mirror of https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb.git synced 2024-06-17 18:13:22 +02:00

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from copy import deepcopy
from bigchaindb.common.crypto import hash_data, PublicKey, PrivateKey
from bigchaindb.common.exceptions import (InvalidHash, InvalidSignature,
DoubleSpend, InputDoesNotExist,
AssetIdMismatch, AmountError,
SybilError, DuplicateTransaction)
from bigchaindb.common.transaction import Transaction
from bigchaindb.common.utils import (gen_timestamp, serialize,
validate_txn_obj, validate_key)
from bigchaindb.common.schema import validate_transaction_schema
from bigchaindb.backend.schema import validate_language_key
class Transaction(Transaction):
def validate(self, bigchain, input_txs=None):
"""Validate transaction spend
bigchain (Bigchain): an instantiated bigchaindb.Bigchain object.
The transaction (Transaction) if the transaction is valid else it
raises an exception describing the reason why the transaction is
ValidationError: If the transaction is invalid
input_conditions = []
if self.operation == Transaction.TRANSFER:
# store the inputs so that we can check if the asset ids match
if not input_txs:
input_txs = self.get_input_txs(bigchain)
for input_, input_tx, input_status in input_txs:
input_txid = input_.fulfills.txid
if input_tx is None:
raise InputDoesNotExist("input `{}` doesn't exist"
if input_status != bigchain.TX_VALID:
raise TransactionNotInValidBlock(
'input `{}` does not exist in a valid block'.format(
spent = bigchain.get_spent(input_txid, input_.fulfills.output)
if spent and spent.id != self.id:
raise DoubleSpend('input `{}` was already spent'
output = input_tx.outputs[input_.fulfills.output]
# Validate that all inputs are distinct
links = [i.fulfills.to_uri() for i in self.inputs]
if len(links) != len(set(links)):
raise DoubleSpend('tx "{}" spends inputs twice'.format(self.id))
if not self.inputs_valid(input_conditions):
raise InvalidSignature('Transaction signature is invalid.')
return self
def get_input_txs(self, bigchain):
input_txs = []
for input_ in self.inputs:
input_txid = input_.fulfills.txid
input_tx, status = bigchain. \
get_transaction(input_txid, include_status=True)
input_txs.append((input_, input_tx, status))
return input_txs
def validate_asset(self, bigchain, input_txs=None):
# validate asset id
asset_id = Transaction.get_asset_id(input_txs)
if asset_id != self.asset['id']:
raise AssetIdMismatch(('The asset id of the input does not'
' match the asset id of the'
' transaction'))
return self
def validate_amount(self, input_conditions):
input_amount = sum([input_condition.amount for input_condition in input_conditions])
output_amount = sum([output_condition.amount for output_condition in self.outputs])
if output_amount != input_amount:
raise AmountError(('The amount used in the inputs `{}`'
' needs to be same as the amount used'
' in the outputs `{}`')
.format(input_amount, output_amount))
return self
def from_dict(cls, tx_body):
validate_txn_obj('asset', tx_body['asset'], 'data', validate_key)
validate_txn_obj('metadata', tx_body, 'metadata', validate_key)
validate_language_key(tx_body['asset'], 'data')
return super().from_dict(tx_body)
def from_db(cls, bigchain, tx_dict):
Helper method that reconstructs a transaction dict that was returned
from the database. It checks what asset_id to retrieve, retrieves the
asset from the asset table and reconstructs the transaction.
bigchain (:class:`~bigchaindb.Bigchain`): An instance of Bigchain
used to perform database queries.
tx_dict (:obj:`dict`): The transaction dict as returned from the
if tx_dict['operation'] in [Transaction.CREATE, Transaction.GENESIS]:
# TODO: Maybe replace this call to a call to get_asset_by_id
asset = list(bigchain.get_assets([tx_dict['id']]))[0]
del asset['id']
tx_dict.update({'asset': asset})
# get metadata of the transaction
metadata = list(bigchain.get_metadata([tx_dict['id']]))
if 'metadata' not in tx_dict:
metadata = metadata[0] if metadata else None
if metadata:
metadata = metadata.get('metadata')
tx_dict.update({'metadata': metadata})
return cls.from_dict(tx_dict)
class Block(object):
"""Bundle a list of Transactions in a Block. Nodes vote on its validity.
transaction (:obj:`list` of :class:`~.Transaction`):
Transactions to be included in the Block.
node_pubkey (str): The public key of the node creating the
timestamp (str): The Unix time a Block was created.
voters (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A list of a federation
nodes' public keys supposed to vote on the Block.
