/*! * toc - jQuery Table of Contents Plugin * v0.3.2 * http://projects.jga.me/toc/ * copyright Greg Allen 2014 * MIT License */ /*! * smooth-scroller - Javascript lib to handle smooth scrolling * v0.1.2 * https://github.com/firstandthird/smooth-scroller * copyright First+Third 2014 * MIT License */ //smooth-scroller.js (function($) { $.fn.smoothScroller = function(options) { options = $.extend({}, $.fn.smoothScroller.defaults, options); var el = $(this); $(options.scrollEl).animate({ scrollTop: el.offset().top - $(options.scrollEl).offset().top - options.offset }, options.speed, options.ease, function() { var hash = el.attr('id'); if (hash.length) { document.location.hash = hash; } el.trigger('smoothScrollerComplete'); }); return this; }; $.fn.smoothScroller.defaults = { speed: 400, ease: 'swing', scrollEl: 'body,html', offset: 0 }; $('body').on('click', '[data-smoothscroller]', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href.indexOf('#') === 0) { $(href).smoothScroller(); } }); }(jQuery)); (function($) { var verboseIdCache = {}; $.fn.toc = function(options) { var self = this; var opts = $.extend({}, jQuery.fn.toc.defaults, options); var container = $(opts.container); var headings = $(opts.selectors, container); var headingOffsets = []; var activeClassName = opts.activeClass; var scrollTo = function(e, callback) { if (opts.smoothScrolling && typeof opts.smoothScrolling === 'function') { e.preventDefault(); var elScrollTo = $(e.target).attr('href'); opts.smoothScrolling(elScrollTo, opts, callback); } $('li', self).removeClass(activeClassName); $(e.target).parent().addClass(activeClassName); }; //highlight on scroll var timeout; var highlightOnScroll = function(e) { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(function() { var top = $(window).scrollTop(), highlighted, closest = Number.MAX_VALUE, index = 0; for (var i = 0, c = headingOffsets.length; i < c; i++) { var currentClosest = Math.abs(headingOffsets[i] - top); if (currentClosest < closest) { index = i; closest = currentClosest; } } $('li', self).removeClass(activeClassName); highlighted = $('li:eq(' + index + ')', self).addClass(activeClassName); opts.onHighlight(highlighted); }, 50); }; if (opts.highlightOnScroll) { $(window).bind('scroll', highlightOnScroll); highlightOnScroll(); } return this.each(function() { //build TOC var el = $(this); var ul = $(opts.listType); headings.each(function(i, heading) { var $h = $(heading); headingOffsets.push($h.offset().top - opts.highlightOffset); var anchorName = opts.anchorName(i, heading, opts.prefix); //add anchor if (heading.id !== anchorName) { var anchor = $('').attr('id', anchorName).insertBefore($h); } //build TOC item var a = $('') .text(opts.headerText(i, heading, $h)) .attr('href', '#' + anchorName) .bind('click', function(e) { $(window).unbind('scroll', highlightOnScroll); scrollTo(e, function() { $(window).bind('scroll', highlightOnScroll); }); el.trigger('selected', $(this).attr('href')); }); var li = $('
  • ') .addClass(opts.itemClass(i, heading, $h, opts.prefix)) .append(a); ul.append(li); }); el.html(ul); }); }; jQuery.fn.toc.defaults = { container: 'body', listType: '
      ', selectors: 'h1,h2,h3', smoothScrolling: function(target, options, callback) { $(target).smoothScroller({ offset: options.scrollToOffset }).on('smoothScrollerComplete', function() { callback(); }); }, scrollToOffset: 0, prefix: 'toc', activeClass: 'toc-active', onHighlight: function() {}, highlightOnScroll: true, highlightOffset: 100, anchorName: function(i, heading, prefix) { if (heading.id.length) { return heading.id; } var candidateId = $(heading).text().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/ig, ' ').replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(); if (verboseIdCache[candidateId]) { var j = 2; while (verboseIdCache[candidateId + j]) { j++; } candidateId = candidateId + '-' + j; } verboseIdCache[candidateId] = true; return prefix + '-' + candidateId; }, headerText: function(i, heading, $heading) { return $heading.text(); }, itemClass: function(i, heading, $heading, prefix) { return prefix + '-' + $heading[0].tagName.toLowerCase(); } }; })(jQuery);