mirror of https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb.git synced 2024-06-17 18:13:22 +02:00

Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/master' into kyber-master

This commit is contained in:
diminator 2017-06-30 11:17:15 +02:00
commit d2331a99c4
32 changed files with 518 additions and 267 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Change Log (Release Notes)
All _notable_ changes to this project will be documented in this file (`CHANGELOG.md`).
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/) (or at least we try).
This project adheres to [the Python form of Semantic Versioning](https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/distributing-packages/#choosing-a-versioning-scheme) (or at least we try).
Contributors to this file, please follow the guidelines on [keepachangelog.com](http://keepachangelog.com/).
Note that each version (or "release") is the name of a [Git _tag_](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Tagging) of a particular commit, so the associated date and time are the date and time of that commit (as reported by GitHub), _not_ the "Uploaded on" date listed on PyPI (which may differ).
For reference, the possible headings are:
@ -15,14 +15,70 @@ For reference, the possible headings are:
* **External Contributors** to list contributors outside of BigchainDB GmbH.
* **Notes**
## [1.0.0rc1] - 2017-06-23
Tag name: v1.0.0rc1
### Added
* Support for secure TLS/SSL communication between MongoDB and {BigchainDB, MongoDB Backup Agent, MongoDB Monitoring Agent}. Pull Requests
[#1551](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1551) and
* Text search support (only if using MongoDB). Pull Requests [#1469](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1469) and [#1471](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1471)
* The `database.connection_timeout` configuration setting now works with RethinkDB too. [#1512](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1512)
* New code and tools for benchmarking CREATE transactions. [Pull Request #1511](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1511)
### Changed
* There's an upgrade guide in `docs/upgrade-guides/v0.10-->v1.0.md`. It only covers changes to the transaction model and HTTP API. If that file hasn't been merged yet, see [Pull Request #1547](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1547)
* Cryptographic signatures now sign the whole (serialized) transaction body, including the transaction ID, but with all `"fulfillment"` values changed to `None`. [Pull Request #1225](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1225)
* In transactions, the value of `"amount"` must be a string. (Before, it was supposed to be a number.) [Pull Request #1286](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1286)
* In `setup.py`, the "Development Status" (as reported on PyPI) was changed from Alpha to Beta. [Pull Request #1437](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1437)
* If you explicitly specify a config file, e.g. `bigchaindb -c path/to/config start` and that file can't be found, then BigchainDB Server will fail with a helpful error message. [Pull Request #1486](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1486)
* Reduced the response time on the HTTP API endpoint to get all the unspent outputs associated with a given public key (a.k.a. "fast unspents"). [Pull Request #1411](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1411)
* Internally, the value of an asset's `"data"` is now stored in a separate assets table. This enabled the new text search. Each asset data is stored along with the associated CREATE transaction ID (asset ID). That data gets written when the containing block gets written to the bigchain table. [Pull Request #1460](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1460)
* Schema validation was sped up by switching to `rapidjson-schema`. [Pull Request #1494](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1494)
* If a node comes back from being down for a while, it will resume voting on blocks in the order determined by the MongoDB oplog, in the case of MongoDB. (In the case of RethinkDB, blocks missed in the changefeed will not be voted on.) [Pull Request #1389](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1389)
* Parallelized transaction schema validation in the vote pipeline. [Pull Request #1492](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1492)
* `asset.data` or `asset.id` are now *required* in a CREATE or TRANSFER transaction, respectively. [Pull Request #1518](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1518)
* The HTTP response body, in the response to the `GET /` and the `GET /api/v1` endpoints, was changed substantially. [Pull Request #1529](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1529)
* Changed the HTTP `GET /api/v1/transactions/{transaction_id}` endpoint. It now only returns the transaction if it's in a valid block. It also returns a new header with a relative link to a status monitor. [Pull Request #1543](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1543)
* All instances of `txid` and `tx_id` were replaced with `transaction_id`, in the transaction model and the HTTP API. [Pull Request #1532](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1532)
* The hostname and port were removed from all URLs in all HTTP API responses. [Pull Request #1538](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1538)
* Relative links were replaced with JSON objects in HTTP API responses. [Pull Request #1541](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1541)
* In the outputs endpoint of the HTTP API, the query parameter `unspent` was changed to `spent` (so no more double negatives). If that query parameter isn't included, then all outputs matching the specificed public key will be returned. If `spent=true`, then only the spent outputs will be returned. If `spent=false`, then only the unspent outputs will be returned. [Pull Request #1545](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1545)
* The supported crypto-conditions changed from version 01 of the crypto-conditions spec to version 02. [Pull Request #1562](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1562)
* The value of "version" inside a transaction must now be "1.0". (Before, it could be "0.anything".) [Pull Request #1574](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1574)
### Removed
* The `server.threads` configuration setting (for the Gunicorn HTTP server) was removed from the default set of BigchainDB configuration settings. [Pull Request #1488](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1488)
### Fixed
* The `GET /api/v1/outputs` endpoint was failing for some transactions with threshold conditions. Fixed in [Pull Request #1450](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1450)
### External Contributors
* @elopio - Pull Requests [#1415](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1415) and [#1491](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1491)
* @CsterKuroi - [Pull Request #1447](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1447)
* @tdsgit - [Pull Request #1512](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1512)
* @lavinasachdev3 - [Pull Request #1357](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1357)
### Notes
* We dropped support for Python 3.4. [Pull Request #1564](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1564)
* There were many improvements to our Kubernetes-based production deployment template (and the associated documentaiton).
* There is now a [BigchainDB Ruby driver](https://github.com/LicenseRocks/bigchaindb_ruby), created by @addywaddy at [license.rocks](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1437).
* The [BigchainDB JavaScript driver](https://github.com/bigchaindb/js-bigchaindb-driver) was moved to a different GitHub repo and is now officially maintained by the BigchainDB team.
* We continue to recommend using MongoDB.
## [0.10.2] - 2017-05-16
Tag name: v0.10.2
## Added
### Added
* Add Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support for the HTTP API.
[Commit 6cb7596](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/commit/6cb75960b05403c77bdae0fd327612482589efcb)
## Fixed
### Fixed
* Fixed `streams_v1` API link in response to `GET /api/v1`.
[Pull Request #1466](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1466)
* Fixed mismatch between docs and implementation for `GET /blocks?status=`
@ -32,10 +88,10 @@ Tag name: v0.10.2
## [0.10.1] - 2017-04-19
Tag name: v0.10.1
## Added
### Added
* Documentation for the BigchainDB settings `wsserver.host` and `wsserver.port`. [Pull Request #1408](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1408)
## Fixed
### Fixed
* Fixed `Dockerfile`, which was failing to build. It now starts `FROM python:3.6` (instead of `FROM ubuntu:xenial`). [Pull Request #1410](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1410)
* Fixed the `Makefile` so that `release` depends on `dist`. [Pull Request #1405](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/pull/1405)

View File

@ -2,8 +2,14 @@
The release process for BigchainDB server differs slightly depending on whether it's a minor or a patch release.
BigchainDB follows [semantic versioning](http://semver.org/) (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), taking into account
that [major version 0.x does not export a stable API](http://semver.org/#spec-item-4).
BigchainDB follows
[the Python form of Semantic Versioning](https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/distributing-packages/#choosing-a-versioning-scheme)
which is almost identical
to [regular semantic versioning](http://semver.org/)
except release candidates are labelled like
`3.4.5rc2` not `3.4.5-rc2` (with no hyphen).
## Minor release
@ -14,6 +20,7 @@ A minor release is preceeded by a feature freeze and created from the 'master' b
1. Create and checkout a new branch for the minor release, named after the minor version, without a preceeding 'v', e.g. `git checkout -b 0.9` (*not* 0.9.0, this new branch will be for e.g. 0.9.0, 0.9.1, 0.9.2, etc. each of which will be identified by a tagged commit)
1. In `bigchaindb/version.py`, update `__version__` and `__short_version__`, e.g. to `0.9` and `0.9.0` (with no `.dev` on the end)
1. Commit that change, and push the new branch to GitHub
1. On GitHub, use the new branch to create a new pull request and wait for all the tests to pass
1. Follow steps outlined in [Common Steps](#common-steps)
1. In 'master' branch, Edit `bigchaindb/version.py`, increment the minor version to the next planned release, e.g. `0.10.0.dev`. This is so people reading the latest docs will know that they're for the latest (master branch) version of BigchainDB Server, not the docs at the time of the most recent release (which are also available).
1. Go to [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/), sign in, go to Settings - Build Settings, and under the build with Docker Tag Name equal to `latest`, change the Name to the number of the new release, e.g. `0.9`

