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# Copyright BigchainDB GmbH and BigchainDB contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-4.0)
# Code is Apache-2.0 and docs are CC-BY-4.0
from copy import deepcopy
import pytest
import pymongo
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
pytestmark = [pytest.mark.tendermint, pytest.mark.bdb]
def test_get_txids_filtered(signed_create_tx, signed_transfer_tx):
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
from bigchaindb.models import Transaction
conn = connect()
# create and insert two blocks, one for the create and one for the
# transfer transaction
asset_id = Transaction.get_asset_id([signed_create_tx, signed_transfer_tx])
# Test get by just asset id
txids = set(query.get_txids_filtered(conn, asset_id))
assert txids == {,}
# Test get by asset and CREATE
txids = set(query.get_txids_filtered(conn, asset_id, Transaction.CREATE))
assert txids == {}
# Test get by asset and TRANSFER
txids = set(query.get_txids_filtered(conn, asset_id, Transaction.TRANSFER))
assert txids == {}
def test_write_assets():
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
conn = connect()
assets = [
{'id': 1, 'data': '1'},
{'id': 2, 'data': '2'},
{'id': 3, 'data': '3'},
# Duplicated id. Should not be written to the database
{'id': 1, 'data': '1'},
# write the assets
for asset in assets:
query.store_asset(conn, deepcopy(asset))
# check that 3 assets were written to the database
cursor = conn.db.assets.find({}, projection={'_id': False})\
.sort('id', pymongo.ASCENDING)
assert cursor.count() == 3
assert list(cursor) == assets[:-1]
def test_get_assets():
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
conn = connect()
assets = [
{'id': 1, 'data': '1'},
{'id': 2, 'data': '2'},
{'id': 3, 'data': '3'},
conn.db.assets.insert_many(deepcopy(assets), ordered=False)
for asset in assets:
assert query.get_asset(conn, asset['id'])
2017-11-23 10:50:19 +01:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize('table', ['assets', 'metadata'])
def test_text_search(table):
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
conn = connect()
# Example data and tests cases taken from the mongodb documentation
objects = [
{'id': 1, 'subject': 'coffee', 'author': 'xyz', 'views': 50},
{'id': 2, 'subject': 'Coffee Shopping', 'author': 'efg', 'views': 5},
{'id': 3, 'subject': 'Baking a cake', 'author': 'abc', 'views': 90},
{'id': 4, 'subject': 'baking', 'author': 'xyz', 'views': 100},
{'id': 5, 'subject': 'Café Con Leche', 'author': 'abc', 'views': 200},
{'id': 6, 'subject': 'Сырники', 'author': 'jkl', 'views': 80},
{'id': 7, 'subject': 'coffee and cream', 'author': 'efg', 'views': 10},
{'id': 8, 'subject': 'Cafe con Leche', 'author': 'xyz', 'views': 10}
# insert the assets
conn.db[table].insert_many(deepcopy(objects), ordered=False)
# test search single word
assert list(query.text_search(conn, 'coffee', table=table)) == [
{'id': 1, 'subject': 'coffee', 'author': 'xyz', 'views': 50},
{'id': 2, 'subject': 'Coffee Shopping', 'author': 'efg', 'views': 5},
{'id': 7, 'subject': 'coffee and cream', 'author': 'efg', 'views': 10},
2017-11-23 10:50:19 +01:00
# match any of the search terms
assert list(query.text_search(conn, 'bake coffee cake', table=table)) == [
{'author': 'abc', 'id': 3, 'subject': 'Baking a cake', 'views': 90},
{'author': 'xyz', 'id': 1, 'subject': 'coffee', 'views': 50},
{'author': 'xyz', 'id': 4, 'subject': 'baking', 'views': 100},
{'author': 'efg', 'id': 2, 'subject': 'Coffee Shopping', 'views': 5},
{'author': 'efg', 'id': 7, 'subject': 'coffee and cream', 'views': 10}
# search for a phrase
assert list(query.text_search(conn, '\"coffee shop\"', table=table)) == [
{'id': 2, 'subject': 'Coffee Shopping', 'author': 'efg', 'views': 5},
# exclude documents that contain a term
assert list(query.text_search(conn, 'coffee -shop', table=table)) == [
{'id': 1, 'subject': 'coffee', 'author': 'xyz', 'views': 50},
{'id': 7, 'subject': 'coffee and cream', 'author': 'efg', 'views': 10},
# search different language
assert list(query.text_search(conn, 'leche', language='es', table=table)) == [
{'id': 5, 'subject': 'Café Con Leche', 'author': 'abc', 'views': 200},
