Introduction ============ Onion is the web client for Ascribe. The idea is to have a well documented, easy to test, easy to hack, JavaScript application. The code is JavaScript ECMA 6. Getting started =============== ```bash git clone cd onion npm install npm run watch ``` Code Conventions ================ For this project, we're using: * 4 Spaces * We use ES6 * We don't use ES6's class declaration for React components because it does not support Mixins as well as Autobinding ([Blog post about it]( * We don't use camel case for file naming but in everything Javascript related * We use `let` instead of `var`: [SA Post]( Troubleshooting =============== Q: OMG nothing works A: try `npm install`. Someone may have updated some dependencies Reading list ============ Start here ---------- - [ReactJS for stupid people]( - [Flux for stupid people]( - [ReactJS]( - [alt.js]( - [alt.js readme]( Moar stuff ---------- - [ReactJS: Reusable Components]( - [ JavaScript Modules the ES6 Way]( - [Babel: Learn ES6]( - [egghead's awesome reactjs and flux tutorials]( - [Crockford's genious Javascript: The Good Parts (Tim has a copy)](