View File

@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ def get_spent(conn, transaction_id, output):
'block.transactions.inputs': {
'$elemMatch': {
'fulfills.transaction_id': transaction_id,
'fulfills.output': output,
'fulfills.output_index': output,
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ def get_spent(conn, transaction_id, output):
'block.transactions.inputs': {
'$elemMatch': {
'fulfills.transaction_id': transaction_id,
'fulfills.output': output,
'fulfills.output_index': output,

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def create_bigchain_secondary_index(conn, dbname):
('block.transactions.inputs.fulfills.transaction_id', ASCENDING),
('block.transactions.inputs.fulfills.output', ASCENDING),
('block.transactions.inputs.fulfills.output_index', ASCENDING),
], name='inputs')

View File

@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ def get_spent(connection, transaction_id, output):
.concat_map(lambda doc: doc['block']['transactions'])
.filter(lambda transaction: transaction['inputs'].contains(
lambda input_: input_['fulfills'] == {
'transaction_id': transaction_id, 'output': output})))
'transaction_id': transaction_id, 'output_index': output})))
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ def unwind_block_transactions(block):
def get_spending_transactions(connection, links):
query = (
.get_all(*[(l['transaction_id'], l['output']) for l in links],
.get_all(*[(l['transaction_id'], l['output_index']) for l in links],
# filter transactions spending output

View File

@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ def create_bigchain_secondary_index(connection, dbname):
.concat_map(lambda tx: tx['inputs']['fulfills'])
.with_fields('transaction_id', 'output')
.with_fields('transaction_id', 'output_index')
.map(lambda fulfills: [fulfills['transaction_id'],
# wait for rethinkdb to finish creating secondary indexes

View File

@ -106,3 +106,7 @@ class SybilError(ValidationError):
class DuplicateTransaction(ValidationError):
"""Raised if a duplicated transaction is found"""
class ThresholdTooDeep(ValidationError):
"""Raised if threshold condition is too deep"""

View File

@ -150,8 +150,7 @@ definitions:
- uri
type: object
additionalProperties: true
"$ref": "#/definitions/condition_details"
type: string
pattern: "^ni:///sha-256;([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,86})?(.+)$"
@ -174,28 +173,14 @@ definitions:
description: |
List of public keys of the previous owners of the asset.
description: |
Fulfillment of an `Output.condition`_, or, put a different way, a payload
that satisfies the condition of a previous output to prove that the
creator(s) of this transaction have control over the listed asset.
- type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: integer
type: string
type: string
- type: string
- type: 'null'
type: integer
description: |
Fulfillment of an `Output.condition`_, or, put a different way, a payload
that satisfies the condition of a previous output to prove that the
creator(s) of this transaction have control over the listed asset.
- type: string
pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$"
- "$ref": "#/definitions/condition_details"
- type: 'object'
@ -203,10 +188,10 @@ definitions:
Reference to the output that is being spent.
additionalProperties: false
- output
- output_index
- transaction_id
"$ref": "#/definitions/offset"
description: |
Index of the output containing the condition being fulfilled
@ -224,3 +209,37 @@ definitions:
additionalProperties: true
minProperties: 1
- type: 'null'
description: |
Details needed to reconstruct the condition associated with an output.
Currently, BigchainDB only supports ed25519 and threshold condition types.
- type: object
additionalProperties: false
- type
- public_key
type: string
pattern: "^ed25519-sha-256$"
"$ref": "#/definitions/base58"
- type: object
additionalProperties: false
- type
- threshold
- subconditions
type: "string"
pattern: "^threshold-sha-256$"
type: integer
minimum: 1
maximum: 100
type: array
"$ref": "#/definitions/condition_details"

View File

@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ from functools import reduce
import base58
from cryptoconditions import Fulfillment, ThresholdSha256, Ed25519Sha256
from cryptoconditions.exceptions import (
ParsingError, ASN1DecodeError, ASN1EncodeError)
ParsingError, ASN1DecodeError, ASN1EncodeError, UnsupportedTypeError)
from bigchaindb.common.crypto import PrivateKey, hash_data
from bigchaindb.common.exceptions import (KeypairMismatchException,
InvalidHash, InvalidSignature,
AmountError, AssetIdMismatch)
AmountError, AssetIdMismatch,
from bigchaindb.common.utils import serialize
@ -66,15 +67,7 @@ class Input(object):
fulfillment = self.fulfillment.serialize_uri()
except (TypeError, AttributeError, ASN1EncodeError):
# NOTE: When a non-signed transaction is casted to a dict,
# `self.inputs` value is lost, as in the node's
# transaction model that is saved to the database, does not
# account for its dictionary form but just for its signed uri
# form.
# Hence, when a non-signed fulfillment is to be cast to a
# dict, we just call its internal `to_dict` method here and
# its `from_dict` method in `Fulfillment.from_dict`.
fulfillment = self.fulfillment.to_dict()
fulfillment = _fulfillment_to_details(self.fulfillment)
# NOTE: `self.fulfills` can be `None` and that's fine
@ -125,11 +118,63 @@ class Input(object):
except TypeError:
# NOTE: See comment about this special case in
# `Input.to_dict`
fulfillment = Fulfillment.from_dict(data['fulfillment'])
fulfillment = _fulfillment_from_details(data['fulfillment'])
fulfills = TransactionLink.from_dict(data['fulfills'])
return cls(fulfillment, data['owners_before'], fulfills)
def _fulfillment_to_details(fulfillment):
Encode a fulfillment as a details dictionary
fulfillment: Crypto-conditions Fulfillment object
if fulfillment.type_name == 'ed25519-sha-256':
return {
'type': 'ed25519-sha-256',
'public_key': base58.b58encode(fulfillment.public_key),
if fulfillment.type_name == 'threshold-sha-256':
subconditions = [
for cond in fulfillment.subconditions
return {
'type': 'threshold-sha-256',
'threshold': fulfillment.threshold,
'subconditions': subconditions,
raise UnsupportedTypeError(fulfillment.type_name)
def _fulfillment_from_details(data):
Load a fulfillment for a signing spec dictionary
data: tx.output[].condition.details dictionary
if data['type'] == 'ed25519-sha-256':
public_key = base58.b58decode(data['public_key'])
return Ed25519Sha256(public_key=public_key)
if data['type'] == 'threshold-sha-256':
threshold = ThresholdSha256(data['threshold'])
for cond in data['subconditions']:
cond = _fulfillment_from_details(cond)
return threshold
except RecursionError:
raise ThresholdTooDeep()
raise UnsupportedTypeError(data.get('type'))
class TransactionLink(object):
"""An object for unidirectional linking to a Transaction's Output.
@ -178,7 +223,7 @@ class TransactionLink(object):
return cls(link['transaction_id'], link['output'])
return cls(link['transaction_id'], link['output_index'])
except TypeError:
return cls()
@ -193,7 +238,7 @@ class TransactionLink(object):
return {
'transaction_id': self.txid,
'output': self.output,
'output_index': self.output,
def to_uri(self, path=''):
@ -262,7 +307,7 @@ class Output(object):
# and fulfillment!
condition = {}
condition['details'] = self.fulfillment.to_dict()
condition['details'] = _fulfillment_to_details(self.fulfillment)
except AttributeError:
@ -389,7 +434,7 @@ class Output(object):
fulfillment = Fulfillment.from_dict(data['condition']['details'])
fulfillment = _fulfillment_from_details(data['condition']['details'])
except KeyError:
# NOTE: Hashlock condition case
fulfillment = data['condition']['uri']

