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2016-12-09 11:34:42 +01:00
from bigchaindb.common.schema import (
TX_SCHEMA, VOTE_SCHEMA, drop_schema_descriptions)
def _test_additionalproperties(node, path=''):
Validate that each object node has additionalProperties set, so that
objects with junk keys do not pass as valid.
if isinstance(node, list):
for i, nnode in enumerate(node):
_test_additionalproperties(nnode, path + str(i) + '.')
if isinstance(node, dict):
if node.get('type') == 'object':
assert 'additionalProperties' in node, \
("additionalProperties not set at path:" + path)
for name, val in node.items():
_test_additionalproperties(val, path + name + '.')
def test_transaction_schema_additionalproperties():
def test_vote_schema_additionalproperties():
def test_drop_descriptions():
node = {
'description': 'abc',
'properties': {
'description': {
'description': ('The property named "description" should stay'
'but description meta field goes'),
'properties': {
'description': 'this must go'
'any': {
'anyOf': [
'description': 'must go'
'definitions': {
'wat': {
'description': "go"
expected = {
'properties': {
'description': {},
'properties': {},
'any': {
'anyOf': [
'definitions': {
'wat': {},
assert node == expected