signature (str): A cryptographic signature ensuring the
integrity and validity of the creator of a Block.
def __init__(self, transactions=None, node_pubkey=None, timestamp=None,
voters=None, signature=None):
"""The Block model is mainly used for (de)serialization and integrity
transaction (:obj:`list` of :class:`~.Transaction`):
Transactions to be included in the Block.
node_pubkey (str): The public key of the node creating the
timestamp (str): The Unix time a Block was created.
voters (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A list of a federation
nodes' public keys supposed to vote on the Block.
signature (str): A cryptographic signature ensuring the
integrity and validity of the creator of a Block.
if transactions is not None and not isinstance(transactions, list):
raise TypeError('`transactions` must be a list instance or None')
self.transactions = transactions or []
if voters is not None and not isinstance(voters, list):
raise TypeError('`voters` must be a list instance or None')
self.voters = voters or []
if timestamp is not None:
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.timestamp = gen_timestamp()
self.node_pubkey = node_pubkey
self.signature = signature
def __eq__(self, other):
other = other.to_dict()
except AttributeError:
return False
return self.to_dict() == other
def validate(self, bigchain):
"""Validate the Block.
bigchain (:class:`~bigchaindb.Bigchain`): An instantiated Bigchain
The hash of the block (`id`) is validated on the `self.from_dict`
method. This is because the `from_dict` is the only method in
which we have the original json payload. The `id` provided by
this class is a mutable property that is generated on the fly.
:class:`~.Block`: If valid, return a `Block` object. Else an
appropriate exception describing the reason of invalidity is
ValidationError: If the block or any transaction in the block does
not validate
return self
def _validate_block(self, bigchain):
"""Validate the Block without validating the transactions.
bigchain (:class:`~bigchaindb.Bigchain`): An instantiated Bigchain
ValidationError: If there is a problem with the block
# Check if the block was created by a federation node
if self.node_pubkey not in bigchain.federation:
raise SybilError('Only federation nodes can create blocks')
# Check that the signature is valid
if not self.is_signature_valid():
raise InvalidSignature('Invalid block signature')
# Check that the block contains no duplicated transactions
txids = [tx.id for tx in self.transactions]
if len(txids) != len(set(txids)):
raise DuplicateTransaction('Block has duplicate transaction')
def _validate_block_transactions(self, bigchain):
"""Validate Block transactions.
bigchain (Bigchain): an instantiated bigchaindb.Bigchain object.
ValidationError: If an invalid transaction is found
for tx in self.transactions:
# If a transaction is not valid, `validate_transactions` will
# throw an an exception and block validation will be canceled.
def sign(self, private_key):
"""Create a signature for the Block and overwrite `self.signature`.
private_key (str): A private key corresponding to
block_body = self.to_dict()
block_serialized = serialize(block_body['block'])
private_key = PrivateKey(private_key)
self.signature = private_key.sign(block_serialized.encode()).decode()
return self
def is_signature_valid(self):
"""Check the validity of a Block's signature.
bool: Stating the validity of the Block's signature.
block = self.to_dict()['block']
# cc only accepts bytestring messages
block_serialized = serialize(block).encode()
public_key = PublicKey(block['node_pubkey'])
# NOTE: CC throws a `ValueError` on some wrong signatures
# https://github.com/bigchaindb/cryptoconditions/issues/27
return public_key.verify(block_serialized, self.signature)
except (ValueError, AttributeError):
return False
def from_dict(cls, block_body, tx_construct=Transaction.from_dict):
"""Transform a Python dictionary to a Block object.
block_body (dict): A block dictionary to be transformed.
tx_construct (functions): Function to instantiate Transaction instance
InvalidHash: If the block's id is not corresponding to its
# Validate block id
block = block_body['block']
block_serialized = serialize(block)
block_id = hash_data(block_serialized)
if block_id != block_body['id']:
raise InvalidHash()
transactions = [tx_construct(tx) for tx in block['transactions']]
signature = block_body.get('signature')
return cls(transactions, block['node_pubkey'],
block['timestamp'], block['voters'], signature)
def id(self):
return self.to_dict()['id']
def to_dict(self):
"""Transform the Block to a Python dictionary.
dict: The Block as a dict.