View File

@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ def condition_details_has_owner(condition_details, owner):
bool: True if the public key is found in the condition details, False otherwise
if 'subfulfillments' in condition_details:
result = condition_details_has_owner(condition_details['subfulfillments'], owner)
if 'subconditions' in condition_details:
result = condition_details_has_owner(condition_details['subconditions'], owner)
if result:
return True

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
__version__ = '0.11.0.dev'
__short_version__ = '0.11.dev'
__version__ = '1.0.0.dev'
__short_version__ = '1.0.dev'

View File

@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ class OutputListApi(Resource):
with pool() as bigchain:
outputs = bigchain.get_outputs_filtered(args['public_key'],
return [{'transaction_id': output.txid, 'output': output.output}
return [{'transaction_id': output.txid, 'output_index': output.output}
for output in outputs]

View File

@ -81,30 +81,20 @@ to spend the asset. For example:
"condition": {
"details": {
"bitmask": 41,
"subfulfillments": [
"type": "threshold-sha-256",
"threshold": 2,
"subconditions": [
"bitmask": 32,
"public_key": "<new owner 1 public key>",
"signature": null,
"type": "fulfillment",
"type_id": 4,
"weight": 1
"type": "ed25519-sha-256",
"bitmask": 32,
"public_key": "<new owner 2 public key>",
"signature": null,
"type": "fulfillment",
"type_id": 4,
"weight": 1
"type": "ed25519-sha-256",
"threshold": 2,
"type": "fulfillment",
"type_id": 2
"uri": "cc:2:29:ytNK3X6-bZsbF-nCGDTuopUIMi1HCyCkyPewm6oLI3o:206"},
"uri": "ni:///sha-256;PNYwdxaRaNw60N6LDFzOWO97b8tJeragczakL8PrAPc?fpt=ed25519-sha-256&cost=131072"},
"public_keys": [
"<owner 1 public key>",
"<owner 2 public key>"
@ -112,11 +102,10 @@ to spend the asset. For example:
- ``subfulfillments``: a list of fulfillments
- ``weight``: integer weight for each subfulfillment's contribution to the threshold
- ``threshold``: threshold to reach for the subfulfillments to reach a valid fulfillment
- ``subconditions``: a list of condition specs
- ``threshold``: threshold to reach for the subconditions to reach a valid fulfillment
The ``weight``s and ``threshold`` could be adjusted. For example, if the ``threshold`` was changed to 1 above, then only one of the new owners would have to provide a signature to spend the asset.
The ``threshold`` can be adjusted. For example, if the ``threshold`` was changed to 1 above, then only one of the new owners would have to provide a signature to spend the asset. If it is desired to give a different weight to a subcondition, it should be specified multiple times.
@ -132,7 +121,7 @@ If there is only one *current owner*, the fulfillment will be a simple signature
"owners_before": ["<public key of the owner before the transaction happened>"],
"fulfillment": "cf:4:RxFzIE679tFBk8zwEgizhmTuciAylvTUwy6EL6ehddHFJOhK5F4IjwQ1xLu2oQK9iyRCZJdfWAefZVjTt3DeG5j2exqxpGliOPYseNkRAWEakqJ_UrCwgnj92dnFRAEE",
"fulfills": {
"output": 0,
"output_index": 0,
"transaction_id": "11b3e7d893cc5fdfcf1a1706809c7def290a3b10b0bef6525d10b024649c42d3"
@ -151,7 +140,7 @@ If there are multiple *current owners*, the fulfillment will be a little differe
"owners_before": ["<public key of the first owner before the transaction happened>","<public key of the second owner before the transaction happened>"],
"fulfillment": "cf:2:AQIBAgEBYwAEYEv6O5HjHGl7OWo2Tu5mWcWQcL_OGrFuUjyej-dK3LM99TbZsRd8c9luQhU30xCH5AdNaupxg-pLHuk8DoSaDA1MHQGXUZ80a_cV-4UaaaCpdey8K0CEcJxre0X96hTHCwABAWMABGBnsuHExhuSj5Mdm-q0KoPgX4nAt0s00k1WTMCzuUpQIp6aStLoTSMlsvS4fmDtOSv9gubekKLuHTMAk-LQFSKF1JdzwaVWAA2UOv0v_OS2gY3A-r0kRq8HtzjYdcmVswUA",
"fulfills": {
"output": 0,
"output_index": 0,
"transaction_id": "e4805f1bfc999d6409b38e3a4c3b2fafad7c1280eb0d441da7083e945dd89eb8"
@ -160,5 +149,5 @@ If there are multiple *current owners*, the fulfillment will be a little differe
- ``owners_before``: A list of public keys of the owners before the transaction; in this case it has two owners, hence two public keys.
- ``fulfillment``: A crypto-conditions URI that encodes the cryptographic fulfillments like signatures and others;'cf' indicates this is a fulfillment, '2' indicates the condition type is THRESHOLD-SHA-256 (while '4' in `One Current Owner`_ indicates its condition type is ED25519).
- ``fulfills``: Pointer to an output from a previous transaction that is being spent
- ``output``: The index of the output in a previous transaction
- ``output_index``: The index of the output in a previous transaction
- ``transaction_id``: ID of the transaction

View File

@ -206,11 +206,11 @@ unspent outputs.
"output": 0,
"output_index": 0,
"transaction_id": "2d431073e1477f3073a4693ac7ff9be5634751de1b8abaa1f4e19548ef0b4b0e"
"output": 1,
"output_index": 1,
"transaction_id": "2d431073e1477f3073a4693ac7ff9be5634751de1b8abaa1f4e19548ef0b4b0e"
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ unspent outputs.
"output": 0,
"output_index": 0,
"transaction_id": "2d431073e1477f3073a4693ac7ff9be5634751de1b8abaa1f4e19548ef0b4b0e"
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ unspent outputs.
"output": 1,
"output_index": 1,
"transaction_id": "2d431073e1477f3073a4693ac7ff9be5634751de1b8abaa1f4e19548ef0b4b0e"

View File

@ -33,15 +33,17 @@ by going to the ``bdb-cluster-ca/easy-rsa-3.0.1/easyrsa3`` directory and using:
./easyrsa build-ca
You will be prompted to enter the Distinguished Name for this CA. You can hit
enter to accept the default values or change it at each prompt.
You will also be asked to enter a PEM pass phrase for encrypting the ``ca.key`` file.
You will also be asked to enter a PEM pass phrase (for encrypting the ``ca.key`` file).
Make sure to securely store that PEM pass phrase.
If you lose it, you won't be able to add or remove entities from your PKI infrastructure in the future.
It will ask several other questions.
You can accept all the defaults [in brackets] by pressing Enter.
You will be prompted to enter the Distinguished Name (DN) information for this CA.
For each field, you can accept the default value [in brackets] by pressing Enter.
.. warning::
Don't accept the default value of OU (``IT``). Instead, enter the value ``ROOT-CA``.
While ``Easy-RSA CA`` *is* a valid and acceptable Common Name,
you should probably enter a name based on the name of the managing organization,
e.g. ``Omega Ledger CA``.

