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# Copyright BigchainDB GmbH and BigchainDB contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-4.0)
# Code is Apache-2.0 and docs are CC-BY-4.0
import json
import base64
2017-12-06 11:12:45 +01:00
from queue import Queue
from aiohttp import ClientSession
2017-12-06 11:12:45 +01:00
import pytest
def test_process_event_new_block():
Refactor tendermint directory to project root (#2401) * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Fixed flake8 complaint about too many blank lines * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Updating from master changed BigchainDB.process_post_response to a private method, so I had to align with that. * Fixed a couple stale references to bigchaindb.Bigchain in docstrings * Missed a reference to `Bigchain` in a patch call... * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness
2018-07-25 16:59:25 +02:00
from bigchaindb.event_stream import process_event
2017-12-06 11:12:45 +01:00
event = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "test_stream_id#event", "result": {'\
'"query": "tm.event=\'NewBlock\'", "data": { "type": "CF18EA939D3240",'\
'"value": { "block": { "header": { "chain_id": "test-chain-ipQIAa",'\
'"height": 1, "time": "2018-04-23T14:49:30.509920098Z", "num_txs": 1,'\
'"last_block_id": { "hash": "", "parts": { "total": 0, "hash": "" }},'\
'"total_txs": 1, "last_commit_hash": "", "data_hash": "38792142CE6D7F6F46F71777CB53F94CD9497B23",'\
'"validators_hash": "BF0D0EC2E13C76E69FA572516B6D93E64F3C58EF",'\
'"consensus_hash": "F66EF1DF8BA6DAC7A1ECCE40CC84E54A1CEBC6A5", "app_hash": "",'\
'"last_results_hash": "", "evidence_hash": "" }, "data": {"txs": ['\
'wYWVkYTgyNGVjY2NhZGY4NTlmNzc0Zjc3ZTgwZGUifQ=="]}, "evidence": {'\
'"evidence": null}, "last_commit": { "blockID": { "hash": "", "parts":'\
'{"total": 0, "hash": ""} }, "precommits": null } } } } } }'
2017-12-06 11:12:45 +01:00
event_queue = Queue()
process_event(event_queue, event, 'test_stream_id')
assert not event_queue.empty()
block = event_queue.get()
assert isinstance(['height'], int)
2017-12-06 11:12:45 +01:00
def test_process_event_empty_block():
Refactor tendermint directory to project root (#2401) * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Fixed flake8 complaint about too many blank lines * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Updating from master changed BigchainDB.process_post_response to a private method, so I had to align with that. * Fixed a couple stale references to bigchaindb.Bigchain in docstrings * Missed a reference to `Bigchain` in a patch call... * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness
2018-07-25 16:59:25 +02:00
from bigchaindb.event_stream import process_event
2017-12-06 11:12:45 +01:00
event = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "bigchaindb_stream_1524555674#event",'\
'"result": {"query": "tm.event=\'NewBlock\'", "data": {"type": '\
'"CF18EA939D3240", "value": {"block": {"header": {"chain_id": '\
'"test-chain-ipQIAa", "height": 1, "time": "2018-04-24T07:41:16.838038877Z",'\
'"num_txs": 0, "last_block_id": {"hash": "", "parts": {"total": 0, "hash": ""}},'\
'"total_txs": 0, "last_commit_hash": "", "data_hash": "", "validators_hash":'\
'"BF0D0EC2E13C76E69FA572516B6D93E64F3C58EF", "consensus_hash": '\
'"F66EF1DF8BA6DAC7A1ECCE40CC84E54A1CEBC6A5", "app_hash": "", '\
'"last_results_hash": "", "evidence_hash": ""}, "data": {"txs": null},'\
'"evidence": {"evidence": null}, "last_commit": {"blockID": {"hash": "", '\
'"parts": {"total": 0, "hash": ""}}, "precommits": null}}}}}}'
2017-12-06 11:12:45 +01:00
event_queue = Queue()
process_event(event_queue, event, 'test_stream_id')
assert event_queue.empty()
def test_process_unknown_event():
Refactor tendermint directory to project root (#2401) * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Fixed flake8 complaint about too many blank lines * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Updating from master changed BigchainDB.process_post_response to a private method, so I had to align with that. * Fixed a couple stale references to bigchaindb.Bigchain in docstrings * Missed a reference to `Bigchain` in a patch call... * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness
2018-07-25 16:59:25 +02:00
from bigchaindb.event_stream import process_event
2017-12-06 11:12:45 +01:00
event = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "test_stream_id#event",'\
' "result": { "query": "tm.event=\'UnknownEvent\'" }}'
2017-12-06 11:12:45 +01:00
event_queue = Queue()
process_event(event_queue, event, 'test_stream_id')
assert event_queue.empty()
async def test_subscribe_events(tendermint_ws_url, b):
Refactor tendermint directory to project root (#2401) * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Fixed flake8 complaint about too many blank lines * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Updating from master changed BigchainDB.process_post_response to a private method, so I had to align with that. * Fixed a couple stale references to bigchaindb.Bigchain in docstrings * Missed a reference to `Bigchain` in a patch call... * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness
2018-07-25 16:59:25 +02:00
from bigchaindb.event_stream import subscribe_events
from bigchaindb.common.crypto import generate_key_pair
from bigchaindb.models import Transaction
session = ClientSession()
ws = await session.ws_connect(tendermint_ws_url)
stream_id = 'bigchaindb_stream_01'
await subscribe_events(ws, stream_id)
msg = await ws.receive()
msg_data_dict = json.loads(
assert msg_data_dict['id'] == stream_id
assert msg_data_dict['jsonrpc'] == '2.0'
assert msg_data_dict['result'] == {}
alice = generate_key_pair()
tx = Transaction.create([alice.public_key],
[([alice.public_key], 1)],
b.post_transaction(tx, 'broadcast_tx_async')
msg = await ws.receive()
msg_data_dict = json.loads(
raw_txn = msg_data_dict['result']['data']['value']['block']['data']['txs'][0]
transaction = json.loads(base64.b64decode(raw_txn).decode('utf8'))
assert transaction == tx.to_dict()