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Copyright © 2020 Interplanetary Database Association e.V.,
BigchainDB and IPDB software contributors.
SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-4.0)
Code is Apache-2.0 and docs are CC-BY-4.0
# Run a BigchainDB network
**NOT for Production Use**
You can use the following instructions to deploy a single or multi node
BigchainDB network for dev/test using the extensible `stack` script(s).
Currently, this workflow is only supported for the following Operating systems:
- Ubuntu >= 16.04
- CentOS >= 7
- Fedora >= 24
- MacOSX
## Minimum Requirements
Minimum resource requirements for a single node BigchainDB dev setup. **The more the better**:
- Memory >= 512MB
- VCPUs >= 1
## Download the scripts
> **Note**: If you're working on BigchainDB Server code, on a branch based on
> recent code, then you already have local recent versions of ** and
> ** in your bigchaindb/pkg/scripts/ directory. Otherwise you can
> get them using:
$ export GIT_BRANCH=master
$ curl -fOL${GIT_BRANCH}/pkg/scripts/
# Optional
$ curl -fOL${GIT_BRANCH}/pkg/scripts/
## Quick Start
If you run `` out of the box i.e. without any configuration changes, you will be able to deploy a 4 node
BigchainDB network with Docker containers, created from `master` branch of `bigchaindb/bigchaindb` repo and Tendermint version `0.22.8`.
**Note**: Run `` with either root or non-root user with sudo enabled.
$ bash
Finished stacking!
## Configure the BigchainDB network
The `` script has multiple deployment methods and parameters and they can be explored using: `bash -h`
$ bash -h
Usage: $ bash [-h]
Deploys the BigchainDB network.
Set STACK_SIZE environment variable to the size of the network you desire.
Network mimics a production network environment with single or multiple BDB
nodes. (default: 4).
Set STACK_TYPE environment variable to the type of deployment you desire.
You can set it one of the following: ["docker", "local", "cloud"].
(default: docker)
Set only when STACK_TYPE="cloud". Only "azure" is supported.
(default: )
(Optional) Set only when STACK_TYPE="local". This sets the memory
of the instance(s) spawned. (default: 2048)
(Optional) Set only when STACK_TYPE="local". This sets the number of VCPUs
of the instance(s) spawned. (default: 2)
(Optional) Set only when STACK_TYPE="local". This sets the box Vagrant box name
of the instance(s) spawned. (default: ubuntu/xenial64)
(Optional) To configure bigchaindb repo to use, set STACK_REPO environment
variable. (default: bigchaindb/bigchaindb)
(Optional) To configure bigchaindb repo branch to use set STACK_BRANCH environment
variable. (default: master)
(Optional) Tendermint version to use for the setup. (default: 0.22.8)
(Optional) MongoDB version to use with the setup. (default: 3.6)
Only required when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure". Steps to generate:
Only required when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure". Steps to generate:
Only required when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure". Steps to generate:
Only required when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure". Steps to generate:
(Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
Azure region for the BigchainDB instance. Get list of regions using Azure CLI.
e.g. az account list-locations. (default: westeurope)
(Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
Azure image to use. Get list of available images using Azure CLI.
e.g. az vm image list --output table. (default: Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest)
(Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
Name of Azure resource group for the instance.
(default: bdb-vagrant-rg-2018-05-30)
(Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
DNS Prefix of the instance. (default: bdb-instance-2018-05-30)
(Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
Admin username of the the instance. (default: vagrant)
(Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
Azure VM size. (default: Standard_D2_v2)
Only required when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure". Absolute path of
SSH keypair required to log into the Azure instance.
Show this help and exit.
The parameter that differentiates between the deployment type is `STACK_TYPE` which currently, supports
an opinionated deployment of BigchainDB on `docker`, `local` and `cloud`.
### STACK_TYPE: docker
This configuration deploys a docker based BigchainDB network on the dev/test machine that you are running `` on. This is also the default `STACK_TYPE` config for ``.
#### Example
Deploy a 4 node docker based BigchainDB network on your host.
#Optional, since 4 is the default size.
$ export STACK_SIZE=4
#Optional, since docker is the default type.
$ export STACK_TYPE=docker
#Optional, repo to use for the network deployment
# Default: bigchaindb/bigchaindb
$ export STACK_REPO=bigchaindb/bigchaindb
#Optional, codebase to use for the network deployment
# Default: master
$ export STACK_BRANCH=master
#Optional, since 0.22.8 is the default tendermint version.
