codecov: branch: master # the branch to show by default # The help text for bot says: # "the username that will consume any oauth requests # must have previously logged into Codecov" # In GitHub - BigchainDB organization settings - Third-party access, # it says, for Codecov: "approval requested by r-marques" bot: r-marques coverage: precision: 2 round: down range: "70...100" status: project: default: target: auto if_no_uploads: error patch: default: target: "80%" if_no_uploads: error ignore: # files and folders that will be removed during processing - "docs/*" - "tests/*" - "bigchaindb/" - "k8s/*" comment: # @stevepeak (from suggested we change 'suggestions' to 'uncovered' # in the following line. Thanks Steve! layout: "header, diff, changes, sunburst, uncovered" behavior: default