{'id': 8, 'subject': 'Cafe con Leche', 'author': 'xyz', 'views': 10}
# case and diacritic insensitive search
assert list(query.text_search(conn, 'сы́рники CAFÉS', table=table)) == [
{'id': 6, 'subject': 'Сырники', 'author': 'jkl', 'views': 80},
{'id': 5, 'subject': 'Café Con Leche', 'author': 'abc', 'views': 200},
{'id': 8, 'subject': 'Cafe con Leche', 'author': 'xyz', 'views': 10}
# case sensitive search
assert list(query.text_search(conn, 'Coffee', case_sensitive=True, table=table)) == [
{'id': 2, 'subject': 'Coffee Shopping', 'author': 'efg', 'views': 5},
# diacritic sensitive search
assert list(query.text_search(conn, 'CAFÉ', diacritic_sensitive=True, table=table)) == [
{'id': 5, 'subject': 'Café Con Leche', 'author': 'abc', 'views': 200},
# return text score
assert list(query.text_search(conn, 'coffee', text_score=True, table=table)) == [
{'id': 1, 'subject': 'coffee', 'author': 'xyz', 'views': 50, 'score': 1.0},
{'id': 2, 'subject': 'Coffee Shopping', 'author': 'efg', 'views': 5, 'score': 0.75},
{'id': 7, 'subject': 'coffee and cream', 'author': 'efg', 'views': 10, 'score': 0.75},
# limit search result
assert list(query.text_search(conn, 'coffee', limit=2, table=table)) == [
{'id': 1, 'subject': 'coffee', 'author': 'xyz', 'views': 50},
{'id': 2, 'subject': 'Coffee Shopping', 'author': 'efg', 'views': 5},
2017-11-30 19:29:42 +01:00
2017-12-06 05:55:52 +01:00
def test_write_metadata():
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
conn = connect()
metadata = [
{'id': 1, 'data': '1'},
{'id': 2, 'data': '2'},
{'id': 3, 'data': '3'}
# write the assets
query.store_metadatas(conn, deepcopy(metadata))
2017-12-06 05:55:52 +01:00
# check that 3 assets were written to the database
cursor = conn.db.metadata.find({}, projection={'_id': False})\
.sort('id', pymongo.ASCENDING)
assert cursor.count() == 3
assert list(cursor) == metadata
def test_get_metadata():
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
conn = connect()
metadata = [
{'id': 1, 'metadata': None},
{'id': 2, 'metadata': {'key': 'value'}},
{'id': 3, 'metadata': '3'},
conn.db.metadata.insert_many(deepcopy(metadata), ordered=False)
for meta in metadata:
assert query.get_metadata(conn, [meta['id']])
2017-11-30 19:29:42 +01:00
def test_get_owned_ids(signed_create_tx, user_pk):
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
conn = connect()
# insert a transaction
2017-11-30 19:29:42 +01:00
txns = list(query.get_owned_ids(conn, user_pk))
assert txns[0] == signed_create_tx.to_dict()
def test_get_spending_transactions(user_pk, user_sk):
2017-11-30 19:29:42 +01:00
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
from bigchaindb.models import Transaction
conn = connect()
out = [([user_pk], 1)]
tx1 = Transaction.create([user_pk], out * 3)
2017-11-30 19:29:42 +01:00
inputs = tx1.to_inputs()
tx2 = Transaction.transfer([inputs[0]], out,[user_sk])
tx3 = Transaction.transfer([inputs[1]], out,[user_sk])
tx4 = Transaction.transfer([inputs[2]], out,[user_sk])
txns = [deepcopy(tx.to_dict()) for tx in [tx1, tx2, tx3, tx4]]
2017-11-30 19:29:42 +01:00
links = [inputs[0].fulfills.to_dict(), inputs[2].fulfills.to_dict()]
txns = list(query.get_spending_transactions(conn, links))
# tx3 not a member because input 1 not asked for
assert txns == [tx2.to_dict(), tx4.to_dict()]
def test_store_block():
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
Refactor tendermint directory to project root (#2401) * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Fixed flake8 complaint about too many blank lines * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Updating from master changed BigchainDB.process_post_response to a private method, so I had to align with that. * Fixed a couple stale references to bigchaindb.Bigchain in docstrings * Missed a reference to `Bigchain` in a patch call... * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness
2018-07-25 16:59:25 +02:00
from bigchaindb.lib import Block
conn = connect()
block = Block(app_hash='random_utxo',
query.store_block(conn, block._asdict())
cursor = conn.db.blocks.find({}, projection={'_id': False})
assert cursor.count() == 1
def test_get_block():