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Step 2: Create the Client Private Key and CSR
You can create the client private key and certificate signing request (CSR)
by going into the directory ``client-cert/easy-rsa-3.0.1/easyrsa``
by going into the directory ``client-cert/easy-rsa-3.0.1/easyrsa3``
and using:
.. code:: bash
@ -33,25 +33,37 @@ and using:
./easyrsa gen-req bdb-instance-0 nopass
You should change ``bdb-instance-0`` to a value that reflects what the
client certificate is being used for.
You should change the Common Name (e.g. ``bdb-instance-0``)
to a value that reflects what the
client certificate is being used for, e.g. ``mdb-mon-instance-3`` or ``mdb-bak-instance-4``. (The final integer is specific to your BigchainDB node in the BigchainDB cluster.)
Tip: You can get help with the ``easyrsa`` command (and its subcommands)
by using the subcommand ``./easyrsa help``
You will be prompted to enter the Distinguished Name (DN) information for this certificate. For each field, you can accept the default value [in brackets] by pressing Enter.
.. warning::
Don't accept the default value of OU (``IT``). Instead, enter the value
``BigchainDB-Instance``, ``MongoDB-Mon-Instance`` or ``MongoDB-Backup-Instance``
as appropriate.
Aside: The ``nopass`` option means "do not encrypt the private key (default is encrypted)". You can get help with the ``easyrsa`` command (and its subcommands)
by using the subcommand ``./easyrsa help``.
Step 3: Get the Client Certificate Signed
The CSR file (created in the previous step)
should be located in ``pki/reqs/bdb-instance-0.req``.
The CSR file created in the previous step
should be located in ``pki/reqs/bdb-instance-0.req``
(or whatever Common Name you used in the ``gen-req`` command above).
You need to send it to the organization managing the cluster
so that they can use their CA
to sign the request.
(The managing organization should already have a self-signed CA.)
If you are the admin of the managing organization's self-signed CA,
then you can import the CSR and use Easy-RSA to sign it. For example:
then you can import the CSR and use Easy-RSA to sign it.
Go to your ``bdb-cluster-ca/easy-rsa-3.0.1/easyrsa3/``
directory and do something like:
.. code:: bash

View File

@ -69,9 +69,12 @@ The comments in the file explain what each of the variables mean.
echo 'set_var EASYRSA_REQ_OU "IT"' >> vars
echo 'set_var EASYRSA_REQ_EMAIL "dev@bigchaindb.com"' >> vars
We follow the convention of modifying the OU to ``ROOT-CA``,
``MongoDB-Instance``, ``BigchainDB-Instance``, ``MongoDB-Mon-Instance`` and
``MongoDB-Backup-Instance`` while issuing certificates.
Note: Later, when building a CA or generating a certificate signing request, you will be prompted to enter a value for the OU (or to accept the default). You should change the default OU from ``IT`` to one of the following, as appropriate:
``MongoDB-Instance``, ``BigchainDB-Instance``, ``MongoDB-Mon-Instance`` or
To understand why, see `the MongoDB Manual <https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/configure-x509-client-authentication/>`_.
There are reminders to do this in the relevant docs.
Step 4: Maybe Edit x509-types/server
@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ Step 4: Maybe Edit x509-types/server
Only do this step if you are setting up a self-signed CA.
Edit the file ``x509-types/server`` and change
``extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth`` to
``extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth,clientAuth``.
See `the MongoDB documentation about x.509 authentication <https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/security-x.509/>`_ to understand why.
Edit the file ``x509-types/server`` and change
``extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth`` to
``extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth,clientAuth``.
See `the MongoDB documentation about x.509 authentication <https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/security-x.509/>`_ to understand why.

View File

@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ where all data values must be base64-encoded.
This is true of all Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets.)
vars.mdb-instance-name and Similar
Your BigchainDB cluster organization should have a standard way
of naming instances, so the instances in your BigchainDB node
@ -59,12 +59,14 @@ of all *other* nodes in your BigchainDB cluster
* If you're deploying the first node in the cluster,
the value should be ``""`` (an empty string).
* If you're deploying the second node in the cluster,
the value should be one public key inside double quotes.
the value should be the BigchainDB public key of the first/original
node in the cluster.
For example,
* If there are two or more other nodes already in the cluster,
the value should be a colon-separated list of public keys
inside double quotes.
the value should be a colon-separated list
of the BigchainDB public keys
of those other nodes.
For example,
@ -89,6 +91,63 @@ Note that ``ca.pem`` is just another name for ``ca.crt``
(the certificate of your BigchainDB cluster's self-signed CA).
This is the user name that BigchainDB uses to authenticate itself to the
backend MongoDB database.
We need to specify the user name *as seen in the certificate* issued to
the BigchainDB instance in order to authenticate correctly. Use
the following ``openssl`` command to extract the user name from the
.. code:: bash
$ openssl x509 -in <path to the bigchaindb certificate> \
-inform PEM -subject -nameopt RFC2253
You should see an output line that resembles:
.. code:: bash
subject= emailAddress=dev@bigchaindb.com,CN=test-bdb-ssl,OU=BigchainDB-Instance,O=BigchainDB GmbH,L=Berlin,ST=Berlin,C=DE
The ``subject`` line states the complete user name we need to use for this
field (``bdb-certs.bdb-user``), i.e.
.. code:: bash
emailAddress=dev@bigchaindb.com,CN=test-bdb-ssl,OU=BigchainDB-Instance,O=BigchainDB GmbH,L=Berlin,ST=Berlin,C=DE
If you're not using 3scale,
you can delete the ``threescale-credentials`` Secret
or leave all the values blank (``""``).
If you *are* using 3scale, you can get the value for ``frontend-api-dns-name``
using something like ``echo "your.nodesubdomain.net" | base64 -w 0``
To get the values for ``secret-token``, ``service-id``,
``version-header`` and ``provider-key``, login to your 3scale admin,
then click **APIs** and click on **Integration** for the relevant API.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the small link
in the lower right corner, labelled **Download the NGINX Config files**.
You'll get a ``.zip`` file.
Unzip it, then open the ``.conf`` file and the ``.lua`` file.
You should be able to find all the values in those files.
You have to be careful because it will have values for *all* your APIs,
and some values vary from API to API.
The ``version-header`` is the timestamp in a line that looks like:
.. code::
proxy_set_header X-3scale-Version "2017-06-28T14:57:34Z";
Deploy Your config-map.yaml and secret.yaml

