""" BigchainDB: A Scalable Blockchain Database For full docs visit https://bigchaindb.readthedocs.org """ from setuptools import setup, find_packages # get the version version = {} with open('bigchaindb/version.py') as fp: exec(fp.read(), version) # check if setuptools is up to date def check_setuptools_features(): import pkg_resources try: list(pkg_resources.parse_requirements('foo~=1.0')) except ValueError: exit('Your Python distribution comes with an incompatible version ' 'of `setuptools`. Please run:\n' ' $ pip3 install --upgrade setuptools\n' 'and then run this command again') check_setuptools_features() tests_require = [ 'coverage', 'pep8', 'pyflakes', 'pylint', 'pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'pytest-xdist', 'pytest-flask', ] dev_require = [ 'ipdb', 'ipython', ] docs_require = [ 'recommonmark>=0.4.0', 'Sphinx>=1.3.5', 'sphinxcontrib-napoleon>=0.4.4', 'sphinx-rtd-theme>=0.1.9', ] benchmarks_require = [ 'line-profiler==1.0', ] setup( name='BigchainDB', version=version['__version__'], description='BigchainDB: A Scalable Blockchain Database', long_description=__doc__, url='https://github.com/BigchainDB/bigchaindb/', author='BigchainDB Contributors', author_email='dev@bigchaindb.com', license='AGPLv3', zip_safe=False, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Topic :: Database', 'Topic :: Database :: Database Engines/Servers', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Natural Language :: English', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', ], packages=find_packages(exclude=['tests*']), entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'bigchaindb=bigchaindb.commands.bigchain:main' ], 'bigchaindb.consensus': [ 'default=bigchaindb.consensus:BaseConsensusRules' ] }, install_requires=[ 'rethinkdb~=2.3', 'pysha3==0.3', 'pytz==2015.7', 'cryptoconditions==0.4.1', 'statsd==3.2.1', 'python-rapidjson==0.0.6', 'logstats==0.2.1', 'base58==0.2.2', 'flask==0.10.1', 'requests==2.9', 'gunicorn~=19.0', ], setup_requires=['pytest-runner'], tests_require=tests_require, extras_require={ 'test': tests_require, 'dev': dev_require + tests_require + docs_require + benchmarks_require, 'docs': docs_require, }, )