'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import Glyphicon from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Glyphicon';
import { displayValidProgressFilesFilter } from '../react_s3_fine_uploader_utils';
import { getLangText } from '../../../utils/lang_utils';
import { truncateTextAtCharIndex } from '../../../utils/general_utils';
let UploadButton = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
onDrop: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
filesToUpload: React.PropTypes.array,
multiple: React.PropTypes.bool,
// For simplification purposes we're just going to use this prop as a
// label for the upload button
fileClassToUpload: React.PropTypes.shape({
singular: React.PropTypes.string,
plural: React.PropTypes.string
allowedExtensions: React.PropTypes.string
handleDrop(event) {
let files = event.target.files;
if(typeof this.props.onDrop === 'function' && files) {
getUploadingFiles() {
return this.props.filesToUpload.filter((file) => file.status === 'uploading');
getUploadedFile() {
return this.props.filesToUpload.filter((file) => file.status === 'upload successful')[0];
handleOnClick() {
let uploadingFiles = this.getUploadingFiles();
// We only want the button to be clickable if there are no files currently uploading
if(uploadingFiles.length === 0) {
// Firefox only recognizes the simulated mouse click if bubbles is set to true,
// but since Google Chrome propagates the event much further than needed, we
// need to stop propagation as soon as the event is created
var evt = new MouseEvent('click', {
view: window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
getButtonLabel() {
const uploadedFile = this.getUploadedFile();
let { filesToUpload, fileClassToUpload } = this.props;
// filter invalid files that might have been deleted or canceled...
filesToUpload = filesToUpload.filter(displayValidProgressFilesFilter);
// Depending on whether there is an upload going on or not we
// display the progress or the successfully uploaded file's name
if(uploadedFile) {
return (
{' ' + truncateTextAtCharIndex(uploadedFile.name, 20)}
} else if(filesToUpload.length > 0) {
return getLangText('Upload progress') + ': ' + Math.ceil(filesToUpload[0].progress) + '%';
} else {
return fileClassToUpload.singular;
render() {
let {
} = this.props;
* We do not want a button that submits here.
* As UploadButton could be used in forms that want to be submitted independent
* of clicking the selector.
* Therefore the wrapping component needs to be an `anchor` tag instead of a `button`
return (
export default UploadButton;