ID; $result = ''; if (have_rows('subtemplate',$id)) { while (have_rows('subtemplate',$id)) { the_row(); $subtemplateType = get_sub_field('subtemplate_type'); $subtemplateTitle = get_sub_field('section_title'); $subtemplate = ''; switch ($subtemplateType) { case 'featurecircles': $result .= $this->featureCircles($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'casestudies': $result .= $this->caseStudies($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'oldnew': $result .= $this->oldNew($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'productoverview': $result .= $this->productOverview($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'bluebox': $result .= $this->blueBox($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'createaccount': $result .= $this->createAccount($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'galleries': $result .= $this->galleries($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'blogfeatures': $result .= $this->blogFeatures($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'mediafeature': $result .= $this->galleries($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'team': $result .= $this->team($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'content': $result .= $this->content($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'image': $result .= $this->image($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'faq': $result .= $this->faq($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'values': $result .= $this->values($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'careers': $result .= $this->careers($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'mediadetail': $result .= $this->mediaDetail($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; case 'download': $result .= $this->download($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle); break; } } } return $result; } public function featureCircles($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $featureCircles = ''; if (have_rows('feature_circles')) { while (have_rows('feature_circles')) { the_row(); $title = get_sub_field('title'); $icon = get_sub_field('icon')['url']; $description = get_sub_field('description'); $featureCircles .= "
{$title} Icon


"; } } $result = "
"; return $result; } public function caseStudies($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $caseStudies = ''; if (have_rows('case_study')) { while (have_rows('case_study')) { the_row(); $content = get_sub_field('content'); $bgImage = get_sub_field('background_image')['url']; $caseStudies .= "
"; } } $result = "
"; return $result; } public function oldNew($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $oldNewRows = ''; if (have_rows('old_way__new_way')) { while (have_rows('old_way__new_way')) { the_row(); $oldway = get_sub_field('old_way_text'); $newway = get_sub_field('new_way_text'); $oldNewRows .= " {$oldway} {$newway} "; } } $result = "


Old WayNew Way
"; return $result; } public function productOverview($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $imageUrl = get_sub_field('image')['url']; $imageAlt = get_sub_field('image')['alt']; $content = get_sub_field('content'); $result = "


"; return $result; } public function blueBox($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $content = get_sub_field('content'); $result = "


"; return $result; } public function createAccount($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $buttonText = get_sub_field('create_free_account_text'); $signUpLink = get_field('sign_up_link','option'); $backgroundImg = get_sub_field('image')['url']; $result = "
"; return $result; } public function galleries($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $galleryLink = get_sub_field('gallery_page'); $galleriesImgUrl = get_sub_field('galleries_image')['url']; $galleriesImgAlt = get_sub_field('galleries_image')['alt']; $result = "


{$galleriesImgAlt} Read more
"; return $result; } public function blogFeatures($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $blogFeatures = ''; if (have_rows('blog_features')) { while (have_rows('blog_features')) { the_row(); $title = get_sub_field('feature_title'); $feature = get_sub_field('post'); $postTitle = $feature->post_title; $url = get_permalink($feature->ID); $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($feature->ID),'large')[0]; $blogFeatures .= "
{$postTitle} Image



"; } } $result = "
"; return $result; } public function team($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $content = get_sub_field('content'); $meetTeamLink = get_sub_field('meet_the_team_link'); $args = array( 'post_type' => 'team', 'order' => 'ASC' ); $teamMembers = get_posts($args); $teamMemberMarkup = ''; if (!empty($teamMembers)) { foreach ($teamMembers as $teamMember) { $id = $teamMember->ID; $name = $teamMember->post_title; $role = get_field('role',$id); $image = get_field('image',$id)['url']; $facebook = get_field('facebook_link',$id); if ($facebook) { $facebook = "Facebook"; } $github = get_field('github_link',$id); if ($github) { $github = "Github"; } $linkedin = get_field('linkedin_link',$id); if ($linkedin) { $linkedin = "Linkedin"; } $twitter = get_field('twitter_link',$id); if ($twitter) { $twitter = "Twitter"; } $teamMemberMarkup .= "
Picture of {$name}



{$facebook} {$github} {$linkedin} {$twitter}
"; } } $result = "
Meet the Team
"; return $result; } public function content($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $content = get_sub_field('content'); $result = "


"; return $result; } public function image($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $image = get_sub_field('image')['url']; $imageAlt = get_sub_field('image')['alt']; $result = "


"; return $result; } public function faq($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $featuredFAQ = '"; $regularFAQ = '
'; if (have_rows('regular_faqs')) { while (have_rows('regular_faqs')) { the_row(); $question = get_sub_field('question'); $answer = get_sub_field('answer'); $regularFAQ .= "
Q: {$question}
A: {$answer}
"; } } $regularFAQ .= "
"; $result = "


{$featuredFAQ} {$regularFAQ}
"; return $result; } public function values($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $values = ''; if (have_rows('ascribe_values')) { while (have_rows('ascribe_values')) { the_row(); $title = get_sub_field('value_title'); $description = get_sub_field('value_description'); $values .= "


"; } } $result = "
"; return $result; } public function careers($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $args = array( 'post_type' => 'career', 'order' => 'ASC' ); $careers = get_posts($args); $careerMarkup = ''; if (!empty($careers)) { foreach ($careers as $career) { $id = $career->ID; $name = $career->post_title; $url = get_permalink($id); $careerMarkup .= "
  • {$name}
  • "; } } $result = "


    "; return $result; } public function mediaDetail($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $args = array( 'post_type' => 'presscoverage', 'order' => 'ASC' ); $pressItems = get_posts($args); $pressMarkup = ''; if (!empty($pressItems)) { foreach ($pressItems as $item) { $id = $item->ID; $name = $item->post_title; $url = get_field('link_to_article',$id); $pubDate= get_field('date_published',$id); $quote = get_field('quote',$id); $pressMarkup .= "


    "; } } $result = "


    "; return $result; } public function download($subtemplate,$subtemplateTitle) { $leftUrl = get_sub_field('left_button_url'); $leftText = get_sub_field('left_button_text'); $rightUrl = get_sub_field('right_button_url'); $rightText = get_sub_field('right_button_text'); $result = "
    {$leftText} {$rightText}
    "; return $result; } }