'use strict'; import React from 'react'; import DropdownButton from 'react-bootstrap/lib/DropdownButton'; import MenuItem from 'react-bootstrap/lib/MenuItem'; import NavItem from 'react-bootstrap/lib/NavItem'; import LinkContainer from 'react-router-bootstrap/lib/LinkContainer'; let NavRoutesLinksLink = React.createClass({ propTypes: { children: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.element), React.PropTypes.element ]), disabled: React.PropTypes.bool, depth: React.PropTypes.number, headerTitle: React.PropTypes.string, routePath: React.PropTypes.string }, render() { const { children, headerTitle, depth, disabled, routePath } = this.props; // if the route has children, we're returning a DropdownButton that will get filled // with MenuItems if (children) { return ( <DropdownButton disabled={disabled} id={`nav-route-${headerTitle.toLowerCase()}-dropdown`} title={headerTitle}> {children} </DropdownButton> ); } else { if (depth === 1) { // if the node's child is actually a node of level one (a child of a node), we're // returning a DropdownButton matching MenuItem return ( <LinkContainer disabled={disabled} to={routePath}> <MenuItem>{headerTitle}</MenuItem> </LinkContainer> ); } else if (depth === 0) { return ( <LinkContainer disabled={disabled} to={routePath}> <NavItem>{headerTitle}</NavItem> </LinkContainer> ); } else { return null; } } } }); export default NavRoutesLinksLink;