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Copyright © 2020 Interplanetary Database Association e.V.,
BigchainDB and IPDB software contributors.
SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-4.0)
Code is Apache-2.0 and docs are CC-BY-4.0
# Notes on Running a Local Dev Node as Processes
The following doc describes how to run a local node for developing BigchainDB Tendermint version.
There are two crucial dependencies required to start a local node:
- MongoDB
- Tendermint
and of course you also need to install BigchainDB Sever from the local code you just developed.
## Install and Run MongoDB
MongoDB can be easily installed, just refer to their [installation documentation]( for your distro.
We know MongoDB 3.4 and 3.6 work with BigchainDB.
After the installation of MongoDB is complete, run MongoDB using `sudo mongod`
## Install and Run Tendermint
### Installing a Tendermint Executable
The version of BigchainDB Server described in these docs only works well with Tendermint 0.31.5 (not a higher version number). Install that:
$ sudo apt install -y unzip
$ wget
$ unzip
$ rm
$ sudo mv tendermint /usr/local/bin
### Installing Tendermint Using Docker
Tendermint can be run directly using the docker image. Refer [here]( for more details.
### Installing Tendermint from Source
Before we can begin installing Tendermint one should ensure that the Golang is installed on system and `$GOPATH` should be set in the `.bashrc` or `.zshrc`. An example setup is shown below
$ echo $GOPATH
$ go -h
Go is a tool for managing Go source code.
go command [arguments]
The commands are:
build compile packages and dependencies
clean remove object files
- We can drop `GOPATH` in `PATH` so that installed Golang packages are directly available in the shell. To do that add the following to your `.bashrc`
export PATH=${PATH}:${GOPATH}/bin
Follow [the Tendermint docs]( to install Tendermint from source.
If the installation is successful then Tendermint is installed at `$GOPATH/bin`. To ensure Tendermint's installed fine execute the following command,
$ tendermint -h
Tendermint Core (BFT Consensus) in Go
tendermint [command]
Available Commands:
gen_validator Generate new validator keypair
help Help about any command
init Initialize Tendermint
### Running Tendermint
- We can initialize and run tendermint as follows,
$ tendermint init
$ tendermint node --consensus.create_empty_blocks=false
The argument `--consensus.create_empty_blocks=false` specifies that Tendermint should not commit empty blocks.
- To reset all the data stored in Tendermint execute the following command,
$ tendermint unsafe_reset_all
## Install BigchainDB
To install BigchainDB from source (for dev), clone the repo and execute the following command, (it is better that you create a virtual env for this)
$ git clone
$ cd bigchaindb
$ pip install -e .[dev] # or pip install -e '.[dev]' # for zsh
## Running All Tests
To execute tests when developing a feature or fixing a bug one could use the following command,
$ pytest -v
NOTE: MongoDB and Tendermint should be running as discussed above.
One could mark a specific test and execute the same by appending `-m my_mark` to the above command.
Although the above should prove sufficient in most cases but in case tests are failing on Travis CI then the following command can be used to possibly replicate the failure locally,
Problem: standardize docker-compose workflows (#2130) - Standardize docker-compose workflow - Change docker-compose version to 2.1 - why one might ask? because compose version 3.0 does not support depends on and inherits like we want to and is more aimed towards migration to using `docker stack`, for our current strategy `2.1` is a better choice. - change `bdb` service `bigchaindb` service - why? Introduced a new proxy service `bdb` which is just a dummy `busybox` image. - why? because this ensure via healthcheck of bigchaindb that BigchainDB has started properly and makes a `curl` to ensure HTTP API server is up and running. - why? Because we have had scenarios where BigchainDB is not started via docker compose and user has to check out the logs to find out what the problem might be. This ensure that bigchaindb is up and running. - Does this change deployment workflow? No. - The only thing change is that if you want to run commands inside a bigchaindb container e.g. `pytest` now you have to run the following command: `docker-compose run --rm --no-deps bigchaindb pytest -v --cov=bigchaindb` as opposed to `docker-compose run --rm --no-deps bdb pytest -v --cov=bigchaindb` - Remove env variable `BIGCHAINDB_START_TENDERMINT` - Remove TENDERMINT_INTEGRATION.rst and move to the new docs - Change mdb -> mongodb because the other services were named with full name. - Add example to run specific tests or from a file - Update config.toml for tendermint to use `bigchaindb` as proxy app instead of `bdb` - Remove `network` directory because it is deprecated - Add comment about why PYTHONBUFFERED is used
2018-03-21 12:42:43 +01:00
$ docker-compose run --rm --no-deps bdb pytest -v --cov=bigchaindb
NOTE: before executing the above command the user must ensure that they reset the Tendermint container by executing `tendermint usafe_reset_all` command in the Tendermint container.