'use strict'; import React from 'react'; import alt from '../alt'; import EditionsListActions from '../actions/edition_list_actions'; class EditionListStore { constructor() { this.editionList = {}; this.isEditionListOpenForPieceId = {}; this.bindActions(EditionsListActions); } onUpdateEditionList({pieceId, editionListOfPiece, page, pageSize, orderBy, orderAsc, count, filterBy}) { /* Basically there are two modes an edition list can be updated. 1. The elements that have been requested from the server are not yet defined in the store => just assign them 2. The elements are already defined => merge current objects with the new ones from the server */ for(let i = 0; i < editionListOfPiece.length; i++) { // if editionList for a specific piece does not exist yet, // just initialize a new array if(!this.editionList[pieceId]) { this.editionList[pieceId] = []; } // this is the index formula for accessing an edition of a specific // page let storeEditionIndex = (page - 1) * pageSize + i; let editionsForPieces = this.editionList[pieceId]; // if edition already exists, just merge if(editionsForPieces[storeEditionIndex]) { editionsForPieces[storeEditionIndex] = React.addons.update(editionsForPieces[storeEditionIndex], {$merge: editionListOfPiece[i]}); } else { // if does not exist, assign editionsForPieces[storeEditionIndex] = editionListOfPiece[i]; } } /** * page, pageSize, orderBy, orderAsc and count are specific to a single list of editions * therefore they need to be saved in relation to their parent-piece. * * Default values for both are set in the editon_list_actions. */ this.editionList[pieceId].page = page; this.editionList[pieceId].pageSize = pageSize; this.editionList[pieceId].orderBy = orderBy; this.editionList[pieceId].orderAsc = orderAsc; this.editionList[pieceId].count = count; this.editionList[pieceId].filterBy = filterBy; } /** * We often just have to refresh the edition list for a certain pieceId, * this method provides exactly that functionality without any side effects */ onRefreshEditionList(pieceId) { // It may happen that the user enters the site logged in already // through /editions // If he then tries to delete a piece/edition and this method is called, // we'll not be able to refresh his edition list since its not yet there. // Therefore we can just return, since there is no data to be refreshed if(!this.editionList[pieceId]) { return; } const prevEditionListLength = this.editionList[pieceId].length; const prevEditionListPage = this.editionList[pieceId].page; const prevEditionListPageSize = this.editionList[pieceId].pageSize; // to clear an array, david walsh recommends to just set it's length to zero // http://davidwalsh.name/empty-array this.editionList[pieceId].length = 0; // refetch editions with adjusted page size EditionsListActions.fetchEditionList(pieceId, 1, prevEditionListLength, this.editionList[pieceId].orderBy, this.editionList[pieceId].orderAsc, this.editionList[pieceId].filterBy) .then(() => { // reset back to the normal pageSize and page this.editionList[pieceId].page = prevEditionListPage; this.editionList[pieceId].pageSize = prevEditionListPageSize; }) .catch((err) => { console.logGlobal(err); }); } onSelectEdition({pieceId, editionId, toValue}) { this.editionList[pieceId].forEach((edition) => { // Taken from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/519157/1263876 if(typeof toValue !== 'undefined' && edition.id === editionId) { edition.selected = toValue; } else if(edition.id === editionId) { if(edition.selected) { edition.selected = false; } else { edition.selected = true; } } }); } onClearAllEditionSelections() { Object .keys(this.editionList) .forEach((pieceId) => { this.editionList[pieceId] .forEach((edition) => { try { delete edition.selected; } catch(err) {/* ignore and keep going */} }); }); } onToggleEditionList(pieceId) { this.isEditionListOpenForPieceId[pieceId] = { show: this.isEditionListOpenForPieceId[pieceId] ? !this.isEditionListOpenForPieceId[pieceId].show : true }; } onCloseAllEditionLists() { this.isEditionListOpenForPieceId = {}; } } export default alt.createStore(EditionListStore, 'EditionListStore');