Source code for bigchain.core

import rethinkdb as r
import time
import random
import json
import rapidjson

from datetime import datetime

import bigchain
from bigchain.crypto import hash_data, PublicKey, PrivateKey, generate_key_pair

[docs]class Bigchain(object): """Bigchain API Create, read, sign, write transactions to the database """
[docs] def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, dbname=None, public_key=None, private_key=None, keyring=[]): """Initialize the Bigchain instance There are three ways in which the Bigchain instance can get its parameters. The order by which the parameters are chosen are: 1. Setting them by passing them to the `__init__` method itself. 2. Setting them as environment variables 3. Reading them from the `config.json` file. Args: host (str): hostname where the rethinkdb is running. port (int): port in which rethinkb is running (usually 28015). dbname (str): the name of the database to connect to (usually bigchain). public_key (str): the base58 encoded public key for the ECDSA secp256k1 curve. private_key (str): the base58 encoded private key for the ECDSA secp256k1 curve. keyring (list[str]): list of base58 encoded public keys of the federation nodes. """ = host or bigchain.config['database']['host'] self.port = port or bigchain.config['database']['port'] self.dbname = dbname or bigchain.config['database']['name'] = public_key or bigchain.config['keypair']['public'] self.me_private = private_key or bigchain.config['keypair']['private'] self.federation_nodes = keyring or bigchain.config['keyring'] self.conn = self.reconnect()
def reconnect(self): return r.connect(, port=self.port, db=self.dbname)
[docs] def create_transaction(self, current_owner, new_owner, tx_input, operation, payload=None): """Create a new transaction A transaction in the bigchain is a transfer of a digital asset between two entities represented by public keys. Currently the bigchain supports two types of operations: `CREATE` - Only federation nodes are allowed to use this operation. In a create operation a federation node creates a digital asset in the bigchain and assigns that asset to a public key. The owner of the private key can then decided to transfer this digital asset by using the `transaction id` of the transaction as an input in a `TRANSFER` transaction. `TRANSFER` - A transfer operation allows for a transfer of the digital assets between entities. Args: current_owner (str): base58 encoded public key of the current owner of the asset. new_owner (str): base58 encoded public key of the new owner of the digital asset. tx_input (str): id of the transaction to use as input. operation (str): Either `CREATE` or `TRANSFER` operation. payload (Optional[dict]): dictionary with information about asset Returns: dict: unsigned transaction """ data = None if payload: if isinstance(payload, dict): hash_payload = hash_data(self.serialize(payload)) data = { 'hash': hash_payload, 'payload': payload } else: raise Exception('data parameter needs to be a dictionary') tx = { 'current_owner': current_owner, 'new_owner': new_owner, 'input': tx_input, 'operation': operation, 'timestamp': self.timestamp(), 'data': data } # serialize and convert to bytes tx_serialized = self.serialize(tx) tx_hash = hash_data(tx_serialized) # create the transaction transaction = { 'id': tx_hash, 'transaction': tx } return transaction
[docs] def sign_transaction(self, transaction, private_key): """Sign a transaction A transaction signed with the `current_owner` corresponding private key. Args: transaction (dict): transaction to sign. private_key (str): base58 encoded private key to create a signature of the transaction. Returns: dict: transaction with the `signature` field included. """ private_key = PrivateKey(private_key) signature = private_key.sign(self.serialize(transaction)) signed_transaction = transaction.copy() signed_transaction.update({'signature': signature}) return signed_transaction
[docs] def verify_signature(self, signed_transaction): """Verify the signature of a transaction A valid transaction should have been signed `current_owner` corresponding private key. Args: signed_transaction (dict): a transaction with the `signature` included. Returns: bool: True if the signature is correct, False otherwise. """ data = signed_transaction.copy() # if assignee field in the transaction, remove it if 'assignee' in data: data.pop('assignee') signature = data.pop('signature') public_key_base58 = signed_transaction['transaction']['current_owner'] public_key = PublicKey(public_key_base58) return public_key.verify(self.serialize(data), signature)
[docs] def write_transaction(self, signed_transaction): """Write the transaction to bigchain. When first writing a transaction to the bigchain the transaction will be kept in a backlog until it has been validated by the nodes of the federation. Args: singed_transaction (dict): transaction with the `signature` included. Returns: dict: database response """ # we will assign this transaction to `one` node. This way we make sure that there are no duplicate # transactions on the bigchain if self.federation_nodes: assignee = random.choice(self.federation_nodes) else: # I am the only node assignee = # update the transaction signed_transaction.update({'assignee': assignee}) # write to the backlog response = r.table('backlog').insert(signed_transaction, durability='soft').run(self.conn) return response
