'use strict'; import { alt } from '../alt'; import EditionActions from '../actions/edition_actions'; import EditionSource from '../sources/edition_source'; import CoaSource from '../sources/coa_source'; import { mergeOptions } from '../utils/general'; class EditionStore { constructor() { this.getInitialState(); this.bindActions(EditionActions); this.registerAsync(mergeOptions(EditionSource, CoaSource)); this.exportPublicMethods({ getInitialState: this.getInitialState.bind(this) }); } getInitialState() { this.edition = {}; this.editionMeta = { err: null }; this.coaMeta = { err: null }; return { edition: this.edition, editionMeta: this.editionMeta, coaMeta: this.coaMeta }; } onFetchEdition(editionId) { this.getInstance().lookupEdition(editionId); // Prevent alt from sending an empty change event when a request is sent // off to the source this.preventDefault(); } onSuccessFetchEdition({ edition }) { if (edition) { this.edition = edition; this.editionMeta.err = null; // Also fetch coa if allowed if (edition.acl.acl_coa) { if (edition.coa && typeof edition.coa.constructor !== Object) { this.getInstance().lookupCoa(edition.coa); } else if (!edition.coa) { this.getInstance().performCreateCoaForEdition(edition.bitcoin_id); } } } else { this.editionMeta.err = new Error('Problem fetching the edition'); console.logGlobal(this.editionMeta.err); } } onSuccessFetchCoa({ coa }) { if (coa && Object.keys(this.edition).length) { this.edition.coa = coa; this.coaMeta.err = null; } else { this.coaMeta.err = new Error('Problem generating/fetching the COA'); console.logGlobal(this.coaMeta.err); } } onErrorEdition(err) { console.logGlobal(err); this.editionMeta.err = err; } onErrorCoa(err) { // On 404s, create a new COA as the COA has not been made yet if (err && err.json && err.json.status === 404) { this.getInstance().performCreateCoaForEdition(this.edition.bitcoin_id); } else { console.logGlobal(err); this.coaMeta.err = err; } } onFlushEdition() { this.getInitialState(); } } export default alt.createStore(EditionStore, 'EditionStore');