View File

@ -138,14 +138,17 @@ Step 4.1: Vanilla NGINX
Step 4.2: OpenResty NGINX + 3scale
* This configuration is located in the file ``nginx/nginx-3scale-svc.yaml``.
* You have to enable HTTPS for this one and will need an HTTPS certificate
for your domain
for your domain.
* You should have already created the Kubernetes Secret in the previous
* You should have already created the necessary Kubernetes Secrets in the previous
step (e.g. ``https-certs`` and ``threescale-credentials``).
* This configuration is located in the file ``nginx-3scale/nginx-3scale-svc.yaml``.
* Set the ``metadata.name`` and ``metadata.labels.name`` to the value
set in ``ngx-instance-name`` in the ConfigMap above.
* Set the ``spec.selector.app`` to the value set in ``ngx-instance-name`` in
the ConfigMap followed by ``-dep``. For example, if the value set in the
@ -167,20 +170,18 @@ Step 5: Assign DNS Name to the NGINX Public IP
<https://docs.bigchaindb.com/en/latest/terminology.html>`_ or are using
HTTPS certificates tied to a domain.
* The following command can help you find out if the nginx service started
* The following command can help you find out if the NGINX service started
above has been assigned a public IP or external IP address:
.. code:: bash
$ kubectl --context k8s-bdb-test-cluster-0 get svc -w
* Once a public IP is assigned, you can log in to the Azure portal and map it to
* Once a public IP is assigned, you can map it to
a DNS name.
* We usually assign ``bdb-test-cluster-0``, ``bdb-test-cluster-1`` and
We usually assign ``bdb-test-cluster-0``, ``bdb-test-cluster-1`` and
so on in our documentation.
* Let us assume that we assigned the unique name of ``bdb-test-cluster-0`` here.
Let's assume that we assign the unique name of ``bdb-test-cluster-0`` here.
**Set up DNS mapping in Azure.**
@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ have the Azure DNS prefix name along with a long random string, without the
(for example, ``bdb-test-cluster-0``), click ``Save``, and wait for the
changes to be applied.
To verify the DNS setting is operational, you can run ``nslookup <dns
To verify the DNS setting is operational, you can run ``nslookup <DNS
name added in ConfigMap>`` from your local Linux shell.
This will ensure that when you scale the replica set later, other MongoDB
@ -452,11 +453,11 @@ Step 11: Start a Kubernetes StatefulSet for MongoDB
* Note how the MongoDB container uses the ``mongo-db-claim`` and the
``mongo-configdb-claim`` PersistentVolumeClaims for its ``/data/db`` and
``/data/configdb`` diretories (mount path).
``/data/configdb`` directories (mount paths).
* Note also that we use the pod's ``securityContext.capabilities.add``
specification to add the ``FOWNER`` capability to the container. That is
because MongoDB container has the user ``mongodb``, with uid ``999`` and
because the MongoDB container has the user ``mongodb``, with uid ``999`` and
group ``mongodb``, with gid ``999``.
When this container runs on a host with a mounted disk, the writes fail
when there is no user with uid ``999``. To avoid this, we use the Docker
@ -490,12 +491,23 @@ Step 11: Start a Kubernetes StatefulSet for MongoDB
Step 12: Configure Users and Access Control for MongoDB
* Create a user on MongoDB with authorization to create more users and assign
* In this step, you will create a user on MongoDB with authorization
to create more users and assign
roles to them.
Note: You need to do this only when setting up the first MongoDB node of
the cluster.
Log in to the MongoDB instance and open a mongo shell using the certificates
* Find out the name of your MongoDB pod by reading the output
of the ``kubectl ... get pods`` command at the end of the last step.
It should be something like ``mdb-instance-0-ss-0``.
* Log in to the MongoDB pod using:
.. code:: bash
$ kubectl --context k8s-bdb-test-cluster-0 exec -it <name of your MongoDB pod> bash
* Open a mongo shell using the certificates
already present at ``/etc/mongod/ssl/``
.. code:: bash
@ -549,6 +561,9 @@ Step 12: Configure Users and Access Control for MongoDB
PRIMARY> use admin
PRIMARY> db.auth("adminUser", "superstrongpassword")
``db.auth()`` returns 0 when authentication is not successful,
and 1 when successful.
* We need to specify the user name *as seen in the certificate* issued to
the BigchainDB instance in order to authenticate correctly. Use
the following ``openssl`` command to extract the user name from the

View File

@ -39,3 +39,5 @@ Generate a new CRL for your infrastructure using:
The generated ``crl.pem`` file needs to be uploaded to your infrastructure to
prevent the revoked certificate from being used again.
In particlar, the generated ``crl.pem`` file should be sent to all BigchainDB node operators in your BigchainDB cluster, so that they can update it in their MongoDB instance and their BigchainDB Server instance.

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Step 2: Create the Server Private Key and CSR
You can create the server private key and certificate signing request (CSR)
by going into the directory ``member-cert/easy-rsa-3.0.1/easyrsa``
by going into the directory ``member-cert/easy-rsa-3.0.1/easyrsa3``
and using something like:
.. code:: bash
@ -35,15 +35,17 @@ and using something like:
./easyrsa --req-cn=mdb-instance-0 --subject-alt-name=DNS:localhost,DNS:mdb-instance-0 gen-req mdb-instance-0 nopass
You will be prompted to enter the Distinguished Name for this certificate. You
can hit enter to accept the default values or change them at each prompt.
You should replace the Common Name (``mdb-instance-0`` above) with the correct name for *your* MongoDB instance in the cluster, e.g. ``mdb-instance-5`` or ``mdb-instance-12``. (This name is decided by the organization managing the cluster.)
You can replace the common name (``mdb-instance-0`` above) with any other name
so long as the instance can verify that it is the hostname.
You will be prompted to enter the Distinguished Name (DN) information for this certificate.
For each field, you can accept the default value [in brackets] by pressing Enter.
You need to provide the ``DNS:localhost`` SAN during certificate generation
.. warning::
Don't accept the default value of OU (``IT``). Instead, enter the value ``MongoDB-Instance``.
Aside: You need to provide the ``DNS:localhost`` SAN during certificate generation
for using the ``localhost exception`` in the MongoDB instance.
All certificates can have this attribute without compromising security as the
``localhost exception`` works only the first time.
@ -51,15 +53,18 @@ All certificates can have this attribute without compromising security as the
Step 3: Get the Server Certificate Signed
The CSR file (created in the last step)
should be located in ``pki/reqs/mdb-instance-0.req``.
The CSR file created in the last step
should be located in ``pki/reqs/mdb-instance-0.req``
(where the integer ``0`` may be different for you).
You need to send it to the organization managing the cluster
so that they can use their CA
to sign the request.
(The managing organization should already have a self-signed CA.)
If you are the admin of the managing organization's self-signed CA,
then you can import the CSR and use Easy-RSA to sign it. For example:
then you can import the CSR and use Easy-RSA to sign it.
Go to your ``bdb-cluster-ca/easy-rsa-3.0.1/easyrsa3/``
directory and do something like:
.. code:: bash

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Finally, you can deploy an ACS using something like:
--agent-vm-size Standard_D2_v2 \
--dns-prefix <make up a name> \
--ssh-key-value ~/.ssh/<name>.pub \
--orchestrator-type kubernetes
--orchestrator-type kubernetes \
--debug --output json

View File

@ -53,6 +53,26 @@ Similarly, other instances must also have unique names in the cluster.
#. Name of the MongoDB backup agent instance (``mdb-bak-instance-*``)
☐ Generate four keys and corresponding certificate signing requests (CSRs):
#. Server Certificate (a.k.a. Member Certificate) for the MongoDB instance
#. Client Certificate for BigchainDB Server to identify itself to MongoDB
#. Client Certificate for MongoDB Monitoring Agent to identify itself to MongoDB
#. Client Certificate for MongoDB Backup Agent to identify itself to MongoDB
Ask the managing organization to use its self-signed CA to sign those four CSRs.
They should send you:
* Four certificates (one for each CSR you sent them).
* One ``ca.crt`` file: their CA certificate.
* One ``crl.pem`` file: a certificate revocation list.
For help, see the pages:
* :ref:`How to Generate a Server Certificate for MongoDB`
* :ref:`How to Generate a Client Certificate for MongoDB`
☐ Every node in a BigchainDB cluster needs its own
BigchainDB keypair (i.e. a public key and corresponding private key).
You can generate a BigchainDB keypair for your node, for example,
@ -73,28 +93,15 @@ Don't share your private key.
That list of public keys is known as the BigchainDB "keyring."
☐ Ask the managing organization
for the FQDN used to serve the BigchainDB APIs
(e.g. ``api.orgname.net`` or ``bdb.clustername.com``).
☐ Make up an FQDN for your BigchainDB node (e.g. ``mynode.mycorp.com``).
Make sure you've registered the associated domain name (e.g. ``mycorp.com``),
and have an SSL certificate for the FQDN.
(You can get an SSL certificate from any SSL certificate provider).
☐ Share your BigchaindB *public* key with all the other nodes
in the BigchainDB cluster.
Don't share your private key.
☐ Get the BigchainDB public keys of all the other nodes in the cluster.
That list of public keys is known as the BigchainDB "keyring."
(You can get an SSL certificate from any SSL certificate provider.)
☐ Ask the managing organization
for the FQDN used to serve the BigchainDB APIs
(e.g. ``api.orgname.net`` or ``bdb.clustername.com``)
and for a copy of the associated SSL/TLS certificate.
Also, ask for the user name to use for authenticating to MongoDB.
@ -113,37 +120,11 @@ allow easier periodic rotation of the ``Agent API Key`` with a constant
``Group ID``)
☐ Generate four keys and corresponding certificate signing requests (CSRs):
#. Server Certificate (a.k.a. Member Certificate) for the MongoDB instance
#. Client Certificate for BigchainDB Server to identify itself to MongoDB
#. Client Certificate for MongoDB Monitoring Agent to identify itself to MongoDB
#. Client Certificate for MongoDB Backup Agent to identify itself to MongoDB
#. CRL for the infrastructure to not accept revoked certificates.
Ask the managing organization to use its self-signed CA to sign those certificates.
For help, see the pages:
* :ref:`How to Generate a Server Certificate for MongoDB`
* :ref:`How to Generate a Client Certificate for MongoDB`
:doc:`Deploy a Kubernetes cluster on Azure <template-kubernetes-azure>`.
☐ Create the Kubernetes Configuration for this node.
We will use Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets to hold all the information
gathered above.
☐ Deploy your BigchainDB node on your Kubernetes cluster.
Next Steps To Set Up a Node
You can now proceed to set up your BigchainDB node based on whether it is the
:ref:`first node in you cluster
☐ You can now proceed to set up your BigchainDB node based on whether it is the
:ref:`first node in a new cluster
<Kubernetes Template: Deploy a Single BigchainDB Node>` or a
:ref:`node that will be added to an existing cluster
<Kubernetes Template: Add a BigchainDB Node to an Existing BigchainDB Cluster>`.

