import React from 'react'; import UserActions from '../actions/user_actions'; import UserStore from '../stores/user_store'; import WhitelabelActions from '../actions/whitelabel_actions'; import WhitelabelStore from '../stores/whitelabel_store'; import GlobalNotification from './global_notification'; import { currentUserShape, locationShape, whitelabelShape } from './prop_types'; import { safeMerge } from '../utils/general'; export default function AppBase(App) { return React.createClass({ displayName: 'AppBase', propTypes: { children: React.PropTypes.element.isRequired, location: locationShape.isRequired, routes: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.object).isRequired }, childContextTypes: { currentUser: currentUserShape, location: locationShape, whitelabel: whitelabelShape }, getInitialState() { return safeMerge( UserStore.getState(), WhitelabelStore.getState() ); }, getChildContext() { const { currentUser, whitelabel } = this.state; return { currentUser, whitelabel, location: this.props.location }; }, componentDidMount() { UserStore.listen(this.onChange); WhitelabelStore.listen(this.onChange); UserActions.fetchCurrentUser(); WhitelabelActions.fetchWhitelabel(); }, componentWillUnmount() { UserStore.unlisten(this.onChange); WhitelabelActions.unlisten(this.onChange); }, onChange(state) { this.setState(state); }, render() { const { routes } = this.props; // The second element of the routes prop given to us by react-router is always the // active second-level component object (ie. after App). const activeRoute = routes[1]; return ( <div> <App {...this.props} activeRoute={activeRoute} /> <GlobalNotification /> <div id="modal" className="container" /> </div> ); } }); }