'use strict'; const languages = { 'en-US': { 'ID': 'ID', 'Actions': 'Actions', 'Hide': 'Hide', 'Show the edition': 'Show the edition', 'Show all %d Editions': 'Show all %d Editions', 'by %s': 'by %s', 'Account Settings': 'Account Settings', 'FAQ': 'FAQ', 'Terms of Service': 'Terms of Service', 'Log out': 'Log out', 'Previous': 'Previous', 'Next': 'Next', '%s license': '%s license', 'Log into': 'Log into', 'Email': 'Email', 'Enter your email': 'Enter your email', 'Password': 'Password', 'Enter your password': 'Enter your password', 'Not an ascribe user': 'Not an ascribe user', 'Sign up': 'Sign up', 'Forgot my password': 'Forgot my password', 'Rescue me': 'Rescue me', 'LOGIN': 'LOGIN', 'SIGNUP': 'SIGNUP', 'Welcome to': 'Welcome to', 'Sign up to ascribe': 'Sign up to ascribe', 'Enter your password once again': 'Enter your password once again', 'Enter a promocode here (Optional)': 'Enter a promocode here (Optional)', 'I agree to the': 'I agree to the', 'Confirm Password': 'Confirm Password', 'Promocode': 'Promocode', 'Sign up successful': 'Sign up successful', 'We sent an email to your address': 'We sent an email to your address', 'please confirm': 'please confirm', 'Your password must be at least 10 characters': 'Your password must be at least 10 characters', 'This password is securing your digital property like a bank account': 'This password is securing your digital property like a bank account', 'Store it in a safe place': 'Store it in a safe place', 'Reset the password for': 'Reset the password for', 'Reset your ascribe password': 'Reset your ascribe password', 'An email has been sent to': 'An email has been sent to', 'Request successfully sent, check your email': 'Request successfully sent, check your email', 'Reset your password': 'Reset your password', 'Enter your email and we\'ll send a link': 'Enter your email and we\'ll send a link', 'password successfully updated': 'password successfully updated', 'Enter a new password': 'Enter a new password', 'Something went wrong, please try again later': 'Something went wrong, please try again later', 'username succesfully updated': 'username succesfully updated', 'Username': 'Username', 'Enter your username': 'Enter your username', 'Choose your Language': 'Choose your Language', 'Bitcoin public key': 'Bitcoin public key', 'Root Address': 'Root Address', 'Crypto Wallet': 'Crypto Wallet', 'Application successfully created': 'Application successfully created', 'Token refreshed': 'Token refreshed', 'REFRESH': 'REFRESH', 'API Integration': 'API Integration', 'Application Name': 'Application Name', 'Enter the name of your app': 'Enter the name of your app', 'Account': 'Account' }, 'de': { 'ID': 'ID', 'Actions': 'Aktionen', 'Hide': 'Verstecke', 'Show the edition': 'Zeige die Edition', 'Show all %d Editions': 'Zeige alle %d Editionen an', 'by %s': 'von %s', 'Account Settings': 'Kontoeinstellungen', 'FAQ': 'Fragen & Antworten', 'Terms of Service': 'AGB', 'Log out': 'Log out', 'Previous': 'Zurück', 'Next': 'Weiter', '%s license': '%s license', 'Log into': 'Log into', 'Email': 'Email', 'Enter your email': 'Enter your email', 'Password': 'Password', 'Enter your password': 'Enter your password', 'Not an ascribe user': 'Not an ascribe user', 'Sign up': 'Sign up', 'Forgot my password': 'Forgot my password', 'Rescue me': 'Rescue me', 'LOGIN': 'LOGIN', 'SIGNUP': 'SIGNUP', 'Welcome to': 'Welcome to', 'Sign up to ascribe': 'Sign up to ascribe', 'Enter your password once again': 'Enter your password once again', 'Enter a promocode here (Optional)': 'Enter a promocode here (Optional)', 'I agree to the': 'I agree to the', 'Confirm Password': 'Confirm Password', 'Promocode': 'Promocode', 'Sign up successful': 'Sign up successful', 'We sent an email to your address': 'We sent an email to your address', 'please confirm': 'please confirm', 'Your password must be at least 10 characters': 'Your password must be at least 10 characters', 'This password is securing your digital property like a bank account': 'This password is securing your digital property like a bank account', 'Store it in a safe place': 'Store it in a safe place', 'Reset the password for': 'Reset the password for', 'Reset