'use strict';

export const AclInformationText = {
    'titles': {
        'acl_consign': 'CONSIGN',
        'acl_loan': 'LOAN',
        'acl_loan_request': 'LOAN',
        'acl_share': 'EMAIL',
        'acl_transfer': 'TRANSFER',
        'acl_delete': 'DELETE',
        'acl_create_editions': 'CREATE EDITIONS',
        'acl_unconsign': 'UNCONSIGN',
        'acl_request_unconsign': 'REQUEST UNCONSIGN'
    'informationSentences': {
        'acl_consign': ' - Lets someone represent you in dealing with the work, under the terms you agree to.',
        'acl_loan': ' - Lets someone use or put the Work on display for a limited amount of time.',
        'acl_share': ' - Lets someone view the Work or Edition via email, but does not give rights to publish or display it.',
        'acl_transfer': ' - Changes ownership of an Edition. As with a physical piece Work, Transferring ownership of an Edition does not transfer copyright in the Work.',
        'acl_delete': ' - Removes the Work from your Wallet. Note that the previous registration and transfer ' +
            'history will still exist on the blockchain and cannot be deleted.',
        'acl_create_editions': ' Lets the artist set a fixed number of editions of a work which can then be transferred, guaranteeing each edition is authentic and from the artist.',
        'acl_unconsign': 'Ends the consignment agreement between the owner and a consignee.',
        'acl_request_unconsign': 'Lets the owner ask the consignee to confirm that they will no longer manage the work.'
    'exampleSentences': {
        'acl_consign': '(e.g. an artist Consigns 10 Editions of her new Work to a gallery ' +
            'so the gallery can sell them on her behalf, under the terms the artist and the gallery have agreed to)',
        'acl_loan': '(e.g. a collector Loans a Work to a gallery for one month for display in the gallery\'s show)',
        'acl_share': '(e.g. a photographer Shares proofs of a graduation photo with the graduate\'s grandparents by email)',
        'acl_transfer': '(e.g. a musician Transfers limited edition 1 of 10 of her new album to a very happy fan)',
        'acl_delete': '(e.g. an artist uploaded the wrong file and doesn\'t want it cluttering his Wallet, so he Deletes it)',
        'acl_create_editions': '(e.g. A company commissions a visual artists to create three limited edition prints for a giveaway)',
        'acl_unconsign': '(e.g. An artist regains full control over their work and releases the consignee of any rights or responsibilities)',
        'acl_request_unconsign': '(e.g. An artist submits an unconsign request to a gallery after his exhibition ends, as per their agreement)'