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ For convenience, here's a list of all the relevant environment variables (docume
@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ For convenience, here's a list of all the relevant environment variables (docume
The local config file is `$HOME/.bigchaindb` by default (a file which might not even exist), but you can tell BigchainDB to use a different file by using the `-c` command-line option, e.g. `bigchaindb -c path/to/config_file.json start`
or using the `BIGCHAINDB_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable, e.g. `BIGHAINDB_CONFIG_PATH=.my_bigchaindb_config bigchaindb start`.
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Note that the `-c` command line option will always take precedence if both the `
You can read the current default values in the file [bigchaindb/\_\_init\_\_.py](https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb/blob/master/bigchaindb/__init__.py). (The link is to the latest version.)
Running `bigchaindb -y configure rethinkdb` will generate a local config file in `$HOME/.bigchaindb` with all the default values, with two exceptions: It will generate a valid private/public keypair, rather than using the default keypair (`None` and `None`).
Running `bigchaindb -y configure mongodb` will generate a local config file in `$HOME/.bigchaindb` with all the default values (for using MongoDB as the database backend), with two exceptions: it will generate a valid private/public keypair, rather than using the default keypair (`None` and `None`).
## keypair.public & keypair.private
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ export BIGCHAINDB_KEYPAIR_PRIVATE=5C5Cknco7YxBRP9AgB1cbUVTL4FAcooxErLygw1DeG2D
Internally (i.e. in the Python code), both keys have a default value of `None`, but that's not a valid key. Therefore you can't rely on the defaults for the keypair. If you want to run BigchainDB, you must provide a valid keypair, either in the environment variables or in the local config file. You can generate a local config file with a valid keypair (and default everything else) using `bigchaindb -y configure rethinkdb`.
Internally (i.e. in the Python code), both keys have a default value of `None`, but that's not a valid key. Therefore you can't rely on the defaults for the keypair. If you want to run BigchainDB, you must provide a valid keypair, either in the environment variables or in the local config file. You can generate a local config file with a valid keypair (and default everything else) using `bigchaindb -y configure mongodb`.
## keyring
@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ Note how the keys in the list are separated by colons.
## database.*
The settings with names of the form `database.*` are for the database backend
(currently either RethinkDB or MongoDB). They are:
(currently either MongoDB or RethinkDB). They are:
* `database.backend` is either `rethinkdb` or `mongodb`.
* `database.backend` is either `mongodb` or `rethinkdb`.
* `database.host` is the hostname (FQDN) of the backend database.
* `database.port` is self-explanatory.
* `database.name` is a user-chosen name for the database inside RethinkDB or MongoDB, e.g. `bigchain`.
* `database.name` is a user-chosen name for the database inside MongoDB or RethinkDB, e.g. `bigchain`.
* `database.replicaset` is only relevant if using MongoDB; it's the name of the MongoDB replica set, e.g. `bigchain-rs`.
* `database.connection_timeout` is the maximum number of milliseconds that BigchainDB will wait before giving up on one attempt to connect to the database backend.
* `database.max_tries` is the maximum number of times that BigchainDB will try to establish a connection with the database backend. If 0, then it will try forever.
@ -176,20 +176,19 @@ If you used `bigchaindb -y configure mongodb` to create a default local config f
These settings are for the [Gunicorn HTTP server](http://gunicorn.org/), which is used to serve the [HTTP client-server API](../http-client-server-api.html).
`server.bind` is where to bind the Gunicorn HTTP server socket. It's a string. It can be any valid value for [Gunicorn's bind setting](http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/settings.html#bind). If you want to allow IPv4 connections from anyone, on port 9984, use ''. In a production setting, we recommend you use Gunicorn behind a reverse proxy server. If Gunicorn and the reverse proxy are running on the same machine, then use 'localhost:PORT' where PORT is _not_ 9984 (because the reverse proxy needs to listen on port 9984). Maybe use PORT=9983 in that case because we know 9983 isn't used. If Gunicorn and the reverse proxy are running on different machines, then use 'A.B.C.D:9984' where A.B.C.D is the IP address of the reverse proxy. There's [more information about deploying behind a reverse proxy in the Gunicorn documentation](http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/deploy.html). (They call it a proxy.)
`server.bind` is where to bind the Gunicorn HTTP server socket. It's a string. It can be any valid value for [Gunicorn's bind setting](http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/settings.html#bind). If you want to allow IPv4 connections from anyone, on port 9984, use ``. In a production setting, we recommend you use Gunicorn behind a reverse proxy server. If Gunicorn and the reverse proxy are running on the same machine, then use `localhost:PORT` where PORT is _not_ 9984 (because the reverse proxy needs to listen on port 9984). Maybe use PORT=9983 in that case because we know 9983 isn't used. If Gunicorn and the reverse proxy are running on different machines, then use `A.B.C.D:9984` where A.B.C.D is the IP address of the reverse proxy. There's [more information about deploying behind a reverse proxy in the Gunicorn documentation](http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/deploy.html). (They call it a proxy.)
`server.loglevel` sets the log level of Gunicorn's Error log outputs. See
[Gunicorn's documentation](http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/latest/settings.html#loglevel)
for more information.
`server.workers` is [the number of worker processes](http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/settings.html#workers) for handling requests. If `None` (the default), the value will be (cpu_count * 2 + 1). Each worker process has a single thread. The HTTP server will be able to handle `server.workers` requests simultaneously.
`server.workers` is [the number of worker processes](http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/settings.html#workers) for handling requests. If `None` (the default), the value will be (2 × cpu_count + 1). Each worker process has a single thread. The HTTP server will be able to handle `server.workers` requests simultaneously.
**Example using environment variables**
**Example config file snippet**
@ -211,12 +210,14 @@ export BIGCHAINDB_SERVER_THREADS=5
## wsserver.host and wsserver.port
## wsserver.scheme, wsserver.host and wsserver.port
These settings are for the
[aiohttp server](https://aiohttp.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html),
which is used to serve the
[WebSocket Event Stream API](../websocket-event-stream-api.html).
`wsserver.scheme` should be either `"ws"` or `"wss"`
(but setting it to `"wss"` does *not* enable SSL/TLS).
`wsserver.host` is where to bind the aiohttp server socket and
`wsserver.port` is the corresponding port.
If you want to allow connections from anyone, on port 9985,
@ -224,6 +225,7 @@ set `wsserver.host` to and `wsserver.port` to 9985.
**Example using environment variables**
@ -231,6 +233,7 @@ export BIGCHAINDB_WSSERVER_PORT=9985
**Example config file snippet**
"wsserver": {
"scheme": "wss",
"host": "",
"port": 65000
@ -239,6 +242,7 @@ export BIGCHAINDB_WSSERVER_PORT=9985
**Default values (from a config file)**
"wsserver": {
"scheme": "ws",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 9985
@ -492,3 +496,29 @@ logging of the `core.py` module to be more verbose, you would set the
**Defaults to**: `"{}"`
## graphite.host
The host name or IP address of a server listening for statsd events on UDP
port 8125. This defaults to `localhost`, and if no statsd collector is running,
the events are simply dropped by the operating system.
**Example using environment variables**
**Example config file snippet**
"graphite": {
"host": ""
**Default values (from a config file)**
"graphite": {
"host": "localhost"