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
Refactor tendermint directory to project root (#2401) * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Fixed flake8 complaint about too many blank lines * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Updating from master changed BigchainDB.process_post_response to a private method, so I had to align with that. * Fixed a couple stale references to bigchaindb.Bigchain in docstrings * Missed a reference to `Bigchain` in a patch call... * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness
2018-07-25 16:59:25 +02:00
from bigchaindb.lib import Block
conn = connect()
block = Block(app_hash='random_utxo',
block = dict(query.get_block(conn, 3))
assert block['height'] == 3
2018-02-14 15:37:19 +01:00
def test_delete_zero_unspent_outputs(db_context, utxoset):
from bigchaindb.backend import query
unspent_outputs, utxo_collection = utxoset
delete_res = query.delete_unspent_outputs(db_context.conn)
assert delete_res is None
assert utxo_collection.count() == 3
assert utxo_collection.find(
{'$or': [
{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output_index': 0},
{'transaction_id': 'b', 'output_index': 0},
{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output_index': 1},
).count() == 3
def test_delete_one_unspent_outputs(db_context, utxoset):
from bigchaindb.backend import query
unspent_outputs, utxo_collection = utxoset
delete_res = query.delete_unspent_outputs(db_context.conn,
assert delete_res['n'] == 1
assert utxo_collection.find(
{'$or': [
{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output_index': 1},
{'transaction_id': 'b', 'output_index': 0},
).count() == 2
assert utxo_collection.find(
{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output_index': 0}).count() == 0
def test_delete_many_unspent_outputs(db_context, utxoset):
2018-02-14 15:37:19 +01:00
from bigchaindb.backend import query
unspent_outputs, utxo_collection = utxoset
delete_res = query.delete_unspent_outputs(db_context.conn,
assert delete_res['n'] == 2
assert utxo_collection.find(
{'$or': [
{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output_index': 0},
{'transaction_id': 'b', 'output_index': 0},
).count() == 0
assert utxo_collection.find(
{'transaction_id': 'a', 'output_index': 1}).count() == 1
def test_store_zero_unspent_output(db_context, utxo_collection):
from bigchaindb.backend import query
res = query.store_unspent_outputs(db_context.conn)
assert res is None
assert utxo_collection.count() == 0
2018-02-14 15:37:19 +01:00
def test_store_one_unspent_output(db_context,
unspent_output_1, utxo_collection):
from bigchaindb.backend import query
res = query.store_unspent_outputs(db_context.conn, unspent_output_1)
assert res.acknowledged
assert len(res.inserted_ids) == 1
assert utxo_collection.find(
{'transaction_id': unspent_output_1['transaction_id'],
'output_index': unspent_output_1['output_index']}
).count() == 1
def test_store_many_unspent_outputs(db_context,
unspent_outputs, utxo_collection):
from bigchaindb.backend import query
res = query.store_unspent_outputs(db_context.conn, *unspent_outputs)
assert res.acknowledged
assert len(res.inserted_ids) == 3
assert utxo_collection.find(
{'transaction_id': unspent_outputs[0]['transaction_id']}
).count() == 3
def test_get_unspent_outputs(db_context, utxoset):
from bigchaindb.backend import query
cursor = query.get_unspent_outputs(db_context.conn)
assert cursor.count() == 3
retrieved_utxoset = list(cursor)
unspent_outputs, utxo_collection = utxoset
assert retrieved_utxoset == list(
utxo_collection.find(projection={'_id': False}))
2018-02-14 15:37:19 +01:00
assert retrieved_utxoset == unspent_outputs
def test_store_pre_commit_state(db_context):
from bigchaindb.backend import query
Refactor tendermint directory to project root (#2401) * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Fixed flake8 complaint about too many blank lines * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Updating from master changed BigchainDB.process_post_response to a private method, so I had to align with that. * Fixed a couple stale references to bigchaindb.Bigchain in docstrings * Missed a reference to `Bigchain` in a patch call... * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness
