'use strict'; import request from '../utils/request'; let OwnershipFetcher = { /** * Fetch the default, public contract of a user from the API. */ fetchContract(loanee) { return request('blob_contracts', { query: { loanee } }); }, /** * Fetch the contracts of the logged-in user from the API. */ fetchContractList(isActive, isPublic, issuer) { const query = { isActive, isPublic, issuer }; return request('ownership_contract_list', { query }); }, /** * Create a contractagreement between the logged-in user and the email from the API with contract. */ createContractAgreement(signee, contractObj) { return request('ownership_contract_agreements', { method: 'POST', jsonBody: { signee, contract: contractObj.id } }); }, /** * Fetch the contractagreement between the logged-in user and the email from the API. */ fetchContractAgreementList(issuer, accepted, pending) { const query = { issuer, accepted, pending }; return request('ownership_contract_agreements', { query }); }, confirmContractAgreement(contractAgreement) { return request('ownership_contract_agreements_confirm', { method: 'PUT', urlTemplateSpec: { contractAgreementId: contractAgreement.id } }); }, denyContractAgreement(contractAgreement) { return request('ownership_contract_agreements_deny', { method: 'PUT', urlTemplateSpec: { contractAgreementId: contractAgreement.id } }); }, fetchLoanPieceRequestList() { return request('ownership_loans_pieces_request'); }, changeContract(contractObj) { return request('ownership_contract', { method: 'PUT', jsonBody: contractObj, urlTemplateSpec: { contractId: contractObj.id } }); }, deleteContract(contractId) { return request('ownership_contract', { method: 'DELETE', urlTemplateSpec: { contractId } }); } }; export default OwnershipFetcher;