'use strict'; let constants = { //'baseUrl': 'http://localhost:8000/api/', //FIXME: referring to a global variable in `window` is not // super pro. What if we render stuff on the server? // - super-bro - Senor Developer, 14th July 2015 //'baseUrl': window.BASE_URL, 'apiEndpoint': window.API_ENDPOINT, 'serverUrl': window.SERVER_URL, 'baseUrl': window.BASE_URL, 'aclList': ['acl_coa', 'acl_consign', 'acl_delete', 'acl_download', 'acl_edit', 'acl_create_editions', 'acl_view_editions', 'acl_loan', 'acl_loan_request', 'acl_share', 'acl_transfer', 'acl_unconsign', 'acl_unshare', 'acl_view', 'acl_withdraw_transfer', 'acl_wallet_submit'], 'version': 0.1, 'csrftoken': 'csrftoken2', 'subdomains': [ { 'subdomain': 'cc', 'name': 'Creative Commons France', 'logo': 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ascribe0/public/creativecommons/cc.logo.sm.png', 'permissions': ['register', 'edit', 'share', 'del_from_collection'], 'type': 'wallet', 'ga': 'UA-60614729-4' }, { 'subdomain': 'sluice', 'name': 'Sluice Art Fair', 'logo': 'http://sluice.info/images/logo.gif', 'permissions': ['register', 'edit', 'share', 'del_from_collection'], 'type': 'prize', 'ga': 'UA-60614729-5' }, { 'subdomain': 'cyland', 'name': 'Cyland media art lab', 'logo': 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ascribe0/whitelabel/cyland/logo.gif', 'permissions': ['register', 'edit', 'share', 'del_from_collection'], 'type': 'wallet' }, { 'subdomain': 'ikonotv', 'name': 'IkonoTV', 'logo': 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ascribe0/whitelabel/ikonotv/ikono-logo-black.png', 'permissions': ['register', 'edit', 'share', 'del_from_collection'], 'type': 'wallet' }, { 'subdomain': 'portfolioreview', 'name': 'Portfolio Review', 'logo': 'http://notfoundlogo.de', 'permissions': ['register', 'edit', 'share', 'del_from_collection'], 'type': 'prize' } ], 'defaultDomain': { 'type': 'default', 'ga': 'UA-60614729-2' }, // These are all possible types that are currently supported in HTML5 for the input element // Source: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_type.asp 'possibleInputTypes': ['button', 'checkbox', 'color', 'date', 'datetime', 'datetime-local', 'email', 'file', 'hidden', 'image', 'month', 'number', 'password', 'radio', 'range', 'reset', 'search', 'submit', 'tel', 'text', 'time', 'url', 'week'], 'fineUploader': { 'validation': { 'additionalData': { 'itemLimit': 100, 'sizeLimit': '25000000000' }, 'registerWork': { 'itemLimit': 1, 'sizeLimit': '25000000000' } } }, // in case of whitelabel customization, we store stuff here 'whitelabel': {}, 'raven': { 'url': 'https://0955da3388c64ab29bd32c2a429f9ef4@app.getsentry.com/48351' }, 'copyrightAssociations': ['ARS', 'DACS', 'Bildkunst', 'Pictoright', 'SODRAC', 'Copyright Agency/Viscopy', 'SAVA', 'Bildrecht GmbH', 'SABAM', 'AUTVIS', 'CREAIMAGEN', 'SONECA', 'Copydan', 'EAU', 'Kuvasto', 'GCA', 'HUNGART', 'IVARO', 'SIAE', 'JASPAR-SPDA', 'AKKA/LAA', 'LATGA-A', 'SOMAAP', 'ARTEGESTION', 'CARIER', 'BONO', 'APSAV', 'SPA', 'GESTOR', 'VISaRTA', 'RAO', 'LITA', 'DALRO', 'VeGaP', 'BUS', 'ProLitteris', 'AGADU', 'AUTORARTE', 'BUBEDRA', 'BBDA', 'BCDA', 'BURIDA', 'ADAVIS', 'BSDA'], 'searchThreshold': 500 }; export default constants;