[docs] def get_transaction(self, txid): """Retrieve a transaction with `txid` from bigchain. Queries the bigchain for a transaction that was already included in a block. Args: txid (str): transaction id of the transaction to query Returns: A dict with the transaction details if the transaction was found. If no transaction with that `txid` was found it returns `None` """ response = r.table('bigchain').concat_map(lambda doc: doc['block']['transactions'])\ .filter(lambda transaction: transaction['id'] == txid).run(self.conn) # transaction ids should be unique transactions = list(response) if transactions: if len(transactions) != 1: raise Exception('Transaction ids should be unique. There is a problem with the chain') else: return transactions[0] else: return None
[docs] def get_tx_by_payload_hash(self, payload_hash): """Retrieves transactions related to a digital asset. When creating a transaction one of the optional arguments is the `payload`. The payload is a generic dict that contains information about the digital asset. To make it easy to query the bigchain for that digital asset we create a sha3-256 hash of the serialized payload and store it with the transaction. This makes it easy for developers to keep track of their digital assets in bigchain. Args: payload_hash (str): sha3-256 hash of the serialized payload. Returns: A list of transactions containing that payload. If no transaction exists with that payload it returns `None` """ cursor = r.table('bigchain')\ .get_all(payload_hash, index='payload_hash')\ .run(self.conn) transactions = list(cursor) return transactions
[docs] def get_spent(self, txid): """Check if a `txid` was already used as an input. A transaction can be used as an input for another transaction. Bigchain needs to make sure that a given `txid` is only used once. Args: txid (str): transaction id. Returns: The transaction that used the `txid` as an input if it exists else it returns `None` """ # checks if an input was already spent # checks if the bigchain has any transaction with input `transaction_id` response = r.table('bigchain').concat_map(lambda doc: doc['block']['transactions'])\ .filter(lambda transaction: transaction['transaction']['input'] == txid).run(self.conn) # a transaction_id should have been spent at most one time transactions = list(response) if transactions: if len(transactions) != 1: raise Exception('`{}` was spent more then once. There is a problem with the chain'.format( txid)) else: return transactions[0] else: return None
[docs] def get_owned_ids(self, owner): """Retrieve a list of `txids` that can we used has inputs. Args: owner (str): base58 encoded public key. Returns: list: list of `txids` currently owned by `owner` """ response = r.table('bigchain')\ .concat_map(lambda doc: doc['block']['transactions'])\ .filter({'transaction': {'new_owner': owner}})\ .pluck('id')['id']\ .run(self.conn) owned = [] # remove all inputs already spent for tx_input in list(response): if not self.get_spent(tx_input): owned.append(tx_input) return owned
[docs] def validate_transaction(self, transaction): """Validate a transaction. Args: transaction (dict): transaction to validate. Returns: The transaction if the transaction is valid else it raises and exception describing the reason why the transaction is invalid. """ # If the operation is CREATE the transaction should have no inputs and should be signed by a # federation node if transaction['transaction']['operation'] == 'CREATE': if transaction['transaction']['input']: raise Exception('A CREATE operation has no inputs.') if transaction['transaction']['current_owner'] not in self.federation_nodes + []: raise Exception('Only federation nodes can use the operation `CREATE`') else: # check if the input exists, is owned by the current_owner if not transaction['transaction']['input']: raise Exception('Only `CREATE` transactions can have null inputs') tx_input = self.get_transaction(transaction['transaction']['input']) if not tx_input: raise Exception('input `{}` does not exist in the bigchain'.format( transaction['transaction']['input'])) if tx_input['transaction']['new_owner'] != transaction['transaction']['current_owner']: raise Exception('current_owner `{}` does not own the input `{}`'.format( transaction['transaction']['current_owner'], transaction['transaction']['input'])) # check if the input was already spent spent = self.get_spent(tx_input['id']) if spent: raise Exception('input `{}` was already spent'.format(transaction['transaction']['input'])) # Check hash of the transaction calculated_hash = hash_data(self.serialize(transaction['transaction'])) if calculated_hash != transaction['id']: raise Exception('Wrong transaction hash') # Check signature if not self.verify_signature(transaction): raise Exception('Wrong transaction signature') return transaction