your ascribe password': 'Reset your ascribe password', 'An email has been sent to': 'An email has been sent to', 'Request successfully sent, check your email': 'Request successfully sent, check your email', 'Reset your password': 'Reset your password', 'Enter your email and we\'ll send a link': 'Enter your email and we\'ll send a link', 'password successfully updated': 'password successfully updated', 'Enter a new password': 'Enter a new password', 'Something went wrong, please try again later': 'Something went wrong, please try again later', 'username succesfully updated': 'username succesfully updated', 'Username': 'Username', 'Enter your username': 'Enter your username', 'Choose your Language': 'Choose your Language', 'Bitcoin public key': 'Bitcoin public key', 'Root Address': 'Root Address', 'Crypto Wallet': 'Crypto Wallet', 'Application successfully created': 'Application successfully created', 'Token refreshed': 'Token refreshed', 'REFRESH': 'REFRESH', 'API Integration': 'API Integration', 'Application Name': 'Application Name', 'Enter the name of your app': 'Enter the name of your app', 'Account': 'Account' }, 'fr': { 'ID': 'ID', 'Actions': 'Actions', 'Hide': 'Cacher', 'Show the edition': 'Montrer l\'Édition', 'Show all %d Editions': 'Montrer toutes les Éditions', 'by %s': 'by %s', 'Account Settings': 'Paramètres du compte', 'FAQ': 'FAQ', 'Terms of Service': 'Conditions d\'Utilisations', 'Log out': 'Quitter', 'Previous': 'Précédent', 'Next': 'Suivant', '%s license': '%s license', 'Log into': 'Se connecter à', 'Email': 'E-mail', 'Enter your email': 'Entrez votre e-mail', 'Password': 'Mot de passe', 'Enter your password': 'Entrez votre mot de passe', 'Not an ascribe user': 'Pas un utilisateur d\'ascribe', 'Sign up': 'Créer un compte', 'Forgot my password': 'J\'ai oublié mon mot de passe', 'Rescue me': 'Sauve-moi', 'LOGIN': 'SE CONNECTER', 'SIGNUP': 'CRÉER UN COMPTE', 'Welcome to': 'Bienvenue chez', 'Sign up to ascribe': 'S\'inscrire à ascribe', 'Enter your password once again': 'Entrez votre mot de passe une fois de plus', 'Enter a promocode here (Optional)': 'Entrez un code promotionnel ici (Facultatif)', 'I agree to the': 'Je suis d\'accrod avec les', 'Confirm Password': 'Confirmez le mot de passe', 'Promocode': 'Code promotionnel', 'Sign up successful': 'Inscription réussie', 'We sent an email to your address': 'Nous avons envoyé un e-mail à votre adresse', 'please confirm': 'veuillez confirmer', 'Your password must be at least 10 characters': 'Votre mot de passe doit être composé d\'au moins 10 caractères', 'This password is securing your digital property like a bank account': 'Ce mot de passe sécurise votre propriété numérique tel un compte bancaire', 'Store it in a safe place': 'Conservez-le dans un endroit sécuritaire', 'Reset the password for': 'Réinitialiser le mot de passe pour', 'Reset your ascribe password': 'Réinitialiser votre mot de passe ascribe', 'An email has been sent to': 'Un e-mail a été envoyé à', 'Request successfully sent, check your email': 'Requête envoyée avec succès, veuillez consultez votre courrier électronique', 'Reset your password': 'Réinitialiser votre mot de passe', 'Enter your email and we\'ll send a link': 'Entrez votre e-mail et nous vous enverrons un lien', 'password successfully updated': 'mise à jour du mot de passe réussie', 'Enter a new password': 'Entrez un nouveau mot de passe', 'Something went wrong, please try again later': 'Quelque chose ne fonctionne pas, veuillez réessayer plus tard', 'username succesfully updated': 'nom d\'utilisateur mis à jour avec succès', 'Username': 'Nom d\'utilisateur', 'Enter your username': 'Entrez votre nom d\'utilisateur', 'Choose your Language': 'Choisissez votre langue', 'Bitcoin public key': 'Clé publique Bitcoin', 'Root Address': 'Adresse Racine', 'Crypto Wallet': 'Porte-monnaie Crypto', 'Application successfully created': 'Application créée avec succès', 'Token refreshed': 'Jeton rafraîchi', 'REFRESH': 'RAFRAÎCHIR', 'API Integration': 'Intégration de l\'API', 'Application Name': 'Nom de l\'Application', 'Enter the name of your app': 'Entrez le nom de votre application', 'Account': 'Compte' } }; export default languages;