2018-07-25 16:59:25 +02:00
from bigchaindb.lib import PreCommitState
state = PreCommitState(commit_id='test',
query.store_pre_commit_state(db_context.conn, state._asdict())
cursor = db_context.conn.db.pre_commit.find({'commit_id': 'test'},
projection={'_id': False})
assert cursor.count() == 1
def test_get_pre_commit_state(db_context):
from bigchaindb.backend import query
Refactor tendermint directory to project root (#2401) * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Problem: contains an unused class, `Bigchain` Solution: Remove Refactor BigchainDB Class to remove inheritance from Bigchain. * Fixed flake8 complaint about too many blank lines * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Attempting to fix Sphinx docs. This may result in some redundant commits, as I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't experiment without running the CI... Sorry in advance! * Updating from master changed BigchainDB.process_post_response to a private method, so I had to align with that. * Fixed a couple stale references to bigchaindb.Bigchain in docstrings * Missed a reference to `Bigchain` in a patch call... * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness * Problem: BigchainDB class should be part of project root Solution: Removed the /tendermint directory and moved its contents to project root * Problem: Flake8 complained that imports were not at the top of the file Solution: Had to play around with the order of imports to avoid cyclic dependencies, but its working and style compliant now * Problem: Stale reference to /tendermint directory in the index Solution: Removed the references to /tendermint * Problem: Flake8 complaining of unused import in Solution: The import is there so I can import App directly from bigchaindb, rather than from bigchaindb.core (which I think improves code readability. I added a # noqa to silence Flake8. * Problem: Stale references to `bigchaindb.tendermint.BigchainDB` in the rst files cause Sphinx to fail Solution: Updated the autodoc files to use `bigchaindb.BigchainDB` instead * Problem: Stale reference to the `tendermint` directory in an @patch in a disabled test Solution: Updated the @patch for completeness
2018-07-25 16:59:25 +02:00
from bigchaindb.lib import PreCommitState
state = PreCommitState(commit_id='test2',
resp = query.get_pre_commit_state(db_context.conn, 'test2')
assert resp == state._asdict()
def test_validator_update():
from bigchaindb.backend import connect, query
conn = connect()
def gen_validator_update(height):
return {'data': 'somedata', 'height': height, 'election_id': f'election_id_at_height_{height}'}
for i in range(1, 100, 10):
value = gen_validator_update(i)
query.store_validator_set(conn, value)
v1 = query.get_validator_set(conn, 8)
assert v1['height'] == 1
v41 = query.get_validator_set(conn, 50)
assert v41['height'] == 41
v91 = query.get_validator_set(conn)
assert v91['height'] == 91
@pytest.mark.parametrize('description,stores,expected', [
'Query empty database.',
'Store one chain with the default value for `is_synced`.',
{'height': 0, 'chain_id': 'some-id'},
{'height': 0, 'chain_id': 'some-id', 'is_synced': True},
'Store one chain with a custom value for `is_synced`.',
{'height': 0, 'chain_id': 'some-id', 'is_synced': False},
{'height': 0, 'chain_id': 'some-id', 'is_synced': False},
'Store one chain, then update it.',
{'height': 0, 'chain_id': 'some-id', 'is_synced': True},
{'height': 0, 'chain_id': 'new-id', 'is_synced': False},
{'height': 0, 'chain_id': 'new-id', 'is_synced': False},
'Store a chain, update it, store another chain.',
{'height': 0, 'chain_id': 'some-id', 'is_synced': True},
{'height': 0, 'chain_id': 'some-id', 'is_synced': False},
{'height': 10, 'chain_id': 'another-id', 'is_synced': True},
{'height': 10, 'chain_id': 'another-id', 'is_synced': True},
def test_store_abci_chain(description, stores, expected):
conn = connect()
for store in stores:
query.store_abci_chain(conn, **store)
actual = query.get_latest_abci_chain(conn)
assert expected == actual, description