#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail {%- set peers = [] -%} {%- set validator_power = [] -%} {% for host in hostvars %} {{- peers.append(host) -}} {{- validator_power.append(10) -}} {% endfor %} tm_persistent_peers="{{ peers| reverse | join(',') }}" tm_validators="{{ peers | reverse | join(',') }}" tm_validator_power="{{ validator_power | join(',') }}" tm_pub_key_access_port="9986" tm_p2p_port="{{ tendermint_p2p_port|string }}" tm_proxy_app="{{ ansible_hostname|string }}" tm_abci_port="{{ tendermint_abci_port|string }}" tm_instance_name="{{ ansible_hostname }}" {% raw %} # Container vars RETRIES=0 CANNOT_INITIATLIZE_INSTANCE='Cannot start instance, if initial validator(s) are unreachable.' TM_GENESIS_FILE=/tendermint/config/genesis.json TM_PUB_KEY_DIR=/usr/share/nginx if [ ! -f /tendermint/config/priv_validator.json ]; then /usr/local/bin/tendermint gen_validator > /tendermint/config/priv_validator.json # pub_key.json will be served by the nginx container cat /tendermint/config/priv_validator.json cat /tendermint/config/priv_validator.json | jq ".pub_key" > "$TM_PUB_KEY_DIR"/pub_key.json fi if [ ! -f /tendermint/config/node_key.json ]; then /usr/local/bin/tendermint --home "/tendermint" gen_node_key > "$TM_PUB_KEY_DIR"/address fi # fill genesis file with validators IFS=',' read -ra VALS_ARR <<< "$tm_validators" IFS=',' read -ra VAL_POWERS_ARR <<< "$tm_validator_power" if [ ${#VALS_ARR[@]} -ne ${#VAL_POWERS_ARR[@]} ]; then echo "Invalid configuration of Validator(s) and Validator Power(s)" exit 1 fi for i in "${!VALS_ARR[@]}"; do # wait until validator generates priv/pub key pair set +e echo Validator: "${VALS_ARR[$i]}" echo Validator Power: "${VAL_POWERS_ARR[$i]}" echo "http://${VALS_ARR[$i]}:$tm_pub_key_access_port/pub_key.json" curl -s --fail "http://${VALS_ARR[$i]}:$tm_pub_key_access_port/pub_key.json" > /dev/null ERR=$? while [ "$ERR" != 0 ]; do RETRIES=$((RETRIES+1)) if [ $RETRIES -eq 10 ]; then echo "${CANNOT_INITIATLIZE_INSTANCE}" exit 1 fi # 300(30 * 10(retries)) second timeout before container dies if it cannot find initial peers sleep 30 curl -s --fail "http://${VALS_ARR[$i]}:$tm_pub_key_access_port/pub_key.json" > /dev/null ERR=$? echo "Cannot connect to Tendermint instance: ${VALS_ARR[$i]}" done set -e # add validator to genesis file along with its pub_key curl -s "http://${VALS_ARR[$i]}:$tm_pub_key_access_port/pub_key.json" | jq ". as \$k | {pub_key: \$k, power: ${VAL_POWERS_ARR[$i]}, name: \"${VALS_ARR[$i]}\"}" > pub_validator.json cat /tendermint/config/genesis.json | jq ".validators |= .+ [$(cat pub_validator.json)]" > tmpgenesis && mv tmpgenesis /tendermint/config/genesis.json rm pub_validator.json done # construct persistent peers IFS=',' read -ra PEERS_ARR <<< "$tm_persistent_peers" peers=() for s in "${PEERS_ARR[@]}"; do echo "http://$s:$tm_pub_key_access_port/address" curl -s --fail "http://$s:$tm_pub_key_access_port/address" > /dev/null ERR=$? while [ "$ERR" != 0 ]; do RETRIES=$((RETRIES+1)) if [ $RETRIES -eq 10 ]; then echo "${CANNOT_INITIATLIZE_INSTANCE}" exit 1 fi # 300(30 * 10(retries)) second timeout before container dies if it cannot find initial peers sleep 30 curl -s --fail "http://$s:$tm_pub_key_access_port/address" > /dev/null ERR=$? echo "Cannot get address for Tendermint instance: ${s}" done peer_addr=$(curl -s "http://$s:$tm_pub_key_access_port/address") peers+=("$peer_addr@$s:$tm_p2p_port") done peers=$(IFS=','; echo "${peers[*]}") echo "INFO: starting tendermint..." /usr/local/bin/tendermint node --home "/tendermint" --p2p.persistent_peers="$peers" --proxy_app="tcp://" --consensus.create_empty_blocks=false --p2p.pex=false {% endraw %}