[docs] def is_valid_transaction(self, transaction): """Check whether a transacion is valid or invalid. Similar to `validate_transaction` but does not raise an exception if the transaction is valid. Args: transaction (dict): transaction to check. Returns: bool: `True` if the transaction is valid, `False` otherwise """ try: self.validate_transaction(transaction) return transaction except Exception: return False
[docs] def create_block(self, validated_transactions): """Creates a block given a list of `validated_transactions`. Note that this method does not validate the transactions. Transactions should be validated before calling create_block. Args: validated_transactions (list): list of validated transactions. Returns: dict: created block. """ # Create the new block block = { 'timestamp': self.timestamp(), 'transactions': validated_transactions, 'node_pubkey':, 'voters': self.federation_nodes } # Calculate the hash of the new block block_data = self.serialize(block) block_hash = hash_data(block_data) block_signature = PrivateKey(self.me_private).sign(block_data) block = { 'id': block_hash, 'block': block, 'signature': block_signature, 'votes': [] } return block
# TODO: check that the votings structure is correctly constructed
[docs] def validate_block(self, block): """Validate a block. Args: block (dict): block to validate. Returns: The block if the block is valid else it raises and exception describing the reason why the block is invalid. """ # 1. Check if current hash is correct calculated_hash = hash_data(self.serialize(block['block'])) if calculated_hash != block['id']: raise Exception('Wrong block hash') # 2. Validate all transactions in the block for transaction in block['block']['transactions']: if not self.is_valid_transaction(transaction): # this will raise the exception self.validate_transaction(transaction) return block
[docs] def is_valid_block(self, block): """Check whether a block is valid or invalid. Similar to `validate_block` but does not raise an exception if the block is invalid. Args: block (dict): block to check. Returns: bool: `True` if the block is valid, `False` otherwise. """ try: self.validate_block(block) return block except Exception: return False
[docs] def write_block(self, block): """Write a block to bigchain. Args: block (dict): block to write to bigchain. """ block_serialized = rapidjson.dumps(block) r.table('bigchain').insert(r.json(block_serialized), durability='soft').run(self.conn, noreply=True)
# TODO: Decide if we need this method def transaction_exists(self, transaction_id): response = r.table('bigchain').get_all(transaction_id, index='transaction_id').run(self.conn) return True if len(response.items) > 0 else False
[docs] def create_genesis_block(self): """Create the genesis block Block created when bigchain is first initialized. """ # 1. create one transaction # 2. create the block with one transaction # 3. write the block to the bigchain payload = {'message': 'Hello World from the Bigchain'} transaction = self.create_transaction(,, None, 'GENESIS', payload=payload) transaction_signed = self.sign_transaction(transaction, self.me_private) # create the block block = self.create_block([transaction_signed]) # add block number before writing block['block_number'] = 0 self.write_block(block) return block
[docs] def vote(self, block, previous_block_id, decision, invalid_reason=None): """Cast your vote on the block given the previous_block_hash and the decision (valid/invalid) return the block to the updated in the database. Args: block (dict): Block to vote. previous_block_id (str): The id of the previous block. decision (bool): Whether the block is valid or invalid. invalid_reason (Optional[str]): Reason the block is invalid """ vote = { 'voting_for_block': block['id'], 'previous_block': previous_block_id, 'is_block_valid': decision, 'invalid_reason': invalid_reason, 'timestamp': self.timestamp() } vote_data = self.serialize(vote) signature = PrivateKey(self.me_private).sign(vote_data) vote_signed = { 'node_pubkey':, 'signature': signature, 'vote': vote } return vote_signed
[docs] def serialize(data): """Static method used to serialize a dict into a JSON formatted string. This method enforces rules like the separator and order of keys. This ensures that all dicts are serialized in the same way. This is specially important for hashing data. We need to make sure that everyone serializes their data in the same way so that we do not have hash mismatches for the same structure due to serialization differences. Args: data (dict): dict to serialize Returns: str: JSON formatted string """ return json.dumps(data, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True)
[docs] def deserialize(data): """Static method used to deserialize a JSON formatted string into a dict. Args: data (str): JSON formatted string. Returns: dict: dict resulting from the serialization of a JSON formatted string. """ return json.loads(data, encoding="utf-8")
[docs] def timestamp(): """Static method to calculate a UTC timestamp with microsecond precision. Returns: str: UTC timestamp. """ dt = datetime.utcnow() return "{0:.6f}".format(time.mktime(dt.timetuple()) + dt.microsecond / 1e6)
[docs] def generate_keys(): """Generates a key pair. Returns: tuple: `(private_key, public_key)`. ECDSA key pair using the secp256k1 curve encoded in base58. """ # generates and returns the keys serialized in hex return generate_key_pair()