$ export TM_VERSION=0.22.8
#Optional, since 3.6 is the default MongoDB version.
$ export MONGO_VERSION=3.6
$ bash
**Note**: For MacOSX users, the script will not install `Docker for Mac`, it only detects if `docker` is installed on the system, if not make sure to install [Docker for Mac]( Also make sure Docker API Version > 1.25. To check Docker API Version:
`docker version --format '{{.Server.APIVersion}}'`
### STACK_TYPE: local
This configuration deploys a VM based BigchainDB network on your host/dev. All the services are running as processes on the VMs. For `local` deployments the following dependencies must be installed i.e.
- Vagrant
- Vagrant plugins.
- vagrant-cachier
- vagrant-vbguest
- vagrant-hosts
- vagrant-azure
- `vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier vagrant-vbguest vagrant-hosts vagrant-azure`
- [Virtualbox](
#### Example
Deploy a 4 node VM based BigchainDB network.
$ export STACK_TYPE=local
# Optional, since 4 is the default size.
$ export STACK_SIZE=4
# Optional, default is 2048
$ export STACK_VM_MEMORY=2048
#Optional, default is 1
$ export STACK_VM_CPUS=1
#Optional, default is ubuntu/xenial64. Supported/tested images: bento/centos-7, fedora/25-cloud-base
$ export STACK_BOX_NAME=ubuntu/xenial64
#Optional, repo to use for the network deployment
# Default: bigchaindb/bigchaindb
$ export STACK_REPO=bigchaindb/bigchaindb
#Optional, codebase to use for the network deployment
# Default: master
$ export STACK_BRANCH=master
#Optional, since 0.22.8 is the default tendermint version
$ export TM_VERSION=0.22.8
#Optional, since 3.6 is the default MongoDB version.
$ export MONGO_VERSION=3.6
$ bash
### STACK_TYPE: cloud
This configuration deploys a docker based BigchainDB network on a cloud instance. Currently, only Azure is supported.
For `cloud` deployments the following dependencies must be installed i.e.
- Vagrant
- Vagrant plugins.
- vagrant-cachier
- vagrant-vbguest
- vagrant-hosts
- vagrant-azure
- `vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier vagrant-vbguest vagrant-hosts vagrant-azure`
#### Example: stack
Deploy a 4 node docker based BigchainDB network on an Azure instance.
- [Create an Azure Active Directory(AAD) Application](
- Generate or specify an SSH keypair to login to the Azure instance.
- **Example:**
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "<name>" -f /path/to/key/<name>
- Configure parameters for ``
# After creating the AAD application with access to Azure Resource
# Group Manager for your subscription, it will return a JSON object
$ export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=<value from azure.appId>
$ export AZURE_TENANT_ID=<value from azure.tenant>
# Can be retrieved via
# az account list --query "[?isDefault].id" -o tsv
$ export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<your Azure subscription ID>
$ export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=<value from azure.password>
$ export STACK_TYPE=cloud
# Currently on azure is supported
$ export STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER=azure
$ export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=</path/to/private/key>
# Optional, Azure region of the instance. Default: westeurope
$ export AZURE_REGION=westeurope
# Optional, Azure image urn of the instance. Default: Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest
$ export AZURE_IMAGE_URN=Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest
# Optional, Azure resource group. Default: bdb-vagrant-rg-yyyy-mm-dd(current date)
$ export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP=bdb-vagrant-rg-2018-01-01
# Optional, DNS prefix of the Azure instance. Default: bdb-instance-yyyy-mm-dd(current date)
$ export AZURE_DNS_PREFIX=bdb-instance-2018-01-01
# Optional, Admin username of the Azure instance. Default: vagrant
$ export AZURE_ADMIN_USERNAME=vagrant
# Optional, Azure instance size. Default: Standard_D2_v2
$ export AZURE_VM_SIZE=Standard_D2_v2
$ bash
## Delete/Unstack a BigchainDB network
Export all the variables exported for the corresponding `` script and
run `` to delete/remove/unstack the BigchainDB network/stack.
$ bash
# -s implies soft unstack. i.e. Only applicable for local and cloud based
# networks. Only deletes/stops the docker(s)/process(es) and does not
# delete the instances created via Vagrant or on Cloud. Default: hard
$ bash -s