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ spec:
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
- name: bigchaindb
image: bigchaindb/bigchaindb:0.10.2
image: bigchaindb/bigchaindb:1.0.0rc1
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- start
@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ spec:
value: /etc/bigchaindb/ssl/bdb-instance.pem
value: /etc/bigchaindb/ssl/bdb-instance.key
value: /etc/bigchaindb/ssl/bdb-keyfile-passphrase
value: /etc/bigchaindb/ssl/bdb-user
# The following env var is not required for the bootstrap/first node

View File

@ -77,13 +77,11 @@ data:
# Base64-encoded CA certificate (ca.crt)
ca.pem: "<b64 encoded CA certificate>"
# Base64-encoded CRL file
crlfile: "<b64 encoded CRL>",
crlfile: "<b64 encoded CRL>"
# Base64-encoded BigchainDB instance certificate
bdb-instance.pem: "<b64 encoded certificate>"
# Base64-encoded private key
bdb-instance.key: "<b64 encoded private key>"
# Base64-encoded private key passphrase
bdb-keyfile-passphrase: "<b64 encoded private key passphrase>"
# Base64-encoded instance authentication credentials
bdb-user: "<b64 encoded user name>"
@ -96,8 +94,11 @@ type: Opaque
# Base64-encoded HTTPS private key
cert.key: "<b64 encoded HTTPS private key>"
# Base64-encoded HTTPS Signed Certificate or Certificate Chain
cert.pem: "<b64 encoded HTTPS Signed Certificate or Certificate Chain>"
# Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate chain
# starting with your primary SSL cert (e.g. your_domain.crt)
# followed by all intermediate certs.
# If cert if from DigiCert, download "Best format for nginx".
cert.pem: "<b64 encoded HTTPS certificate chain"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ spec:
timeoutSeconds: 10
restartPolicy: Always
- name: https
- name: https-certs
secretName: https-certs
defaultMode: 0400

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@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ def test_single_in_single_own_single_out_multiple_own_create(b, user_pk):
assert tx_signed.outputs[0].amount == 100
output = tx_signed.outputs[0].to_dict()
assert 'subfulfillments' in output['condition']['details']
assert len(output['condition']['details']['subfulfillments']) == 2
assert 'subconditions' in output['condition']['details']
assert len(output['condition']['details']['subconditions']) == 2
assert len(tx_signed.inputs) == 1
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ def test_single_in_single_own_multiple_out_mix_own_create(b, user_pk):
assert tx_signed.outputs[1].amount == 50
output_cid1 = tx_signed.outputs[1].to_dict()
assert 'subfulfillments' in output_cid1['condition']['details']
assert len(output_cid1['condition']['details']['subfulfillments']) == 2
assert 'subconditions' in output_cid1['condition']['details']
assert len(output_cid1['condition']['details']['subconditions']) == 2
assert len(tx_signed.inputs) == 1
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ def test_single_in_single_own_multiple_out_mix_own_create(b, user_pk):
def test_single_in_multiple_own_single_out_single_own_create(b, user_pk,
from bigchaindb.models import Transaction
from bigchaindb.common.transaction import _fulfillment_to_details
tx = Transaction.create([b.me, user_pk], [([user_pk], 100)])
tx_signed = tx.sign([b.me_private, user_sk])
@ -97,9 +98,9 @@ def test_single_in_multiple_own_single_out_single_own_create(b, user_pk,
assert tx_signed.outputs[0].amount == 100
assert len(tx_signed.inputs) == 1
ffill = tx_signed.inputs[0].fulfillment.to_dict()
assert 'subfulfillments' in ffill
assert len(ffill['subfulfillments']) == 2
ffill = _fulfillment_to_details(tx_signed.inputs[0].fulfillment)
assert 'subconditions' in ffill
assert len(ffill['subconditions']) == 2
# TRANSFER divisible asset
@ -207,8 +208,8 @@ def test_single_in_single_own_single_out_multiple_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
assert tx_transfer_signed.outputs[0].amount == 100
condition = tx_transfer_signed.outputs[0].to_dict()
assert 'subfulfillments' in condition['condition']['details']
assert len(condition['condition']['details']['subfulfillments']) == 2
assert 'subconditions' in condition['condition']['details']
assert len(condition['condition']['details']['subconditions']) == 2
assert len(tx_transfer_signed.inputs) == 1
@ -248,8 +249,8 @@ def test_single_in_single_own_multiple_out_mix_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
assert tx_transfer_signed.outputs[1].amount == 50
output_cid1 = tx_transfer_signed.outputs[1].to_dict()
assert 'subfulfillments' in output_cid1['condition']['details']
assert len(output_cid1['condition']['details']['subfulfillments']) == 2
assert 'subconditions' in output_cid1['condition']['details']
assert len(output_cid1['condition']['details']['subconditions']) == 2
assert len(tx_transfer_signed.inputs) == 1
@ -264,6 +265,7 @@ def test_single_in_single_own_multiple_out_mix_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
def test_single_in_multiple_own_single_out_single_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
from bigchaindb.models import Transaction
from bigchaindb.common.transaction import _fulfillment_to_details
# CREATE divisible asset
tx_create = Transaction.create([b.me], [([b.me, user_pk], 100)])
@ -286,9 +288,9 @@ def test_single_in_multiple_own_single_out_single_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
assert tx_transfer_signed.outputs[0].amount == 100
assert len(tx_transfer_signed.inputs) == 1
ffill = tx_transfer_signed.inputs[0].fulfillment.to_dict()
assert 'subfulfillments' in ffill
assert len(ffill['subfulfillments']) == 2
ffill = _fulfillment_to_details(tx_transfer_signed.inputs[0].fulfillment)
assert 'subconditions' in ffill
assert len(ffill['subconditions']) == 2
# TRANSFER divisible asset
@ -334,6 +336,7 @@ def test_multiple_in_single_own_single_out_single_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
def test_multiple_in_multiple_own_single_out_single_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
from bigchaindb.models import Transaction
from bigchaindb.common.transaction import _fulfillment_to_details
# CREATE divisible asset
tx_create = Transaction.create([b.me], [([user_pk, b.me], 50), ([user_pk, b.me], 50)])
@ -356,12 +359,12 @@ def test_multiple_in_multiple_own_single_out_single_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
assert tx_transfer_signed.outputs[0].amount == 100
assert len(tx_transfer_signed.inputs) == 2
ffill_fid0 = tx_transfer_signed.inputs[0].fulfillment.to_dict()
ffill_fid1 = tx_transfer_signed.inputs[1].fulfillment.to_dict()
assert 'subfulfillments' in ffill_fid0
assert 'subfulfillments' in ffill_fid1
assert len(ffill_fid0['subfulfillments']) == 2
assert len(ffill_fid1['subfulfillments']) == 2
ffill_fid0 = _fulfillment_to_details(tx_transfer_signed.inputs[0].fulfillment)
ffill_fid1 = _fulfillment_to_details(tx_transfer_signed.inputs[1].fulfillment)
assert 'subconditions' in ffill_fid0
assert 'subconditions' in ffill_fid1
assert len(ffill_fid0['subconditions']) == 2
assert len(ffill_fid1['subconditions']) == 2
# TRANSFER divisible asset
@ -375,6 +378,7 @@ def test_multiple_in_multiple_own_single_out_single_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
def test_muiltiple_in_mix_own_multiple_out_single_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
from bigchaindb.models import Transaction
from bigchaindb.common.transaction import _fulfillment_to_details
# CREATE divisible asset
tx_create = Transaction.create([b.me], [([user_pk], 50), ([user_pk, b.me], 50)])
@ -397,11 +401,11 @@ def test_muiltiple_in_mix_own_multiple_out_single_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
assert tx_transfer_signed.outputs[0].amount == 100
assert len(tx_transfer_signed.inputs) == 2
ffill_fid0 = tx_transfer_signed.inputs[0].fulfillment.to_dict()
ffill_fid1 = tx_transfer_signed.inputs[1].fulfillment.to_dict()
assert 'subfulfillments' not in ffill_fid0
assert 'subfulfillments' in ffill_fid1
assert len(ffill_fid1['subfulfillments']) == 2
ffill_fid0 = _fulfillment_to_details(tx_transfer_signed.inputs[0].fulfillment)
ffill_fid1 = _fulfillment_to_details(tx_transfer_signed.inputs[1].fulfillment)
assert 'subconditions' not in ffill_fid0
assert 'subconditions' in ffill_fid1
assert len(ffill_fid1['subconditions']) == 2
# TRANSFER divisible asset
@ -416,6 +420,7 @@ def test_muiltiple_in_mix_own_multiple_out_single_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
def test_muiltiple_in_mix_own_multiple_out_mix_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
from bigchaindb.models import Transaction
from bigchaindb.common.transaction import _fulfillment_to_details
# CREATE divisible asset
tx_create = Transaction.create([b.me], [([user_pk], 50), ([user_pk, b.me], 50)])
@ -442,15 +447,15 @@ def test_muiltiple_in_mix_own_multiple_out_mix_own_transfer(b, user_pk,
cond_cid0 = tx_transfer_signed.outputs[0].to_dict()
cond_cid1 = tx_transfer_signed.outputs[1].to_dict()
assert 'subfulfillments' not in cond_cid0['condition']['details']
assert 'subfulfillments' in cond_cid1['condition']['details']
assert len(cond_cid1['condition']['details']['subfulfillments']) == 2
assert 'subconditions' not in cond_cid0['condition']['details']
assert 'subconditions' in cond_cid1['condition']['details']
assert len(cond_cid1['condition']['details']['subconditions']) == 2
ffill_fid0 = tx_transfer_signed.inputs[0].fulfillment.to_dict()
ffill_fid1 = tx_transfer_signed.inputs[1].fulfillment.to_dict()
assert 'subfulfillments' not in ffill_fid0
assert 'subfulfillments' in ffill_fid1
assert len(ffill_fid1['subfulfillments']) == 2
ffill_fid0 = _fulfillment_to_details(tx_transfer_signed.inputs[0].fulfillment)
ffill_fid1 = _fulfillment_to_details(tx_transfer_signed.inputs[1].fulfillment)
assert 'subconditions' not in ffill_fid0
assert 'subconditions' in ffill_fid1
assert len(ffill_fid1['subconditions']) == 2
# TRANSFER divisible asset

