET` messages, and an `EXIT` message. When a worker processes a
# `RESET` message, it forgets all transactions it has validated. This allow
# us to re-validate the same transactions. This won't happen in real life,
# but it's quite handy to check if the worker actually forgot about the
# past transactions (if not, it will return `False` because the
# transactions look like a double spend).
# `EXIT` makes the worker to stop the infinite loop.
in_queue.put((0, create_tx.to_dict()))
in_queue.put((10, transfer_tx.to_dict()))
in_queue.put((20, double_spend.to_dict()))
in_queue.put((0, create_tx.to_dict()))
in_queue.put((5, transfer_tx.to_dict()))
in_queue.put((20, create_tx.to_dict()))
in_queue.put((25, double_spend.to_dict()))
in_queue.put((30, transfer_tx.to_dict()))
assert results_queue.get() == (0, create_tx)
assert results_queue.get() == (10, transfer_tx)
assert results_queue.get() == (20, False)
assert results_queue.get() == (0, create_tx)
assert results_queue.get() == (5, transfer_tx)
assert results_queue.get() == (20, create_tx)
assert results_queue.get() == (25, double_spend)
assert results_queue.get() == (30, False)
def test_parallel_validator_routes_transactions_correctly(b, monkeypatch):
import os
from collections import defaultdict
import multiprocessing as mp
from json import dumps
from bigchaindb.parallel_validation import ParallelValidator
# We want to make sure that the load is distributed across all workers.
# Since introspection on an object running on a different process is
# difficult, we create an additional queue where every worker can emit its
# PID every time validation is called.
validation_called_by = mp.Queue()
# Validate is now a passthrough, and every time it is called it will emit
# the PID of its worker to the designated queue.
def validate(self, dict_transaction):
validation_called_by.put((os.getpid(), dict_transaction['id']))
return dict_transaction
# Transaction routing uses the `id` of the transaction. This test strips
# down a transaction to just its `id`. We have two workers, so even ids
# will be processed by one worker, odd ids by the other.
transactions = [{'id': '0'}, {'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}, {'id': '3'}]
pv = ParallelValidator(number_of_workers=2)
# ParallelValidator is instantiated once, and then used several times.
# Here we simulate this scenario by running it an arbitrary number of
# times.
# Note that the `ParallelValidator.result` call resets the object, and
# makes it ready to validate a new set of transactions.
for _ in range(2):
# First, we push the transactions to the parallel validator instance
for transaction in transactions:
assert pv.result(timeout=1) == transactions
# Now we analize the transaction processed by the workers
worker_to_transactions = defaultdict(list)
for _ in transactions:
worker_pid, transaction_id = validation_called_by.get()
# The transactions are stored in two buckets.
for _, transaction_ids in worker_to_transactions.items():
assert len(transaction_ids) == 2
# We have two workers, hence we have two different routes for
# transactions. We have the route for even transactions, and the
# route for odd transactions. Since we don't know which worker
# processed what, we test that the transactions processed by a
# worker are all even or all odd.
assert (all(filter(lambda x: int(x) % 2 == 0, transaction_ids)) or
all(filter(lambda x: int(x) % 2 == 1, transaction_ids)))