ValueError: If the Block doesn't contain any transactions.
if len(self.transactions) == 0:
raise ValueError('Empty block creation is not allowed')
block = {
'timestamp': self.timestamp,
'transactions': [tx.to_dict() for tx in self.transactions],
'node_pubkey': self.node_pubkey,
'voters': self.voters,
block_serialized = serialize(block)
block_id = hash_data(block_serialized)
return {
'id': block_id,
'block': block,
'signature': self.signature,
def from_db(cls, bigchain, block_dict, from_dict_kwargs=None):
Helper method that reconstructs a block_dict that was returned from
the database. It checks what asset_ids to retrieve, retrieves the
assets from the assets table and reconstructs the block.
bigchain (:class:`~bigchaindb.Bigchain`): An instance of Bigchain
used to perform database queries.
block_dict(:obj:`dict`): The block dict as returned from the
from_dict_kwargs (:obj:`dict`): additional kwargs to pass to from_dict
asset_ids = cls.get_asset_ids(block_dict)
assets = bigchain.get_assets(asset_ids)
txn_ids = cls.get_txn_ids(block_dict)
metadata = bigchain.get_metadata(txn_ids)
# reconstruct block
block_dict = cls.couple_assets(block_dict, assets)
block_dict = cls.couple_metadata(block_dict, metadata)
kwargs = from_dict_kwargs or {}
return cls.from_dict(block_dict, **kwargs)
def decouple_assets(self, block_dict=None):
Extracts the assets from the ``CREATE`` transactions in the block.
tuple: (assets, block) with the assets being a list of dicts and
the block being the dict of the block with no assets in the CREATE
if block_dict is None:
block_dict = deepcopy(self.to_dict())
assets = []
for transaction in block_dict['block']['transactions']:
if transaction['operation'] in [Transaction.CREATE,
asset = transaction.pop('asset')
asset.update({'id': transaction['id']})
return (assets, block_dict)
def decouple_metadata(self, block_dict=None):
Extracts the metadata from transactions in the block.
tuple: (metadatas, block) with the metadatas being a list of dict/null and
the block being the dict of the block with no metadata in any transaction.
if block_dict is None:
block_dict = deepcopy(self.to_dict())
metadatas = []
for transaction in block_dict['block']['transactions']:
metadata = transaction.pop('metadata')
if metadata:
metadata_new = {'id': transaction['id'],
'metadata': metadata}
return (metadatas, block_dict)
def couple_assets(block_dict, assets):
Given a block_dict with no assets (as returned from a database call)
and a list of assets, reconstruct the original block by putting the
assets back into the ``CREATE`` transactions in the block.
block_dict (:obj:`dict`): The block dict as returned from a
database call.
assets (:obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`): A list of assets returned from
a database call.
dict: The dict of the reconstructed block.
# create a dict with {'<txid>': asset}
assets = {asset.pop('id'): asset for asset in assets}
# add the assets to the block transactions
for transaction in block_dict['block']['transactions']:
if transaction['operation'] in [Transaction.CREATE,
transaction.update({'asset': assets.get(transaction['id'])})
return block_dict
def couple_metadata(block_dict, metadatal):
Given a block_dict with no metadata (as returned from a database call)
and a list of metadata, reconstruct the original block by putting the
metadata of each transaction back into its original transaction.
NOTE: Till a transaction gets accepted the `metadata` of the transaction
is not moved outside of the transaction. So, if a transaction is found to
have metadata then it should not be overridden.
block_dict (:obj:`dict`): The block dict as returned from a
database call.
metadata (:obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`): A list of metadata returned from
a database call.
dict: The dict of the reconstructed block.
# create a dict with {'<txid>': metadata}
metadatal = {m.pop('id'): m.pop('metadata') for m in metadatal}
# add the metadata to their corresponding transactions
for transaction in block_dict['block']['transactions']:
metadata = metadatal.get(transaction['id'], None)
transaction.update({'metadata': metadata})
return block_dict
def get_asset_ids(block_dict):
Given a block_dict return all the asset_ids for that block (the txid
of CREATE transactions). Useful to know which assets to retrieve
from the database to reconstruct the block.
block_dict (:obj:`dict`): The block dict as returned from a
database call.
list: The list of asset_ids in the block.
asset_ids = []
for transaction in block_dict['block']['transactions']:
if transaction['operation'] in [Transaction.CREATE,
return asset_ids
def get_txn_ids(block_dict):
Given a block_dict return all the transaction ids.
block_dict (:obj:`dict`): The block dict as returned from a
database call.
list: The list of txn_ids in the block.
txn_ids = []
for transaction in block_dict['block']['transactions']:
return txn_ids
def to_str(self):
return serialize(self.to_dict())
class FastTransaction:
A minimal wrapper around a transaction dictionary. This is useful for
when validation is not required but a routine expects something that looks
like a transaction, for example during block creation.
Note: immutability could also be provided
def __init__(self, tx_dict):
self.data = tx_dict
def id(self):
return self.data['id']
def to_dict(self):
return self.data