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Tests for transaction validation are separate.
from copy import deepcopy
from base58 import b58decode
from base58 import b58encode, b58decode
from pytest import raises
@ -82,7 +82,10 @@ def test_output_serialization(user_Ed25519, user_pub):
expected = {
'condition': {
'uri': user_Ed25519.condition_uri,
'details': user_Ed25519.to_dict(),
'details': {
'type': 'ed25519-sha-256',
'public_key': b58encode(user_Ed25519.public_key),
'public_keys': [user_pub],
'amount': '1',
@ -100,7 +103,10 @@ def test_output_deserialization(user_Ed25519, user_pub):
cond = {
'condition': {
'uri': user_Ed25519.condition_uri,
'details': user_Ed25519.to_dict()
'details': {
'type': 'ed25519-sha-256',
'public_key': b58encode(user_Ed25519.public_key),
'public_keys': [user_pub],
'amount': '1',
@ -366,7 +372,7 @@ def test_transaction_link_serialization():
tx_id = 'a transaction id'
expected = {
'transaction_id': tx_id,
'output': 0,
'output_index': 0,
tx_link = TransactionLink(tx_id, 0)
@ -389,7 +395,7 @@ def test_transaction_link_deserialization():
expected = TransactionLink(tx_id, 0)
tx_link = {
'transaction_id': tx_id,
'output': 0,
'output_index': 0,
tx_link = TransactionLink.from_dict(tx_link)
@ -842,7 +848,7 @@ def test_create_transfer_transaction_single_io(tx, user_pub, user2_pub,
'fulfillment': None,
'fulfills': {
'transaction_id': tx.id,
'output': 0
'output_index': 0
@ -891,7 +897,7 @@ def test_create_transfer_transaction_multiple_io(user_pub, user_priv,
'fulfillment': None,
'fulfills': {
'transaction_id': tx.id,
'output': 0
'output_index': 0
}, {
'owners_before': [
@ -900,7 +906,7 @@ def test_create_transfer_transaction_multiple_io(user_pub, user_priv,
'fulfillment': None,
'fulfills': {
'transaction_id': tx.id,
'output': 1
'output_index': 1

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@ -133,27 +133,6 @@ def test_elect_invalid(federation_3):
assert bx[i].get_transaction(tx.id, True)[1] is None
def test_elect_disagree_prev_block(federation_3):
[bx, (s0, s1, s2)] = federation_3
tx = input_single_create(bx[0])
process_vote(s0, True)
for i in range(3):
assert bx[i].get_transaction(tx.id, True)[1] == 'undecided'
s1.vote.last_voted_id = '5' * 64
process_vote(s1, True)
for i in range(3):
assert bx[i].get_transaction(tx.id, True)[1] == 'undecided'
s2.vote.last_voted_id = '6' * 64
process_vote(s2, True)
for i in range(3):
assert bx[i].get_transaction(tx.id, True)[1] is None
def test_elect_sybill(federation_3):

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@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ structural / schematic issues are caught when reading a transaction
import pytest
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
from bigchaindb.common.exceptions import (AmountError, InvalidHash,
from bigchaindb.models import Transaction
@ -161,6 +163,37 @@ def test_high_amounts(create_tx):
# Conditions
def test_handle_threshold_overflow():
from bigchaindb.common import transaction
cond = {
'type': 'ed25519-sha-256',
'public_key': 'a' * 43,
for i in range(1000):
cond = {
'type': 'threshold-sha-256',
'threshold': 1,
'subconditions': [cond],
with pytest.raises(ThresholdTooDeep):
def test_unsupported_condition_type():
from bigchaindb.common import transaction
from cryptoconditions.exceptions import UnsupportedTypeError
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedTypeError):
transaction._fulfillment_from_details({'type': 'a'})
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedTypeError):
# Version

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@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ def test_get_outputs_endpoint(client, user_pk):
gof.return_value = [m, m]
res = client.get(OUTPUTS_ENDPOINT + '?public_key={}'.format(user_pk))
assert res.json == [
{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output': 0},
{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output': 0}
{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output_index': 0},
{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output_index': 0}
assert res.status_code == 200
gof.assert_called_once_with(user_pk, None)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def test_get_outputs_endpoint_unspent(client, user_pk):
gof.return_value = [m]
params = '?spent=False&public_key={}'.format(user_pk)
res = client.get(OUTPUTS_ENDPOINT + params)
assert res.json == [{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output': 0}]
assert res.json == [{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output_index': 0}]
assert res.status_code == 200
gof.assert_called_once_with(user_pk, False)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def test_get_outputs_endpoint_spent(client, user_pk):
gof.return_value = [m]
params = '?spent=true&public_key={}'.format(user_pk)
res = client.get(OUTPUTS_ENDPOINT + params)
assert res.json == [{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output': 0}]
assert res.json == [{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output_index': 0}]
assert res.status_code == 200
gof.assert_called_once_with(user_pk, True)